10/16/20 Flashcards
What verse is “Without a vision the people perish”?
peroverbs 29:18
What verse is “What I have feared the most has come upon me”?
job 3:25
What verse is “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart”?
psalm 37: 4
a. Imagination - _______Allows you to dream. To see the possibilities of what has yet to come and
place ourselves in that future possibility________
Why is your relationship with yourself critical in developing a vision?
_____Because an HONEST self-
assessment will allow you to confront the realities of what you are willing to do; what you fear; and what
habits and/or attitudes need to be addressed
positive vision
A positive vision - ___One that is rooted in what can be done. Filled with dreaming about the
possibilities – which gives you energy to keeping striving __________
negative vision
b. A negative vision - ___One that is rooted in fear and doubt. Filled with thoughts of all that could
go wrong and why it wouldn’t work out – so why even try. _____
no vision
____One rooted in having no real outlook toward the future. Filled with daily habits
of instant gratification – seeking as much instant gratification as one can find_______
How will a person with a negative vision respond to fears, worry, anxiety and stress?
have a fight argue/ blame or flight aka quit response
How will a person with a no vision respond to fears, worry, anxiety and stress?
will seek whatever provides them with instant gratification
How will a person with a positive vision respond to fears, worry, anxiety and stress?
they will pray and seek out answers to find peace through the situation they are in
Regardless of the decision that you make regarding your vision, what is guaranteed to happen while you
are working towards your vision?
you will face problems obstacles and challenges
Explain why a vision that comes from God develops personal confidence, while a vision that is developed
to please your self-centeredness develops doubt:
_____Because you will face problems, obstacles and
challenges regardless of the decision you make;
a. When you based your decisions on your faith in God, you will face the problems with confidence
and see them as opportunities. A faith that trusts “If God has led me to this, God will lead me
through this!”
b. When you base your decisions on your self-centeredness, you will see the problem as evidence
that “you made the wrong choice” and in this place of low confidence you will have a higher risk
of quitting
What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?
smart measurable achieve relevant time framed
Who is the individual that you researched to develop a vision?
clara barton
How has the individual you researched given you insight in developing a plan towards your vision?
by being the person she wanted to be
Explain the difference between:
a intrest
option in life that attract curiosity
Explain the difference between:
a desire
intrest i would definetly persue if i had no limitation
a passion
desire youd be willing to dedicate your life to
looking in a derection that has attracted your couriosity
making dicissions that move you in the direction thats called your curiosity
the energy that bulds momentum and keeps you moving the dirrection of what has attracted curiosity
b. Inspiration - _____Make specific decisions to fill your life with influences that inspire your mind,
heart, and soul so that you can maintain a healthy outlook and protect against negativity____
c. Independence - ____An HONEST realization that God created you in a UNIQUE manner. That
your vision is not found in comparison to others or fulfilling what others tell you “should” be
Explain the difference between:
a vision
vision - __a picture for a better future in response to the people, locations, opportunities and
problems to which we are drawn___
a plan
A plan - ___Using S.M.A.R.T. goals with deadlines that chart a path for how you will effectively
move towards your vision _______
a task
A task - ___A job, assignment, chore, or act of work to be carried out in order to accomplish the