10/09-10/15 Flashcards
Broca’s Area
Controls speech production. If it was damaged, the person would have BROKEN (BROCA) control of their speech.
Wernicke’s area
Controls language generation/understanding. If it was damaged, the person would have a WACKY (WERNICKE) understanding of speech - words make no sense.
Brain Plasticity
Neural modification after damage:
The brain builds new pathways and modifications after mishaps and new experiences. It is more adaptable in early life.
Damage to Broca’s or Wernicke’s area.
Corpus Callosum
Linking the left and right hemispheres
-Neural fibers connecting the two brain hemispheres and carrying info between them.
Split Brain
Severed corpus callosum:
-Procedure often used to treat seizures
-Provides insight into the specialization of the two hemispheres.
Cortex Specialization
Each cortex has a specific role.
Contralateral Hemispheric Organization
- Each hemisphere represents the opposite side of the body
Forming new neurons
Our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment. Helps us cope with novelty and act in our best interests
Cognitive Neuroscience
Combines the study of brain activity with how we learn, think, remember, and perceive. Researchers are exploring and mapping the conscious functions of the cortex.
A condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without consciously experiencing it.
- Visual Perception vs Visual Action Tracks.
Parallel Processing
Performing multiple tasks at a time.
- Generally used to process well-learned info or solve easy problems.
Serial Processing
Single task at a time, only moving to the next when the current one is completed.
- Generally used to process new information or solve difficult problems.
Circadian Rhythm
Bodies roughly synchronize with the 24-hour cycle of day and night thanks to an internal biological clock.
- Impacts our sleep-wake cycle, temperature, and hormonal and digestive cycles as well. Regulated by the SCN in the hypothalamus.