1. Why - The Core Of PTI Flashcards
Why is there a long range plan for the Public Trust Initiative?
Because the core mission of any public service organization is to serve others by providing safety through service. It is strongly rooted in the Department’s Professional Values (G.O. 0.8).
Why is public trust a relevant concern today?
Public Trust is important for staying out in front of a changing society and provides the Department the tools you need to not only continue to do what you do so well, but to take the critical component of our responsibility to the next level.
What is C H P P R I D E ?
Courage - Stand for what is right, despite the threat of adversity.
Honesty - Uphold the truth and maintain trust and confidence.
Professionalism - Constantly strive for quality and excellence.
Principles - Adhere to a rule of conduct which promotes morals/ethics.
Respect - Display a positive and service-oriented attitude to public.
Integrity - Be honorable, open, an fair, this is the cornerstone of our profession.
Dedication - Commit to the mission of the Department and our oath of office.
Esprit de Corps - Encourage personal and organizational success through group effort and team spirit.