1. What is Democracy? Flashcards
What is power?
Power is the ability to make people do something (that they might not want to do)
e.g. a criminal with a gun
What is authority?
Authority is the given right to influence other people’s behaviour and actions
E.g. a police officer has both power and authority because they have been hired to protect the laws of a country and influence people in a certain way
What is a ‘legitimate’ government
A government that is fit to govern and has been elected fairly and justly
What is democracy?
Democracy is the idea that key decisions should be made by the people (or their representatives) and not just a single figure, and that everyone has equal opportunity.
What is direct democracy?
All citizens could attend mass meetings to vote on key issues instead of having an elected group or single figure
What is representative (indirect) democracy ?
When the public votes for representatives to vote for them in the house of parliament
Advantages of direct democracy
-the people get to vote directly
-no need for elected politicians
-encourages participation and educates the public on key issues
-the people must take responsibility for their actions
-prevents power from being concentrated in the hands of a group of elites
What are the disadvantages of direct democracy?
-population size: difficult and expensive
-public may not have time or interest, and may not understand the issues
-wealthy groups can distort the debate
-public might be unwilling to make unpopular but necessary decisions
-tyranny of the majority - the majority can vote to oppress minority groups
What are the advantages of representative democracy?
-More practical - time/ population
-Elected representatives may have greater expertise and experience
-representatives can implement unpopular, but necessary policies
-if a representative is unpopular they can be voted out at the next election
-avoid tyranny of the majority - all groups should be represented
What are the disadvantages of representative democracy?
-representatives might not always represent the views of the public
-parties can have great influence over the actions of representatives
-low public interest and participation can leave decisions to a small elite
-our elections make it difficult for smaller parties to win, meaning many views can go unrepresented