10/14 Anatomy Flashcards
Inferior phrenic arteries
arteries just below the diaphram, from the aorta, supply the diaphram
renal arteries
from the aorta supply the kidneys
suprarenal arteries
from the aorta supply the adrenal gland
gonadal arteries
from the aorta on the right and the renal artery on the left, corse to the gonads
Lumbar arteries
from the aorta supply the lateral part of the anterior abdominal wall between the internal oblique and transverse abdominis
Common iliac
first biforcation of the aorta
external iliac artery
supply mainly the lower extremities from the first biforcation of the aorta
internal iliac artery
supply the pelvic wall and viscera, gluteal region and medial thigh.
median sacral artery
from the biforcation of the aorta to the sacral
renal veins
drain the kidney to the SVC
suprarenal veins
drain the adrenal
left gonadal vein
drain the left gonads to the left renal
right gonadal vein
drain the right gonads to the SVC
lumbar veins
drain the lateral abdominal wall to the SVC
common iliac
first biforcation of the SVC
external iliac vein
drain the lower limbs to the SVC
internal iliac vein
Drain the pelvis etc.
median sacral vein
drain the sacral region
adrenal glands
glands on top of the kidney.
renal cortex and medulla
outside and inside portion of the kidney
renal calyxes
collecting ducts of the renal
left and right crura
the muscles that descend from the diaphragm to the spinal cord.
caval hiatus
the opening at T8 of diaphram
esophageal hiatus
opening at T10 of diaphram
aortic hiatus
opening at T12 of Diaphram
Psoas major
muscle from the lower back down through the pelvic bones to the top of the femur
psoas minor
smaller muscle form lower back to the femur
quadratus lumborum muscle
square muscle on the posterior of the abdominal cavity
iliacus muscle
muscle from the iliac crest to the top of the femur
lumbar splanchnic
autonomics of the sypathetic found in the lower back
sacral splanchnic
autonomic of the sympathetic found in the sacral region
pelvic splanchnic
autonomics of the parasympathetic for the hind gut
celiac ganglia/plexus
for gut sympathetic innervation plexus
superior mesenteric ganglia/plexis
mid-gut sympathetic innervation plexus
inferior mesenteric ganglia/plexus
hind-gut sympathetic innervation plexus
subcostal nerve
T12 nerve from the spinal cord along T12 dermatome
iliohypogastric nerve
L1 course along the posterior abdominal wall motor to the ab wall and sensory to pubic region
ilioinguinal nerve
L1 course along the posterior abdominal wall. motor to ab wall and sensory to superior medial thigh and pubic area
genitofemoral nerve
L1-L2 pop out of the middle and course along the top of the Psoas major. genital to the cremaster. sensory to the scrotum. femoral to the skin of the anterior thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
L2-L3 Course from under the Psoas major towards the illiac crest. innervation to the lateral thigh
obturator nerve
L2-L4 Course from below the Psoas, near the iliac crest, and down.
femoral nerve
L2-L4 course medial and deep to the psoas
lumbosacral trunk
L4-L5 course medial and deep to the psoas