1. 심혈 관계 질환 Theory Flashcards
with auscultation, what are the 5 auscultation areas?
Auscultation Areas / 청진 부위
- Aortic valve area: 2nd intercostal space, right sternal border / 대동맥판 부위: 2번째 갈비사이공간 흉골 우연.
- Pulmonary valve area: 2nd intercostal space, left sternal border / 폐동맥판 부위: 2번째 갈비사이공간 흉골 좌연.
- Erb’s area: 3rd intercostal space, left sternal border / Erb’s area: 3번째 갈비사이공간 흉골 좌연.
- Tricuspid valve area: 4th to 5th intercostal space, left sternal border / 삼첨판 부위: 4~5번째 갈비사이공간 흉골 좌연.
- Mitral valve area: Apical region / 승모판 부위: 심첨부.
with auscultation, in an adult, which heart sounds are pathological?
- S1 and S2 are normal heart sounds. In adults, S3 and S4 are pathological / S1, S2는 정상 심음입니다. 성인의 S3, S4는 병적입니다.
with auscultation, what is the sequence of ehart sounds?
Sequence: Contraction starts -> Mitral valve closes (S1) -> Aortic valve opens -> Relaxation starts -> Aortic valve closes (S2) -> Mitral valve opens / 수축시작 -> 승모판 닫힘(S1) -> 대동맥판 열림 -> 이완시작 -> 대동맥판 닫힘(S2) -> 승모판 열림.
with auscultation, when you hear an S3, what is actually happening?
S3 is heard during the phase when atrial pressure is higher than ventricular pressure
with auscultation, in what cases is it normal to hear and S3 and what cases is it abnormal?
- Compared to adults, healthy children and adolescents have more elastic ventricular muscles, allowing them to expand more quickly during diastole / 성인과 비교할 때 건강한 소아나 청소년의 경우 심실 근육의 신축성이 좋아서 이완기에 더 빠르게 잘 늘어날 수 있다고 합니다.
- Thus, S3 is heard during childhood and adolescence as the “a” phase deepens and widens / 따라서 소아나 청소년기에 구간 a가 더 깊어지고 넓어 지면서 S3가 들리게 됩니다.
- In adults with stiff myocardium, hearing S3 is pathological, such as in systolic heart failure / 심근이 딱딱한 성인에서 S3가 들리면 병적인 상황입니다. 대표적인 예로 수축기 심부전이 있습니다.
- Systolic heart failure occurs when ventricular muscles attempt to exert greater contractile force and become overstretched / 수축기 심부전은 심실 근육이 더 큰 수축력을 발휘하려고 노력하다가 뻗어버려 축 늘어진 상황이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.
- This leads to an enlarged ventricle with increased volume but decreased myocardial contractility, known as eccentric hypertrophy / 늘어져서 더 많은 혈액이 들어오게 되고 심실이 비대해
- In conditions like MR and AR where there is volume overload leading to eccentric LVH, S3 is naturally heard / Volume overload가 생겨 eccentric LWH가 되는 MR과 AR에서도 S3가 당연히 들리겠죠.
- S3 can also be heard in restrictive cardiomyopathy and constrictive pericarditis as the ventricle rapidly expands until relaxation is limited / 또한 제한 심근병증과 교착 심막염에서도 이완이 제한될 때까지 급격하게 심실이 늘어나게 되므로 S3가 들릴 수 있습니다.
with auscultation, more in general really, what is eccentric hypertrophy?
- Compared to adults, healthy children and adolescents have more elastic ventricular muscles, allowing them to expand more quickly during diastole / 성인과 비교할 때 건강한 소아나 청소년의 경우 심실 근육의 신축성이 좋아서 이완기에 더 빠르게 잘 늘어날 수 있다고 합니다.
- Thus, S3 is heard during childhood and adolescence as the “a” phase deepens and widens / 따라서 소아나 청소년기에 구간 a가 더 깊어지고 넓어 지면서 S3가 들리게 됩니다.
- In adults with stiff myocardium, hearing S3 is pathological, such as in systolic heart failure / 심근이 딱딱한 성인에서 S3가 들리면 병적인 상황입니다. 대표적인 예로 수축기 심부전이 있습니다.
- Systolic heart failure occurs when ventricular muscles attempt to exert greater contractile force and become overstretched / 수축기 심부전은 심실 근육이 더 큰 수축력을 발휘하려고 노력하다가 뻗어버려 축 늘어진 상황이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.
- This leads to an enlarged ventricle with increased volume but decreased myocardial contractility, known as eccentric hypertrophy / 늘어져서 더 많은 혈액이 들어오게 되고 심실이 비대해
with auscultation, in what cases is it normal to hear an S4 and what cases is it abnormal?
S4 occurs due to the atrial kick at the end of ventricular diastole / S4의 경우 심실 이완기 말 atrial kick에 의해 발생합니다.
- In a normal heart, the ventricle can expand enough to accommodate the blood influx from the atrial kick, so S4 is not heard / 정상 심장에서는 atrial kick을 할 때 심방에서 유입되는 혈액을 수용할 만큼 더 늘어날 수 있어서 S4가 들리지 않습니다.
- S4 occurs when the heart is stiff and cannot stretch further to accommodate the incoming blood during the atrial kick, leading to a sound from the forced entry of blood / S4는 심장이 경직되어 atrial kick 시에 유입되는 혈액을 수용할 수 없는 경우, 억지로 심방이 쥐어 짜 넣어 발생한 와류로 인한 소리라고 생각하시면 쉽습니다.
- A typical example is AS / 대표적인 예는 AS입니다.
- To squeeze blood through the narrowed valve, a significant force is required, leading to structural hypertrophy of the ventricular muscles / 좁아진 판막을 통해서 혈액을 짜내려면 상당한 힘이 필요하겠죠.
- This hypertrophy occurs concentrically, making the ventricle resemble the shape of a rugby ball. This type of ventricular hypertrophy is known as concentric hypertrophy / 이런 심실비대는 동심원을 그리듯이 일어나 마치 심실이 럭비공 모양처럼 변합니다. 이런 심실비대를 concentric hypertrophy라고 합니다.
- In this case, the ventricular wall becomes very thick and stiff / 이 경우 심실 벽이 매우 두꺼워지고 딱딱해집니다.
- Therefore, when blood is forced in during the atrial kick, a vortex occurs, leading to S4 / 따라서 atrial kick 시에 억지로 혈액이 들어가면서 와류가 발생하여 S4가 들리게 됩니다.
- S4 can also be heard in patients with hypertension or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (H-CMP), where pressure overload occurs / 고혈압 환자나 비대 심근병증(H-CMP)에서도 pressure overload가 발생하는 경우 S4가 들릴 수 있습니다.
- S4 can also be heard in MR due to the massive volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of diastole, adding more pressure during the atrial kick / MR에서도 S4가 들릴 수 있는데, 이는 이완기 말에 이미 심실 내에 많은 양의 혈액이 있어 atrial kick 시에 더 많은 압력을 가하기 때문입니다.
With the chest exam, how to you examine the apex?
Apical impulse / 심첨 박동
- Use the tips of the second and third fingers for inspection and palpation / 시진 및 촉진에는 둘째, 셋째 손가락 끝을 이용합니다.
- Normal location: Located inside the midclavicular line in the 4th to 5th intercostal space, palpated in supine and left lateral decubitus positions / 정상 위치: 4~5번째 늑간 쇄골중앙선 안쪽에 위치하며, 앙와위 및 좌측와위에서 촉진됩니다.
With the chest exam, what movement of the apex indicates left ventricular enlargement
When displaced to the left and downward: Indicates left ventricular enlargement (e.g., AR, MR, dilated cardiomyopathy) / 왼쪽, 아래쪽으로 치우쳐 있을 때: 좌심실 확장을 나타냅니다(예: AR, MR, dilated cardiomyopathy).
With the chest exam, what movement of the apex indicates Right ventricular hypertrophy
Right ventricular hypertrophy: Sustained systolic lift in the left lower sternal border, synchronous with the LV apical impulse / 우심실 비대: 흉골 좌연 하부의 sustained systolic lift, LV 심첨 박동과 동기화됩니다.
With the chest exam, what movement of the apex indicates severe MR
- Severe MR: Occurs after the LV apical impulse. Due to the RV being pushed forward by the enlarged LA / severe MR: LV 심첨 박동 뒤에 일어납니다. 확장된 LA에 의해 RV가 앞으로 밀려나기 때문입니다.
With the chest exam, what movement of the apex indicates
Severe TR: Similar phenomenon as MR occurs in the right parasternal area / severe TR: right parasternal area에서 MR과 같은 현상이 일어납니다.
With the chest exam, what grade of murmurs would you be able to hear a thrill?
Thrill: Palpable, low-frequency vibrations associated with heart murmurs, observed in grade I/VI or higher murmurs / Thrill: palpable하며, 저주파의 진동이며, 심잡음과 관련 있으며, grade I/VI 이상의 심잡음에서 관찰됩니다.
With the chest exam, what is a thrill?
Right ventricular hypertrophy: Sustained systolic lift in the left lower sternal border, synchronous with the LV apical impulse / 우심실 비대: 흉골 좌연 하부의 sustained systolic lift, LV 심첨 박동과 동기화됩니다.
with the JVP, how do you examine and measure the JVP
- Examination method: Position the patient at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees, and shine a light at a 90° angle to the jugular vein for examination. / 검사 방법: 30~45도 정도로 기댄 자세, 경정맥(ugular vein)과 90°로 빛을 비추어 검사
- Jugular venous pressure: Reflects central venous pressure. / 정정맥압 (jugular venous pressure): central venous pressure 반영
- Normal findings: Reference range is 3-5cm.
- Measure the vertical distance from the sternal angle to the highest point of the internal jugular vein pulsation (adding 5 to the height gives the right atrial pressure). / 정상 소견: 참고치 3-5cm. 흉골각(sternal angle)으로부터 속 목정맥(internal jugular vein) 박동의 최고점까지의 수직거리를 측정(높이에 5를 더하면 우심방압)
- The suprasternal notch and sternal angle are different locations. / Suprasternal notch와 sternal angle은 다른 부위입니다.
- The sternal angle is used as a reference point because the center of the right atrium is located about 5cm below the sternal angle in most patients, regardless of their position. / 흉골각 (sternal angle)을 기준점으로 사용하는 이유는 우심방의 중심이 환자의 체위와 무관하게 대부분의 환자에서 흉골각으로부터 약 5cm 하방에 있기 때문이랍니다.
- Normal findings: Reference range is 3-5cm.
with the JVP, what is the normal size of the JVP?
Normal findings: Reference range is 3-5cm./ 참고치 3-5cm
with the JVP, when do you use the hepatojugular refluc?
Hepatojugular reflux/ 간경정맥 역류
- Pressing the center of the abdomen of a patient lying semi-supine for 10 seconds increases jugular venous pressure, and quickly releasing the hand results in a rapid decrease in JVP by about 4cm. / 간경정맥 역류(hepatojugular reflux): 비스듬히 누운 환자의 복부 중앙을 10초간 손으로 압박하면 경정맥압이 상승, 이후 손을 재빨리 떼면 JVP가 4cm 정도 급격하게 감소
- Useful in patients suspected of right ventricular failure but showing normal CVP. / 우심실부전이 의심되나 정상 CVP를 보이는 환자에서 유용
- Also used when confirming the typical JVP findings in patients with tricuspid regurgitation. / 삼첨판 역류 환자에서 전형적인 JVP 소견을 확인하는 경우에도 쓰임
with the JVP, how do you do the hepatojugular reflux?
Pressing the center of the abdomen of a patient lying semi-supine for 10 seconds increases jugular venous pressure, and quickly releasing the hand results in a rapid decrease in JVP by about 4cm. / 간경정맥 역류(hepatojugular reflux): 비스듬히 누운 환자의 복부 중앙을 10초간 손으로 압박하면 경정맥압이 상승, 이후 손을 재빨리 떼면 JVP가 4cm 정도 급격하게 감소
with the JVP, what is the sign where Instead of decreasing during inspiration, jugular venous pressure increases.
Kussmaul’s sign
with the JVP, when do you see Kussmaul’s sign?
Kussmaul’s sign: Instead of decreasing during inspiration, jugular venous pressure increases. / Kussmaul’s sign: 정상적으로 흡기 시에 경정맥압이 하강하는데 오히려 증가하는 경우
- Seen in constrictive pericarditis, right ventricular infarction, etc. / 교착성 심낭염(constrictive pericarditis), 우심실 경색 등
- Kussmaul’s sign is not present in cardiac tamponade. / cf. 심장눌림증(cardiac tamponade)에서는 Kussmaul’s sign이 나타나지 않음
with the JVP, what are the 5 elements in the waveform of the JVP?
- A-wave: Atrial contraction at the end of diastole (atrial kick just before ventricular systole). / a파: 이완기말 심방수축 (심실 수축기 직전의 atrial kick)
- C-wave: Bulging of the tricuspid valve (TV) towards the right atrium (RA) during ventricular contraction as the TV closes. / C파: 심실 수축시 삼첨판(TV) 닫히며 RA쪽으로 TV의 bulging
- X-descent: Decrease in atrial pressure due to atrial relaxation. / x파: 심방 이완으로 압력 감소
- V-wave: Peak blood inflow to the right atrium (RA) from the superior vena cava (SVC) and inferior vena cava (IVC). / V파: SVC, IVC로부터 RA로 혈액 유입이 peak
- Y-descent: Blood inflow from the right atrium (RA) to the right ventricle (RV) during ventricular relaxation. / y파: 심실 이완으로 RA로부터 RV로 혈액 유입
with the arterial pulse, what’s the most commonly used artery to check pulse
The radial artery is most commonly used, palpated with the second and third fingers / 요골동맥(radial artery)을 가장 흔히 이용, 둘째와 셋째 손가락으로 촉진함
with the arterial pulse, how do you examine the carotid pulse?
The carotid pulse is examined by relaxing the patient’s neck and slightly turning their head towards the examiner before palpation / 목동맥파 (carotid pulse)는 환자의 목을 이완시키고 검사자 쪽으로 고개를 살짝 돌리게 한 다음 시진함
(3) what 3 congenital disorders are inportant to know in relation to heart diseases?
- Definition: A genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21.
Defining Features:
- Facial characteristics: Flattened face, especially the bridge of the nose, almond-shaped eyes that slant up, a short neck, small ears, and a large tongue relative to the mouth size.
- Physical growth: Short stature and low muscle tone throughout life.
- Intellectual disability: Varies from mild to moderate.
- Congenital heart defects, such as AVSD, VSD, and ASD, are common.
- Definition: A chromosomal disorder affecting females, where one of the X chromosomes is missing or partially missing.
Defining Features:
- Short stature: Typically noticeable by about age 5.
- Ovarian dysfunction: Leading to infertility and lack of spontaneous puberty in most cases.
- Physical features: Webbed neck, low-set ears, low hairline at the back of the neck, and edema of the hands and feet.
- Cardiovascular: Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) and other cardiovascular anomalies.
- Definition: An autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue.
Defining Features:
- Skeletal: Tall stature with disproportionately long arms, legs, fingers, and toes; a protruding or indented chest; and a curved spine.
- Ocular: Lens dislocation, myopia, and increased risk of retinal detachment.
- Cardiovascular: Aortic aneurysm and dissection, which pose the most significant risk to life. Mitral valve prolapse is also common.
(2) In general considerations, what cardiac conditions are common in people with Down’s syndrome?
- Down syndrome: Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD, ECD: most common), Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) / Down 증후군: VSD, Atrio Ventricular Septal Defect(AVSD, ECD: m/c), ASD
“ECD” likely stands for “Endocardial Cushion Defect,” which is another term often used to describe Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD).
(2) In general considerations, what cardiac conditions are common in people with Turner’s syndrome?
Turner syndrome: Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) / Turner 증후군: 대동맥 축착(Coarctation of Aorta, CoA)
(2) In general considerations, what cardiac conditions are common in people with Marfan’s syndrome?
Marfan syndrome: aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection / Marfan 증후군: aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection
(2) In general considerations, how does right heart failure present differently to left heart failure?
- Heart failure: Can lead to severe general weakness (cachexia) depending on the progression / 심부전: 진행 정도에 따라 심한 전신쇠약(악액질, cachexia)까지 발생 가능
- Right-sided - Systemic edema, congestive hepatomegaly, jugular vein distension / Right-sided - 전신부종, 울혈성 간비대, 경정맥확장
- Left-sided - Dyspnea, orthopnea / Left-sided- 호흡곤란, 기좌호흡(orthopnea)
(2) In general considerations, how does someone with a valve disorder present?
Valve disorders: Symptoms of heart failure & auscultation findings and heart murmurs / 판막질환: 심부전 증상 & 청진소건 및 심잡음 소견
(2) In general considerations, how does someone with myocardial disease present?
Myocardial disease: Symptoms of heart failure & characteristic echocardiographic findings / 심근질환: 심부전 증상 & 특징적 초음파 소건
(2) In general considerations, how does someone with pericardial disease present?
Pericardial disease: Acute pericarditis involves fever accompanied by chest pain and a friction rub, cases of cardiac tamponade or constrictive pericarditis may present with pulsus paradoxus / 심막질환: 급성 심막염의 경우 열을 동반한 흉통 및 마찰음, 심장눌림증이나 교착 심막염의 경우 기이맥 소건
(2) In general considerations, how does someone with ischemic heart disease present?
Ischemic heart disease: Characteristic chest pain (worsened by exercise, after eating, or cold exposure) / 허혈성 심장질환: 특징적인(운동 시, 식후, 찬바람에 의해 악화) 흉통
(2) In general considerations, what is cachexia?
Cachexia: Refers to severe malnutrition and resulting general weakness seen in patients post-surgery, those with chronic diseases, or tuberculosis patients. / 악액질(Cachexia): 수술 직후의 환자나 만성 질환자, 결핵 환자 등에서 나타나는 심한 영양실조와 그로 인한 전신쇠약을 의미합니다.
(2) In general considerations, what heart condition does cachexia point to?
- Heart failure: Can lead to severe general weakness (cachexia) depending on the progression / 심부전: 진행 정도에 따라 심한 전신쇠약(악액질, cachexia)까지 발생 가능
- While it can appear in various diseases and is not much helpful for diagnosis on its own, if a patient’s general weakness is accompanied by additional findings suggesting cardiac abnormalities, heart failure must be suspected. / 다양한 질환에서 나타날 수 있어 그 자체로는 진단에 거의 도움이 되지 못하나, 문제에서 환자의 전신쇠약과 함께 심장의 이상을 시사하는 추가적인 소견이 주어졌을 경우 심부전을 반드시 의심해야 합니다.
(2) With chest pain guidelines, someone presents with chest pain, what are your first steps in terms of investigations?
Tests that must be performed in patients with chest pain: ECG, CXR + cardiac enzymes (when myocardial infarction is suspected) / 흉통 환자에서 반드시 시행해야 하는 검사: ECG, CXR + 심근효소(심근경색이 의심될 때).
- Note: Normal cardiac enzyme levels at the time of admission do not exclude the possibility of myocardial infarction! / 주의: 내원 당시 검사한 심근효소 수치가 정상이라고 해서 심근경색의 가능성을 배제할 수 없습니다!
(2) With chest pain guidelines, if you suspect ischemic heart disease, what are your first steps in terms of investigations?
ECG and cardiac enzyme tests at the time of ER visit and 4 hours later / 응급실 방문 당시와 4시간 이후의 심전도, 심근 효소 검사
(2) With chest pain guidelines, patient comes into the ER, you’re suspecting IHD (unstable/ stable angina), what’s your first step?
In cases where ischemic heart disease is suspected / 허혈성 심장질환이 의심되는 경우
- Attempt sublingual nitroglycerin administration based on history / 병력에 따라 nitroglycerin 설하 투여를 시도해 본다.
- ECG and cardiac enzyme tests at the time of ER visit and 4 hours later / 응급실 방문 당시와 4시간 이후의 심전도, 심근 효소 검사
- In patients with angina where there are no specific contraindications: exercise stress ECG, stress echocardiography, stress perfusion imaging / 협심증 환자에서 특별한 금기가 없을 때: 운동부하 심전도, 부하 심초음파(stress echocardiography), 부하 심근관류스캔(stress perfusion imaging)
(2) With chest pain guidelines, what is a test you can do for CAD?
Provocation test for coronary artery disease
(2) With chest pain guidelines, in what patients would you do a myocardial perfusion scan?
Provocation test for coronary artery disease -> Replace with rest myocardial perfusion scan in patients with
persistent chest pain,
angina at rest,
or when it is unclear whether ECG findings due to old infarct
관상동맥질환에 대한 유발검사 -> 지속적 흉통, 안정 시 충통을 호소하는 환자나 ECG 소견이 old infarct에 의한 것인지 확신하지 못하는 경우 금기 -> 휴식 시 심근관류 스캔으로 대체
so basically they have CAD but also persistentn chest pain, angina at rest and unclear ECG
(3) With chest pain guidelines, what is a provocation test and who would you do it on?
A provocation test for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a type of diagnostic procedure used to induce or provoke symptoms or signs of coronary artery obstruction, which may not be present at rest but become evident under conditions that increase the heart’s workload.
There are various types of provocation tests, including:
- Exercise Stress Test (Treadmill or Bicycle Ergometry)
- Pharmacologic Stress Test: This is used for patients who are unable to perform physical exercise. Medications like dobutamine (which stimulates the heart) or vasodilators like adenosine or dipyridamole (which increase blood flow to the heart) are administered to simulate the effects of exercise on the heart.
- Stress Echocardiography: This combines an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) with an exercise or pharmacologic stress test. The echocardiogram is performed before and immediately after the stress test to look for changes in the heart’s function when it is made to work harder.
You would do it on patients with CAD who DON’T have this criteria
- persistent chest pain,
- angina at rest,
- or when it is unclear whether ECG findings due to old infarct
(2) With chest pain guidelines, in a patient with angina, will you hospitalize or not
Not all patients with UNSTABLE angina need to be hospitalized, but intensive ECG monitoring is necessary / 불안정 협심증 환자 모두를 입원시킬 필요는 없지만 심전도 집중 감시 필요
(2) With chest pain guidelines, if you suspect that a patient has an aortic dissection, what are your first steps?
In cases where aortic dissection is suspected, obtain a line and perform contrast-enhanced CT as soon as possible! / 대동맥박리가 의심되는 경우 line 잡고 최대한 빨리 contrast enhanced CT 시행!
(2) With chest pain guidelines, if you suspect a PE, what are your first steps
Pulmonary embolism is a condition that is often missed if not suspected; perform D-dimer tests and contrast-enhanced chest CT or pulmonary angiography / 폐색전증은 의심하지 않으면 놓치는 질환으로 D-dimer 검사와 contrast enhanced chest CT 또는 폐혈관 조영술 시행
(2) With chest pain guidelines, if you have a patient with angina, what contraindications would there be for an exercise stress ECG
- Physical Inability to Exercise: This can be due to orthopedic, neurologic, or musculoskeletal conditions that impair the ability to walk or pedal.
- Inability to Achieve Target Heart Rate: Some patients may not be able to reach the required heart rate to adequately stress the heart due to various factors like age, medications, or a sedentary lifestyle.
- Abnormal Baseline Electrocardiogram (ECG): Conditions such as left bundle branch block (LBBB), ventricular pacing, pre-excitation, or significant ST-segment abnormalities may interfere with the interpretation of a standard exercise ECG.
- Significant Pulmonary Disease: Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma may limit exercise capacity.
- Significant Aortic Stenosis or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: These conditions can be worsened by the increased workload of an exercise test.
- Uncontrolled Hypertension: Very high blood pressure could be dangerous during exercise.
- Recent Myocardial Infarction or Unstable Angina: Patients with recent heart attacks or unstable chest pain should not undergo stress testing due to the high risk of provoking another event.
(2) With chest pain guidelines, if you suspect an angina, what are your first steps
In patients with angina where there are no specific contraindications: exercise stress ECG, stress echocardiography, stress perfusion imaging / 협심증 환자에서 특별한 금기가 없을 때: 운동부하 심전도, 부하 심초음파(stress echocardiography), 부하 심근관류스캔(stress perfusion imaging)
(2) WIth chest pain, in terms of aortic stenosis, how does someone present?
- The three main symptoms of aortic stenosis are angina, syncope, and dyspnea / 대동맥판막 협착증의 3대 증상은 협심증, 실신, 호흡곤란입니다.
(2) WIth chest pain, in primary pulmonary hypertension, how does someone present?
- In primary pulmonary hypertension → chronic pressure overload → right ventricular hypertrophy → they get angina becasue now there’s myocardial ischemia.
- Other symptoms include dyspnea, orthopnea, cough, hoarseness, fatigue, dizziness, syncope, and palpitations
원발성 폐동맥 고혈압에서는 만성적인 압력 부하에 의한 우심실 비대가 생기고, 이로 인해 심근 허혈에 의한 협심증 증상이 생길 수 있습니다. 이외에 호흡곤란, 기좌호흡, 기침, 신목소리, 피로, 어지러움, 실신, 심계항진 등의 증상도 나타날 수 있습니다.
(3) with blood pressure medication and its link to syncope, tell me about valsartan
- Valsartan is an antihypertensive medication that belongs to a class known as Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs). It works by blocking the action of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, on its receptors in the blood vessels. This action leads to vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, which in turn lowers blood pressure.
- Beyond its primary use in managing hypertension, valsartan is also indicated for treating heart failure and can be prescribed following a myocardial infarction (heart attack) to improve survival and reduce hospitalization for heart failure. Its effectiveness in protecting kidney function in patients with diabetes who have proteinuria (excess protein in urine) makes it a versatile tool in cardiovascular and renal protection.
- Valsartan is generally well-tolerated, but like all medications, it can have side effects. The most common ones include dizziness, headaches, and sometimes dizziness upon standing up due to a drop in blood pressure. It’s distinct from ACE inhibitors, another class of blood pressure medications, as it doesn’t typically cause the cough associated with ACE inhibitors but still carries a warning for angioedema, a rare but serious swelling of the deeper layers of the skin.