1. What holds a crystal together? Flashcards
What are the 5 types of interactions that hold crystals together?
- Van der Waals interactions
- Ionic bonding
- Covalent bonding
- Metallic bonding
- Hydrogen bonding
What are Van der Waals interactions?
The temporary, attractive interaction between two (electrically) neutral atoms. This occurs when one atom forms an instantaneous dipole which induces a dipole in another atom, lowering the potential energy of the atom pair.
Why can neutral atoms form instantaneous dipoles?
They all have a rapidly fluctuating dipole moment which forms an instantaneous dipole at any moment in time.
Give the equation for the electric field produced by an instantaneous dipole
E(R) = electric field
p₁ = instantaneous dipole
R = position
Give the equation for the potential energy of Van der Waals interactions
U(R) = potential energy
α = polarisability
p₁ = instantaneous dipole
R = position
A = constant
State the Pauli exclusion principle
Two or more electrons may not occupy the same quantum state.
When is it possible for electron clouds to overlap?
When some electrons are promoted to higher quantum states, meaning that the Pauli exclusions principle is still obeyed.
Give the equation for the repulsive force between atoms due to the Pauli exclusion principle
U(R) = potential energy
R = position
B = constant
Define the Lennard-Jones potential
The total energy of interaction between two atoms, equal to the sum of the attractive (Van der Waals) and repulsive (Pauli exclusion) potentials.
Give the equation for the Lennard-Jones potential in terms of A and B
U(R) = potential energy
R = position
A = constant
B = constant
Give the equation for the Lennard-Jones potential in terms of ε and σ
U(R) = potential energy
R = position
ε = energy parameter
σ = range parameter
What does ε represent in the Lennard-Jones potential?
The binding energy. It indicates the strength of the interaction between the atoms (depth of the potential energy well).
What does σ represent in the Lennard-Jones potential?
The separation at which U(R) = 0. It indicates the approximate size of the atom (the radius of the ‘repulsive core’).
What is the cohesive energy of a Van der Waals crystal?
The potential energy of the whole crystal, found by summing the Lennard-Jones potential over all atom pairs.
Give the equation for the total cohesive energy of a Van der Waals crystal
U = cohesive energy
R = nearest neighbour distance
ε = energy parameter
σ = range parameter
N = number of atoms
p_ij = distance between reference atom i and any other atom j