10: Cervical and Thoracic spine, Brachial Plexus, Axilla and Pectoral Region Flashcards
what is cervical spondylosis
chronic degenerative OA affecting intervertebral joints in cervical spine
- primary pathology is usually age-related disc degeneration, followed by marginal osteophytosis (osteophyte formation adjacent to end plates of vertebral bodies) and facet joint OA
- narrowing of intervertebral foramina can put pressure on spinal nerves –> radiculopathy
- symptoms of radiculopathy include: dermatomal sensory symptoms (e.g paraesthesia, pain) and myotomal motor weakness
what can happen if degeneration in cervical spondylosis leads to narrowing of spinal canal
can put pressure on spinal cord –> myelopathy
- less common outcome than radiculopathy and can manifest as global muscle weakness, gait dysfunction, loss of balance and/or loss of bowel and bladder control
- symptoms arise due to compression and dysfunction of ascending and descending tracts w/in the spinal cord
Jefferson’s fracture
fracture of the anterior and posterior arches of the atlas vertebra (C1)
- mechanism of injury is axial loading e.g. diving into shallow water, impacting head against roof of vehicle or falling from playground equipment
- causes C1 vertebra to burst open but this reduces likelihood of impingement on spinal cord so pain but no neurological signs
- can however sometimes be damage to arteries at base of skull –> secondary neurological sequelae e.g. ataxia, stroke, Horner’s syndrome
Hangman’s fracture
axis vertebra (C2) fractured through the pars interarticularis which is the region between the superior and inferior articular processes
- mechanism of injury: usually forcible hyperextension of head on neck e.g. road traffic collisions
- unstable fracture which requires treatment
- similar to C1 fractures, the configruration expands the spinal canal so reduces risk of associated spinal cord injury
fractures of the odontoid process (peg fractures)
- cause be caused by either flexion or extension injuries
- most commonly seen mechanism is an elderly patient w osteoporosis falling forwards and impacting forehead on pavement
- hyperextension injury of cervical spine can result in fracture of odontoid peg
- can also be caused by blow to back of the head (hyperflexion injury e.g. falling against wall when balance compromised)
- fracture can be detected on ‘open mouth’ AP X-ray or CT of cervical spine
why is the cervical spine prone to whiplash injury
- head accounts for 7-10% of total body weight
- balanced on cervical spine which has high mobility and low staibility
explain the mechanism behind a whiplash injury
forceful hyperextension-hyperflexion injury of cervical spine
- at time of impact, vehicle suddenly accelerates forward
- approx 100ms later, pt’s trunk and shoulders follow
- w no force acting on it, pt head remains static in space = forced extension of the neck as shoulders travel anteriorly under head
- with this extension, inertia of head is overcome and head accelerates forward
- neck acts a lever to inc forward acceleration of head, forcing neck into flexion
- hyperextension followed by hyperflexion = tearing of cervical muscles and ligaments
- secondary oedema, haemorrhage and inflammation can occur
- muscles respond to injury by contraction (spasm), w surrounding muscles being recruited in an attempt to splint injured muscle = pain and stiffness
symptoms following whiplash injury
- can complain of arm pain and paraesthesia as result of injury to spinal nerves during whiplash movement of cervical spine
- shoulder injuries due to holding steering wheel at time of collision
- lower back pain in approx 40-50%
- chronic myofascial pain syndrome as a secondary tissue response to disc or facet-joint injury
can whiplash result in injury to spinal cord?
sometimes, despite there being no accompanying bone fracture
- cervical spine = highly mobile and ligaments and capsule of joints are weak and loose so there can be sublxation or dislocation of vertebrae at time of impact with return to normal anatomical position after
- soft tissue swelling may be the only visbile feature on imaging
what is a protective factor against spinal cord injury
large vertebral foramen relative to diameter of cord
describe the mechanism of cervical intervertebral disc prolpase
- similar to that of lumbar spine where tear develops in annulus fibrosus of disc and nucleus pulposus protrudes from disc w impingement onto adjacent nerve root or spinal cord
- in cervical reginon it is the spinal cord and not the cauda equina that is compressed
- sometimes sequestration occurs in which an extruded segment of nucelus pulposus separates from main body of disc and enters spinal canal where it is resorbed over period of weeks w resolution of symptoms
- may be spontaneous in origin or may even be related to trauma and neck injury
why is even a small disc hernation in the cervical spine likely to cause significant pain
discs are small and little space available for exiting nerves unlike lumbar spine so even small cervical disc herniation may impinge on nerve = pain
symptoms of cervical intervertebral disc prolapse
dependent on site of prolpase
- paracentral prolpase may impinge on spinal nerve –> radiculopathy
- canal-filling prolapse –> acute spinal cord compression
what will a patient complain of in a left-sided C5/6 prolapse
NOTE: cervical nerves exit above their respective vertebrae so exiting root at C5/C6 = C6. They also travel much more horizontally from spinal cord to intervertebral foramen than lumbar nerves so = no traversing nerve root, just an exiting nerve root (so nerve being compressed = C6)
- pt may complain of paraesthesia in left C6 dermatome (radial border of left forearm, thumb and index finger)
- weakness in left C6 myotome (weakness of left elbow flexion, supination and wrist extension)
- pain in neck that will radiate down left arm often felt over biceps and into skin supplied by C6 dermatome
what is cervical myelopathy
spinal cord dysfunction due to compression of cord caused by narrowing of spinal (vertebral) canal
what is cervical spondylotic myelopathy
myelopathy secondary to cervical spondylosis
- result of degen changes which develop w age, including ligamentum flavum hypertrophy or buckling, facet joint hypertophy, disc protrusion and osteophyte formation
- one or all changes contribute to overall reduction in canal diameter –> cord compression
what causes cervical myelopathy
- common cause: degenerative stenosis of spinal canal caused by cervical spondylosis (degen OA) which most commonly affects 50-80 year olds
- congenital stenosis of spinal canal
- cervical disc herniation
- spondylolisthesis (anterior slippage of v. body on vertebra below)
- trauma
- tumour
- OA
what causes symptoms of cervical myelopathy
compression of long tracts in spinal cord
- average diameter of cervical canal =17-18mm; if >12-14mm, myelopathic symptoms may be experienced
how might a patient w cervical myelopathy present
range of symptoms, many of which are non-specific
- can also manifest w upper limb symptoms due to damage to long tracts of spinal cord
- classic presentation: loss of balance w poor coordination, decreased dexterity, weakness, numbness and paralysis in severe cases
- pain can be symptom but often absent which delays diagnosis
- in older pt = rapid deterioration of gait and hand function
what can upper cervical lesions lead to
loss of manual dexterity w difficulties in writing and nonspecific alteration in arm weakness and sensation
- pt may demonstrate dysdiadochokinesia (impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movements)
what can lower cervical lesions lead to
spasticity (inc muscle tone, sometimes w clonus) and loss of proprioception in legs
- pt commonly say that their legs feel heavy and reduced exercise tolerance
- gait disturbances and may suffer multiple falls
function of long tracts and how are they are impacted in cercical myelopathy
normally dampen spinal reflexes so a person does not overreact to stimuli
- when damaged, protective capabilities are less effective and pt may demonstrate exaggerated response to stimuli (positive Hoffman’s or Babinksi sign)
describe Hoffman’s test
- doctor hold pt middle finger at middle phalanx and flicks finger nail
- if there is no movement in index finger or thumb after this motion, pt has -ve Hoffman’s sign which is normal
- if index finger and thumb move, pt has +ve Hoffman’s sign (abnormal)
Babinski sign
- lateral side of sole of foot stroked w blunt instrument from heel towards the toes
- normally in children over the age of approximately 2-3 years and adults, the response is flexor in that the toes flex downwards towards the sole (plantarflex)
- +ve Babinksi (abnormal): hallux dorsiflexes and the toes fan out
what is L’Hermitte’s phenomenon
sensation of intermittent electric shocks in the limbs, exacerbated by neck flexion
- classically associated w cervical myelopathy
- when compression is severe, if surgical decompression is not performed, symptoms may progress to sphincter dysfunction and quadriplegia
what are the likely signs and symptoms if a pt develops myelopathy of the cervical spine at level of C5
- pain: neck pain
- sensory: paraesthesia from shoulder (C5 dermatome) distally, trunk and lower limbs
- motor weakness: weakness of shoudlder abduction and lateral rotation; weakness of all myotomes distally + trunk and lower limbs