0. 순환기 General Vocabulary Flashcards
Cardiovascular System
Example sentence 1: 심혈관계은 우리 몸의 펌프 역할을 합니다.
(The cardiovascular system acts as the pump of our body.)
Example sentence 2: 건강한 심혈관계을 위해 운동이 중요합니다.
(Exercise is important for a healthy cardiovascular system.)
Hanja break down: 심 (heart) + 혈 (blood) + 관 (vessel) + 계 (system)
Memory Aid: Think of “심” as in “shimmy” and “혈관계” as “hug K.” Imagine doing a shimmy so energetic that your heart pops out and gives a big “K” a hug.
Example sentence 1: 이 질환은 초기에 발견하면 치료가 가능합니다.
(This disease is treatable if detected early.)
Example sentence 2: 생활 습관을 개선하면 여러 질환을 예방할 수 있습니다.
(Improving lifestyle habits can prevent various diseases.)
Hanja break down: 질 (disease) + 환 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “질” as in “jeal” (short for “jealous”) and “환” as in “one.” Picture someone “jealous” because “one” person is free from disease, wishing for the same health.
Blood Pressure Measurement
Example sentence 1: 매일 아침 혈압측정을 합니다.
(I measure my blood pressure every morning.)
Example sentence 2: 혈압측정 결과가 정상 범위입니다.
(The blood pressure measurement results are within the normal range.)
Hanja break down: 혈 (blood) + 압 (pressure) + 측 (measure) + 정 (to fix/set)
Memory Aid: Think of “혈” as in “hill” and “압측정” as “up checking.” Imagine hiking up a hill, checking your watch as if it’s measuring how the climb affects your heart, like taking your blood pressure.
Example sentence 1: “우와, 그는 갑자기 실신했어!” 친구가 소리쳤다.
(“Wow, he suddenly fainted!” shouted the friend.)
Example sentence 2: “너무 피곤해서 실신할 뻔했어요,” 그녀가 말했다.
(“I was so tired, I almost fainted,” she said.)
Hanja break down: 실 (real) + 신 (body)
Memory Aid: Think of “실” as in “seal” and “신” as in “sheen.” Imagine a seal suddenly losing consciousness and collapsing with a shiny sheen on its fur, resembling fainting.
clarifyer, does it work
footnote - does it work
Nuclear Cardiology
Example sentence 1: “심장핵의학은 심장 질환을 진단하고 치료하는 데 사용됩니다,” 전문의가 설명했다.
(“Nuclear cardiology is used to diagnose and treat heart diseases,” the specialist explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심장핵의학 검사를 예약했어요,” 환자가 수속을 마쳤다.
(“I’ve scheduled a nuclear cardiology test,” the patient finished the paperwork.)
Hanja break down: 심장 (heart) + 핵 (nucleus) + 의학 (medicine)
Memory Aid: Think of “심장” as in “shimmy” and “핵의학” as “hack music.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance while listening to music from a hacked device, symbolizing the use of nuclear technology in cardiology to diagnose and treat heart conditions.
Example sentence 1: “심초음파를 통해 심장 구조를 상세히 볼 수 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했다.
(“Through an echocardiogram, we can see the heart structure in detail,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심초음파 검사 결과가 정상이었습니다,” 간호사가 말했다.
(“The echocardiogram test results were normal,” the nurse said.)
Hanja break down: 심 (heart) + 초 (ultra) + 음 (sound) + 파 (wave)
Memory Aid: Think of “심” as in “shimmy” and “초음파” as “show amp.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance while showing an amplifier emitting sound waves, symbolizing the process of conducting an echocardiogram to visualize the heart’s structure.
Chest Pain
Example sentence 1: “아프지 않아요? 그 흉통이 어떤 느낌인지 설명해주세요,” 의사가 물었다.
(“Does it hurt? Can you describe how that chest pain feels?” the doctor asked.)
Example sentence 2: “갑자기 흉통이 와서 숨도 쉴 수가 없었어요,” 환자가 털썩 주저앉았다.
(“I suddenly had chest pain and couldn’t even breathe,” the patient collapsed.)
Hanja break down: 흉 (chest) + 통 (pain)
Memory Aid: Think of “흉” as in “heung” (흥) and “통” as in “tong” (통). Imagine feeling a sudden sharp “heung” in your chest, like a “tong” striking against it, representing the sensation of chest pain.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Example sentence 1: “심전도를 통해 심장 건강을 확인할 수 있어요,” 의사가 설명했다.
(“Through an electrocardiogram, we can check the health of the heart,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심전도 결과가 정상 범위 안에 있었어요,” 간호사가 말했다.
(“The electrocardiogram results were within the normal range,” the nurse said.)
Hanja break down: 심 (heart) + 전 (electric) + 도 (circuit/path)
Memory Aid: Think of “심” as in “shimmy” and “전도” as “jeon dough.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance while holding a dough-like material with electricity running through it, symbolizing the process of conducting an electrocardiogram to assess heart health.
Example sentence 1: “오늘 진찰 결과를 받았어요. 모든 것이 정상이에요,” 의사가 말했다.
(“I received the examination results today. Everything is normal,” the doctor said.)
Example sentence 2: “진찰을 받으러 병원에 갔어요,” 환자가 친구에게 이야기했다.
(“I went to the hospital to receive an examination,” the patient told their friend.)
Hanja break down: 진 (advance) + 찰 (observe)
Memory Aid: Think of “진” as in “jean” (진) and “찰” as in “chalk” (찰). Imagine a doctor using a pair of “jeans” to advance and a piece of “chalk” to observe during an examination, symbolizing the process of assessing a patient’s condition.
Electrolyte Imbalance
전해질 이상
Example sentence 1: “전해질 이상으로 인해 심장이 불규칙하게 박동할 수 있습니다,” 의사가 경고했다.
(“Due to electrolyte imbalance, the heart may beat irregularly,” the doctor warned.)
Example sentence 2: “수분을 충분히 섭취하지 않으면 전해질 이상이 발생할 수 있어요,” 영양사가 설명했다.
(“If you don’t consume enough fluids, electrolyte imbalance can occur,” the nutritionist explained.)
Hanja break down: 전 (spread) + 해 (carry) + 질 (substance) + 이상 (abnormality)
Memory Aid: Think of “전해질” as in “jeon hey, chill” (전해질). Picture someone saying “jeon hey, chill” while carrying a substance, but suddenly everything becomes chaotic, representing an electrolyte imbalance leading to abnormalities in the body.
For another association to remember “전해질 이상” (electrolyte imbalance), we can use a different set of familiar images or concepts:
1. Breakdown: “전해질” (“jeon-hae-jil”) and “이상” (“ee-sang”). 2. New Associations: • For “전해질” (“jeon-hae-jil”): • “jeon” might remind you of “John”. • “hae” could sound like “hay”. • “jil” could be associated with “gill” (like a fish’s gill). • For “이상” (“ee-sang”): • “ee” could be linked to “E” (as in vitamin E). • “sang” might remind you of “sung”, like in “sunglasses”. 3. Create a Story: Imagine a character named John who lives on a farm. John is very health-conscious and takes his vitamin “E” every day. He also wears “sunglasses” all the time, even indoors. One day, John decides to feed his fish some “hay”, which is unusual. As he leans over the pond, his “gill”-like neckwear (maybe a scarf with a fish gill pattern) falls into the water, causing a strange reaction that creates an “imbalance” in the pond’s ecosystem, similar to an “electrolyte imbalance”. 4. Mnemonic: “Health-conscious John with gill-neckwear feeds hay to fish, creating an imbalance”. This story links back to “전해질 이상” through the unique and memorable scenario involving John, his vitamins, sunglasses, and the peculiar event at the pond.
This new set of associations and the story created from them should provide another memorable way to recall “전해질 이상”.
Cardiac Catheterization
Example sentence 1: “심장도관술은 심장 혈관을 검사하고 치료하는 절차입니다,” 의사가 설명했다.
(“Cardiac catheterization is a procedure to examine and treat heart vessels,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심장도관술 후에는 휴식이 필요합니다,” 간호사가 환자에게 말했다.
(“Rest is necessary after cardiac catheterization,” the nurse told the patient.)
Hanja break down: 심장 (heart) + 도관 (catheter) + 술 (procedure)
Memory Aid: Think of “심장” as in “shimmy” and “도관” as “dough can.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance while using a dough can to perform a procedure on the heart, symbolizing cardiac catheterization as a way to examine and treat heart vessels.
Nuclear Medicine
Example sentence 1: “핵의학은 방사성 물질을 사용하여 질병을 진단하고 치료하는 의학 분야입니다,” 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Nuclear medicine is a medical field that uses radioactive substances to diagnose and treat diseases,” the expert explained.)
Example sentence 2: “핵의학 검사 결과를 기다리는 동안 조용히 계세요,” 간호사가 환자에게 조언했습니다.
(“Please wait quietly while waiting for the results of the nuclear medicine test,” the nurse advised the patient.)
Hanja break down: 핵 (nucleus/radioactive) + 의학 (medicine)
Memory Aid: Think of “핵” as in “hack” and “의학” as “music.” Picture someone hacking into the music system to create a special sound, symbolizing nuclear medicine’s use of radioactive substances to create diagnostic images and treat diseases.
Example sentence 1: “부정맥으로 인해 심장 박동이 불규칙적으로 되는 경우가 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Arrhythmia can cause irregular heartbeats,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “부정맥이 심장 건강에 영향을 줄 수 있으므로 주의가 필요합니다,” 간호사가 조언했습니다.
(“Arrhythmia can affect heart health, so caution is necessary,” the nurse advised.)
Hanja break down: 부정 (irregular) + 맥 (pulse)
Memory Aid: Think of “부정” as in “boo” (부정) and “맥” as in “make” (맥). Picture someone saying “boo” to disrupt the rhythm while trying to make a beat, symbolizing arrhythmia’s irregularity in heartbeats.
Sinus Node
Example sentence 1: “심장의 동결절은 심장 박동을 조절하는 중요한 역할을 합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The sinus node of the heart plays an important role in regulating heartbeats,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “동결절이 올바르게 작동하지 않으면 부정맥이 발생할 수 있습니다,” 전문가가 경고했습니다.
(“If the sinus node does not function properly, arrhythmia can occur,” the expert warned.)
Hanja break down: 동결 (sinus) + 절 (node)
Memory Aid: Think of “동결” as in “dong-gyul” (동결) and “절” as in “jet” (절). Picture a “dong-gyul” shaped like a “jet,” symbolizing the sinus node as a central control point for heartbeats.
Atrioventricular block
Example sentence 1: “심장의 발실차단은 심박동이 불규칙하고 빠르게 되는 심각한 상황입니다,” 의사가 경고했습니다.
(“Ventricular fibrillation, where the heartbeat becomes irregular and rapid, is a serious condition,” the doctor warned.)
Example sentence 2: “발실차단이 발생하면 즉시 응급 조치가 필요합니다,” 응급 구조대가 강조했습니다.
(“Emergency measures are needed immediately when ventricular fibrillation occurs,” the emergency responder emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 발실 (ventricle) + 차단 (blockage)
Memory Aid: Think of “발실” as in “ball seal” and “차단” as in “car ban.” Picture a “ball seal” placed on a car’s engine, causing it to malfunction and rapidly vibrate irregularly, symbolizing ventricular fibrillation’s serious disruption of normal heart function.
Example sentence 1: “심장의 기능장애로 인해 심박수가 불규칙하게 되는 경우가 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Dysfunction of the heart can cause irregular heartbeats,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “기능장애가 있는 경우 일상 생활에 불편함을 느낄 수 있습니다,” 전문가가 조언했습니다.
(“If there is dysfunction, you may feel discomfort in daily life,” the expert advised.)
Hanja break down: 기능 (function) + 장애 (disorder)
Memory Aid: Think of “기능” as in “key nong” (기능) and “장애” as in “charge” (장애). Picture a “key nong” suddenly malfunctioning like a “charge,” symbolizing dysfunction causing disruptions in normal bodily functions.
Example sentence 1: “심장의 율동은 정상적인 심박동 패턴을 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The rhythm of the heart refers to the normal pattern of heartbeats,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “규칙적인 운동과 건강한 식습관은 심장의 율동을 유지하는 데 도움이 됩니다,” 영양사가 조언했습니다.
(“Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help maintain the rhythm of the heart,” the nutritionist advised.)
Hanja break down: 율 (rhythm) + 동 (motion)
Memory Aid: Think of “율동” as in “you’ll dance.” Picture yourself dancing to a steady beat, symbolizing the rhythmic motion of the heart’s contractions.
Atrial Fibrillation
Example sentence 1: “심방세동은 심장의 상부인 심방에서 비정상적인 빠르고 불규칙한 박동이 발생하는 상태입니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Atrial fibrillation is a condition where there are abnormal rapid and irregular contractions in the upper chambers of the heart called atria,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심방세동이 있는 환자는 혈전이 형성될 위험이 높으므로 항응고제를 복용해야 할 수도 있습니다,” 전문가가 충고했습니다.
(“Patients with atrial fibrillation may have a higher risk of blood clot formation, so they may need to take anticoagulants,” the expert advised.)
Hanja break down: 심방 (atrium) + 세동 (fibrillation)
Memory Aid: Think of “심방” as in “shimmy bang” and “세동” as in “say dong.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance with a loud bang in the background, symbolizing the rapid and irregular contractions occurring in the atria during atrial fibrillation.
To remember and recall the Korean word “세동” (which translates to “fibrillation” in English, often related to the heart), we can use a mnemonic device by associating its sounds with familiar English words or concepts. Here’s a structured approach:
1. Break it down: “세동” sounds like “se-dong”. 2. Create associations: • For “세” (“se”), you might think of “sea”. • For “동” (“dong”), you might consider “dong” as in the sound a large bell makes. 3. Form a visual story: Imagine standing by the “sea”, watching the waves gently move in a rhythmic pattern, similar to the way a healthy heart beats. Suddenly, the “sea” starts to move chaotically, like “fibrillation”, where the heart’s rhythm is disrupted. As this happens, a large bell on the shore, known as the “Heart Bell”, begins to “dong” loudly, signaling the change from rhythm to chaos. 4. Mnemonic: “By the sea, the Heart Bell dongs for the chaotic waves”. This image of the sea’s rhythm changing to chaos, signaled by the bell’s dong, mirrors the concept of a heart going from a normal rhythm to fibrillation.
This mnemonic device combines the sounds of “세동” with a vivid story to help you remember and recall the term more easily.
Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC)
Example sentence 1: “조기박동은 심장에서 추가로 발생하는 조기 심박동으로 가끔씩 발생할 수 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Premature ventricular contractions are extra heartbeats that occasionally occur in the heart,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “스트레스나 카페인과 같은 자극제가 조기박동을 유발할 수 있습니다,” 전문가가 언급했습니다.
(“Stimulants like stress or caffeine can trigger premature ventricular contractions,” the expert mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 조기 (premature) + 박동 (contraction)
Memory Aid: Think of “조기” as in “jockey” and “박동” as in “back down.” Picture a jockey riding a horse too early, causing the horse to suddenly back down or contract prematurely, symbolizing premature ventricular contractions in the heart.
Ventricular Tachycardia
Example sentence 1: “심실상성은 심장의 하부인 심실에서 발생하는 과도한 빠른 박동을 의미합니다,” 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Ventricular tachycardia refers to excessive rapid heartbeat originating from the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart,” the expert explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심실상성은 일시적인 증상이 될 수도 있지만, 심혈관 질환의 징후일 수도 있습니다,” 의사가 경고했습니다.
(“Ventricular tachycardia can be a temporary symptom, but it can also be a sign of cardiovascular disease,” the doctor warned.)
Hanja break down: 심실 (ventricle) + 상성 (tachycardia)
Memory Aid: Think of “심실상성” as in “sim-shil-sang-sung.” Picture the ventricles of the heart racing like a speeding train (상성), symbolizing ventricular tachycardia’s excessively fast heartbeat originating from the ventricles.
To remember and recall “상성” in the context of “tachycardia” (which would imply a kind of compatibility or effect related to rapid heart rate), we can create a mnemonic by linking the sounds to related concepts. Here’s an approach:
1. Break it down: “상성” sounds like “sang-sung”. 2. Create associations: • For “상” (“sang”), let’s use “sang” as in “sang a song”. • For “성” (“sung”), it can be associated with “surge”, modifying the sound slightly for the context of a rapid heartbeat. 3. Form a visual story: Imagine a person named “Sang” who sang a song so powerful and emotional that it caused a “surge” in the listeners’ heart rates, leading to a metaphorical “tachycardia”. This song has a unique compatibility with the human heart, capable of stirring it into rapid beats. The phenomenon becomes known as the “Sang-Sung Surge”. 4. Mnemonic: “When Sang sang, the emotional surge led to heartbeats racing, a testament to the ‘Sang-Sung Surge’s’ tachycardic compatibility.”
By linking “상성” with a story of a song that has the power to affect heart rates, you create a vivid association that can help in recalling the term in relation to tachycardia.
Atrioventricular Block
Example sentence 1: “심장의 각차단은 심장의 상부와 하부 사이의 전기 신호 전달이 방해됩니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Atrioventricular block occurs when the electrical signal transmission between the upper and lower chambers of the heart is disrupted,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “각차단이 있는 환자는 심장박동이 느릴 수 있으며 가끔씩 현기증을 느낄 수 있습니다,” 간호사가 말했습니다.
(“Patients with atrioventricular block may have slow heartbeats and occasionally feel dizzy,” the nurse said.)
Hanja break down: 각 (atrio) + 차단 (blockage)
Memory Aid: Think of “각” as in “cake” and “차단” as in “chart ban.” Picture a “cake” blocking a “chart,” representing the obstruction of electrical signals between the atria and ventricles in the heart, causing a condition known as atrioventricular block.
Conduction Disorder
Example sentence 1: “심장의 전도장애로 인해 전기 신호가 제대로 전달되지 않을 수 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Conduction disorders in the heart can result in improper transmission of electrical signals,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “전도장애가 있는 경우 정확한 심박동 패턴을 유지하기 어려울 수 있습니다,” 전문가가 경고했습니다.
(“In cases of conduction disorder, maintaining an accurate heart rhythm pattern may be challenging,” the expert warned.)
Hanja break down: 전도 (conduction) + 장애 (disorder)
Memory Aid: Think of “전도” as in “John Doe” and “장애” as in “jungle.” Picture “John Doe” trying to navigate through a dense jungle, facing obstacles and difficulties in transmitting signals properly, representing a conduction disorder in the heart.
To remember and recall the Korean word “전도” (which translates to “conduction” in English, often used in contexts like electrical or thermal conduction), we can create a mnemonic device by associating its sounds with familiar English words or concepts. Here’s a structured approach:
- Break it down: “전도” sounds like “jeon-do”.
Create associations:
- For “전” (“jeon”), you might think of “John”.
- For “도” (“do”), you might consider “dough”.
- Form a visual story: Imagine a character named John who is a baker. John has discovered a revolutionary way to bake bread faster by using a special kind of “dough” that conducts heat more efficiently. This “dough” represents the concept of “conduction”. The bakery is famous for this quick-baking bread, known as “John’s Conduction Dough”.
- Mnemonic: “John’s bakery uses special dough for faster baking through conduction”. This image of John’s innovative baking method using conductive dough can help reinforce the memory of the word “전도” by associating it with the concept of conduction.
By breaking down the sounds, associating them with familiar English words, and weaving them into a memorable story, you can create a mental image that helps with recall. Whenever you try to remember “전도”, think of John and his conductive dough at the bakery.
Atrium (Auricle)
Atrial Flutter
Example sentence 1: “심방조동은 심장의 상부인 심방에서 빠르고 규칙적인 박동이 발생하는 상태입니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Atrial flutter is a condition where there are rapid and regular contractions in the upper chambers of the heart called atria,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심방조동이 있는 환자는 때로 심방세동과 비슷한 증상을 겪을 수 있습니다,” 간호사가 말했습니다.
(“Patients with atrial flutter may sometimes experience symptoms similar to atrial fibrillation,” the nurse said.)
Hanja break down: 심방 (atrium) + 조동 (flutter)
Memory Aid: Think of “심방” as in “shimmy bang” and “조동” as in “jo dong.” Picture someone doing a shimmy dance with a bang in the background, but this time the dance is more regular and rhythmic, symbolizing the rapid and regular contractions occurring in the atria during atrial flutter.
Example sentence 1: “발작성 심방세동은 갑작스럽게 발생하고 사라지는 심방세동을 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation refers to atrial fibrillation that occurs suddenly and disappears,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “발작성 두통은 갑작스럽게 시작되고 몇 분 또는 몇 시간 후에 사라질 수 있습니다,” 약사가 설명했습니다.
(“Paroxysmal headaches can start suddenly and disappear after a few minutes or hours,” the pharmacist explained.)
Hanja break down: 발작 (sudden attack) + 성 (characteristic)
Memory Aid: Think of “발작성” as in “bal-jak-sung” (발작성). Picture someone suddenly jacking up a balloon and then releasing it, symbolizing the sudden onset and disappearance characteristic of paroxysmal conditions.
Premature Excitation Syndrome
Example sentence 1: “조기흥분증후군은 심장에서 이상적인 시기보다 일찍 발생하는 전기적 흥분을 나타내는 상태입니다,” 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Premature excitation syndrome refers to the condition where electrical excitement occurs in the heart earlier than the ideal timing,” the expert explained.)
Example sentence 2: “조기흥분증후군은 부정맥과 관련된 심전도 이상으로 나타날 수 있습니다,” 의사가 경고했습니다.
(“Premature excitation syndrome can manifest as electrocardiographic abnormalities associated with arrhythmias,” the doctor warned.)
Hanja break down: 조기 (premature) + 흥분 (excitation) + 증후군 (syndrome)
Memory Aid: Think of “조기흥분증후군” as in “jogi-heung-boon-jeung-hoo-goon.” Picture someone getting excited too early (조기흥분) and then experiencing a syndrome (증후군) of erratic behavior, symbolizing the premature excitation syndrome in the heart causing abnormal electrical activity.
Ventricular Bradycardia
Example sentence 1: “심실빈맥은 심장의 하부에서 발생하는 너무 느린 박동을 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Ventricular bradycardia refers to excessively slow heartbeats originating from the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심실빈맥은 심장 전기 활동의 이상으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다,” 전문가가 언급했습니다.
(“Ventricular bradycardia can occur due to abnormalities in cardiac electrical activity,” the expert mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 심실 (ventricle) + 빈맥 (bradycardia)
Memory Aid: Think of “심실빈맥” as in “sim-shil-bin-mak.” Picture a slow-motion ventricle (심실) like a snail (빈맥), symbolizing the excessively slow heartbeat characteristic of ventricular bradycardia.
Ventricular Fibrillation
Example sentence 1: “심실세동은 심장의 하부인 심실에서 발생하는 심장 박동이 불규칙하고 빠른 상태를 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Ventricular fibrillation refers to a state where the heartbeats originating from the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart, become irregular and rapid,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심실세동은 응급 상황이며 즉시 치료가 필요합니다,” 응급 의료진이 강조했습니다.
(“Ventricular fibrillation is an emergency situation and requires immediate treatment,” the emergency medical team emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 심실 (ventricle) + 세동 (fibrillation)
Memory Aid: Think of “심실세동” as in “shim-shil-se-dong.” Picture the ventricles of the heart vibrating like a seesaw (세동), symbolizing the irregular and rapid contractions characteristic of ventricular fibrillation.
Ventricular Flutter
Example sentence 1: “심실조동은 심장의 하부인 심실에서 발생하는 빠르고 규칙적인 심박동을 의미합니다,” 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Ventricular flutter refers to rapid and regular heartbeats originating from the ventricles, the lower chambers of the heart,” the expert explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심실조동은 심장 전기 활동의 이상으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다,” 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Ventricular flutter can occur due to abnormalities in cardiac electrical activity,” the doctor mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 심실 (ventricle) + 조동 (flutter)
Memory Aid: Think of “심실조동” as in “shim-shil-jo-dong.” Picture the ventricles of the heart fluttering like wings of a bird (조동), symbolizing the rapid and regular contractions characteristic of ventricular flutter.
Heart Failure
Example sentence 1: “심부전은 심장이 충분히 효과적으로 작동하지 않는 상태를 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Heart failure refers to a condition where the heart does not function effectively enough,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심부전은 심장 질환의 심각한 합병증 중 하나입니다,” 의학 전문가가 강조했습니다.
(“Heart failure is one of the serious complications of heart disease,” the medical expert emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 심 (heart) + 부전 (failure)
Memory Aid: Think of “심부전” as in “sim-boo-jeon.” Picture a heart (심) sinking into a bucket (부전) of water, symbolizing the heart’s inability to function effectively and sinking into failure.
Example sentence 1: “만성 질환은 오랜 기간 동안 지속되는 질병을 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Chronic illness refers to a disease that persists over a long period of time,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “만성 통증은 일상 생활에 지속적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다,” 치료 전문가가 강조했습니다.
(“Chronic pain can have ongoing effects on daily life,” the treatment specialist emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 만 (long) + 성 (duration)
Memory Aid: Think of “만성” as in “man-song.” Picture a long-lasting song (man-song) playing in the background constantly, symbolizing something persistent and enduring, like a chronic condition.
Pulmonary Edema
Example sentence 1: “폐부종은 폐조직에 비정상적인 액체가 축적되는 상태를 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Pulmonary edema refers to a condition where abnormal fluid accumulates in the lung tissues,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “폐부종은 호흡곤란과 함께 증상으로 나타날 수 있습니다,” 간호사가 설명했습니다.
(“Pulmonary edema can manifest as symptoms along with difficulty breathing,” the nurse explained.)
Hanja break down: 폐 (lung) + 부종 (edema/swelling)
Memory Aid: Think of “폐부종” as in “pae-boo-jong.” Picture a balloon (부종) inflating within the lungs (폐), representing the abnormal accumulation of fluid causing swelling, characteristic of pulmonary edema.
Example sentence 1: “비보상성 심부전은 심장의 기능이 충분히 회복되지 않은 상태를 나타냅니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Noncompensated heart failure indicates a state where the heart function has not adequately recovered,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “비보상성 신부전은 신장의 기능이 충분히 회복되지 않은 상태를 나타냅니다,” 내과 전문의가 언급했습니다.
(“Noncompensated renal failure indicates a state where kidney function has not adequately recovered,” the internist mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 비 (non-) + 보상성 (compensated)
Memory Aid: Think of “비보상성” as in “bi-bo-sang-seong.” Picture a scale (보상성) that is unbalanced (비), symbolizing the state where the body’s compensation mechanisms are inadequate, leading to noncompensated conditions.
Example sentence 1: “환자의 예후는 치료 결과에 따라 결정될 수 있습니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The prognosis of a patient can be determined based on the treatment outcomes,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “좋은 예후를 위해 정기적인 의료 검진을 받는 것이 중요합니다,” 보건 담당자가 강조했습니다.
(“Regular medical check-ups are important for a good prognosis,” the health official emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 예 (future) + 후 (outcome)
Memory Aid: Think of “예후” as in “ye-hoo.” Picture a crystal ball (예후) showing the future outcome, symbolizing the prognosis being determined based on future expectations and possibilities.
Example sentence 1: “폐성심 질환은 심장과 폐에 동시에 영향을 미치는 질병을 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Cardiopulmonary diseases refer to conditions that affect both the heart and lungs simultaneously,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “폐성심 운동은 심폐 기능을 향상시키는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다,” 생활 건강 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Cardiopulmonary exercise can help improve cardiopulmonary function,” the lifestyle health expert explained.)
Hanja break down: 폐 (lung) + 성심 (heart)
Memory Aid: Think of “폐성심” as in “pae-seong-sim.” Picture a heart (성심) inside a lung (폐), symbolizing the interconnectedness of the heart and lungs in cardiopulmonary conditions.
Valvular Disease
Example sentence 1: “판막질환은 심장 판막의 기능이 이상하거나 손상된 상태를 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Valvular disease refers to the condition where the function of heart valves is abnormal or damaged,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “판막질환은 혈액 흐름에 영향을 미치며 심장 기능을 저하시킬 수 있습니다,” 심장 외과 전문의가 언급했습니다.
(“Valvular disease can affect blood flow and impair heart function,” the cardiac surgeon mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 판막 (valve) + 질환 (disease)
Memory Aid: Think of “판막질환” as in “pan-mak-jil-hwan.” Picture a valve (판막) with a crack (질환), symbolizing the condition where heart valves are damaged or malfunctioning, leading to valvular disease.
Aortic Valve
Example sentence 1: “승모판은 심장의 왼쪽 심실과 대동맥 사이에 위치한 중요한 밸브입니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The aortic valve is an important valve located between the left ventricle and the aorta in the heart,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “승모판 기능 이상은 혈액 흐름에 영향을 미치고 심장 기능을 감소시킬 수 있습니다,” 심장 외과 전문의가 언급했습니다.
(“Dysfunction of the aortic valve can affect blood flow and reduce heart function,” the cardiac surgeon mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 승모 (aortic) + 판 (valve)
Memory Aid: Think of “승모판” as in “seung-mo-pan.” Picture a “superhero” (승모) wearing a valve (판) as a shield, symbolizing the aortic valve’s role in protecting the heart and ensuring proper blood flow.
Example sentence 1: “협착은 혈관이나 심장 밸브에서 축소된 상태를 의미합니다,” 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Stenosis refers to a narrowed condition in blood vessels or heart valves,” the doctor explained.)
Example sentence 2: “협착은 혈액 흐름을 제한하고 심장 기능을 저하시킬 수 있습니다,” 심장 외과 전문의가 강조했습니다.
(“Stenosis can restrict blood flow and impair heart function,” the cardiac surgeon emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 협 (narrow) + 착 (constriction)
Memory Aid: Think of “협착” as in “hyeop-chak.” Picture a narrow “hypo” (협) squeezing (착) a blood vessel or heart valve, symbolizing the constriction and narrowing characteristic of stenosis.
Aortic Valve
Example sentence 1: “대동맥판은 심장의 왼쪽 심실과 대동맥 사이에 위치한 밸브입니다,” 심장 외과 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The aortic valve is a valve located between the left ventricle and the aorta in the heart,” the cardiac surgeon explained.)
Example sentence 2: “대동맥판 기능 이상은 혈액 흐름에 영향을 줄 수 있으며 심장 기능을 저하시킬 수 있습니다,” 내과 전문의가 언급했습니다.
(“Dysfunction of the aortic valve can affect blood flow and impair heart function,” the internist mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 대 (aorta) + 동맥 (artery) + 판 (valve)
Memory Aid: Think of “대동맥판” as in “dae-dong-maek-pan.” Picture a large (대) valve (판) situated between the aorta (동맥) and the heart, symbolizing the aortic valve’s location and function.
Example sentence 1: “식도 역류는 위에서 식도로 역류되는 위액이 식도를 손상시키는 상태를 나타냅니다,” 내과 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“Esophageal reflux indicates the condition where stomach acid refluxes from the stomach to the esophagus, causing damage to the esophagus,” the internist explained.)
Example sentence 2: “역류성 식도염은 식도 역류로 인해 발생하는 염증으로 야기될 수 있습니다,” 소화기 질환 전문가가 언급했습니다.
(“Reflux esophagitis can be caused by inflammation due to esophageal reflux,” the gastroenterology specialist mentioned.)
Hanja break down: 역 (reverse) + 류 (flow)
Memory Aid: Think of “역류” as in “yeok-ryu.” Picture a river (류) flowing backward (역), symbolizing the reverse flow of stomach acid causing reflux in the esophagus.
Pulmonary Valve
Example sentence 1: “폐동맥판은 오른쪽 심실과 폐동맥 사이에 위치한 밸브입니다,” 심장 외과 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The pulmonary valve is a valve located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery in the heart,” the cardiac surgeon explained.)
Example sentence 2: “폐동맥판은 혈액이 폐로 흐르는 방향을 조절하여 심장 기능을 지원합니다,” 심장학 전문가가 강조했습니다.
(“The pulmonary valve supports heart function by regulating the direction of blood flow into the lungs,” the cardiologist emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 폐 (lung) + 동맥 (artery) + 판 (valve)
Memory Aid: Think of “폐동맥판” as in “pae-dong-maek-pan.” Picture a valve (판) situated between the lung (폐) and the artery (동맥), symbolizing the pulmonary valve’s role in regulating blood flow from the heart to the lungs.
Tricuspid Valve
Example sentence 1: “삼첨판은 오른쪽 심실과 오른쪽 심방 사이에 위치한 밸브입니다,” 심장 외과 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“The tricuspid valve is a valve located between the right ventricle and the right atrium in the heart,” the cardiac surgeon explained.)
Example sentence 2: “삼첨판은 혈액 흐름을 조절하여 역류를 방지하는 역할을 합니다,” 심장학 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“The tricuspid valve regulates blood flow and prevents reflux,” the cardiologist explained.)
Hanja break down: 삼 (three) + 첨 (point) + 판 (valve)
Memory Aid: Think of “삼첨판” as in “sam-cheom-pan.” Picture a valve (판) with three (삼) points (첨), symbolizing the tricuspid valve’s characteristic three cusps or leaflets.
Myocardial Disease
Example sentence 1: “심근질환은 심근 조직에 발생하는 다양한 질병을 포괄하는 용어입니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Myocardial disease is a term that encompasses various diseases occurring in the myocardial tissue,” the cardiac disease specialist explained.)
Example sentence 2: “심근질환은 심장 기능 저하와 심부전을 유발할 수 있으며 치료가 필요합니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Myocardial disease can lead to impaired heart function and heart failure, requiring treatment,” the internist emphasized.)
Hanja break down: 심근 (myocardium) + 질환 (disease)
Memory Aid: Think of “심근질환” as in “shim-geun-jil-hwan.” Picture a heart muscle (심근) with various warning signs (질환), symbolizing the diverse diseases affecting the myocardium.
Example sentence 1: “심장 확장은 심실이나 동맥이 더 크고 넓어지는 상태를 나타냅니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Cardiac dilatation refers to a state where the heart chambers or arteries become larger and wider,” explained the cardiologist.)
Example sentence 2: “동맥 확장은 혈압이 감소하고 혈류가 증가하여 조기 심장 질환의 징후일 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Arterial expansion can indicate early signs of heart disease as blood pressure decreases and blood flow increases,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 확 (expand/dilate) + 장 (length/extent)
Memory Aid: Think of “확장” as in “hwak-jang.” Picture a balloon (확장) expanding and becoming larger, symbolizing the process of dilatation or expansion in the heart chambers or arteries.
Example sentence 1: “심장 비대는 심근 조직이 더 커지고 두껍게 되는 상태를 의미합니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Cardiac hypertrophy refers to a state where myocardial tissue becomes larger and thicker,” explained the cardiologist.)
Example sentence 2: “비대는 심장 기능을 저하시킬 수 있으며 심장질환의 위험 요인 중 하나입니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Hypertrophy can impair heart function and is one of the risk factors for heart disease,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 비 (excessive) + 대 (size)
Memory Aid: Think of “비대” as in “bi-dae.” Picture an oversized heart (비대), symbolizing the condition of hypertrophy where the myocardium becomes excessively enlarged.
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
제한 심근병증
Example sentence 1: “제한 심근병증은 심근 조직이 뒤집어지거나 뻣뻣해지는 질환으로 심장 기능을 저하시킬 수 있습니다,” 심장학 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a condition where myocardial tissue becomes stiff or rigid, leading to impaired heart function,” explained the cardiologist.)
Example sentence 2: “제한 심근병증은 심장의 충전량이 감소하여 혈압이 상승하고 심장기능을 감소시키는 위험을 안고 있습니다,” 내과 전문의가 언급했습니다.
(“Restrictive cardiomyopathy carries the risk of reduced cardiac filling, leading to increased blood pressure and decreased heart function,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 제한 (restrictive) + 심근 (myocardium) + 병증 (disease)
Memory Aid: Think of “제한 심근병증” as in “je-han shim-geun-byeong-jeung.” Picture a heart (심근) wrapped with restrictive bands (제한), symbolizing the condition of restrictive cardiomyopathy where the myocardium becomes rigid or restricted in movement.
Example sentence 1: “심근염은 심근의 염증으로 인해 심장 기능이 저하되는 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Myocarditis is a heart condition where the inflammation of the myocardium leads to impaired heart function,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “심근염은 바이러스 감염이나 자가면역 질환 등으로 인해 발생할 수 있으며 심부전을 유발할 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Myocarditis can occur due to viral infections or autoimmune diseases and can lead to heart failure,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 심근 (myocardium) + 염 (inflammation)
Memory Aid: Think of “심근염” as in “shim-geun-yeom.” Picture a heart muscle (심근) surrounded by flames (염), symbolizing inflammation and the condition of myocarditis affecting the heart muscle.
Example sentence 1: “급성 심근염은 갑작스러운 심근 염증으로 심장 기능을 급격하게 저하시킬 수 있습니다,” 심장질환 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“Acute myocarditis can rapidly impair heart function due to sudden myocardial inflammation,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “급성 심부전은 심장 기능이 급격하게 감소하는 상태를 나타내며 심박수가 빠르고 호흡곤란이 있을 수 있습니다,” 응급 의학 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Acute heart failure represents a rapid decrease in heart function, with increased heart rate and possible shortness of breath,” explained the emergency medicine specialist.)
Hanja break down: 급 (sudden) + 성 (state)
Memory Aid: Think of “급성” as in “geup-seong.” Picture a lightning bolt (급) representing suddenness, striking a heart (성), symbolizing the abrupt onset of acute conditions in the cardiovascular system.
Acute Pericarditis
급성 심막염
Example sentence 1: “급성 심막염은 심장 주위 막의 갑작스러운 염증으로 인한 심장 통증을 유발할 수 있습니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Acute pericarditis can cause sudden chest pain due to inflammation of the membranes surrounding the heart,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “급성 심막염은 갑작스럽게 발생하며 심장막에 마찰 소음이 나타날 수 있습니다,” 심장 검진 전문가가 언급했습니다.
(“Acute pericarditis can occur suddenly, and friction rubs may be heard over the heart membrane,” mentioned the cardiac examination specialist.)
Hanja break down: 급성 (acute) + 심막 (pericardium) + 염 (inflammation)
Memory Aid: Think of “급성 심막염” as in “geup-seong sim-mak-yeom.” Picture a heart (심) wrapped with a layer of wrapping paper (막), suddenly catching fire (염) and causing acute discomfort, symbolizing the inflammation of the pericardium in acute pericarditis.
Angina Pectoris
심장 눌림증
Example sentence 1: “심장 눌림증은 심장 근육에 충분한 혈류가 공급되지 않아 발생하는 흉통으로 알려져 있습니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Angina pectoris is known as chest pain caused by inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “심장 눌림증은 일반적으로 심장 활동이 증가할 때 발생하며 안정되면 증상이 완화될 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Angina pectoris typically occurs when heart activity increases and symptoms may alleviate when at rest,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 심장 (heart) + 눌림증 (pressure syndrome)
Memory Aid: Think of “심장 눌림증” as in “shim-jang neul-lim-jeung.” Picture a heart (심장) under pressure (눌림증), feeling squeezed or pressed, symbolizing the chest pain experienced in angina pectoris due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle.
Constrictive Pericarditis
교착 심막염
Example sentence 1: “교착 심막염은 심막의 굳은 흉통을 일으키는 흉막의 염증으로 알려져 있습니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Constrictive pericarditis is known as inflammation of the pericardium causing rigid chest pain,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “교착 심막염은 심장 주위 막이 굳어져서 심장의 충전이 제한되어 생기는 질환입니다,” 내과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Constrictive pericarditis is a condition where the membranes around the heart become rigid, restricting cardiac filling,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 교착 (constriction) + 심막 (pericardium) + 염 (inflammation)
Memory Aid: Think of “교착 심막염” as in “gyo-chak sim-mak-yeom.” Picture a heart (심) wrapped with a tight rope (교착), restricting its movement, symbolizing the rigid and constrictive nature of pericarditis.
Cardiac Tumor
Example sentence 1: “심장종양은 심장 내에 발생하는 비정상적인 조직의 종양을 의미합니다,” 심장 외과 의사가 설명했습니다.
(“A cardiac tumor refers to an abnormal growth of tissue occurring within the heart,” explained the cardiac surgeon.)
Example sentence 2: “심장종양은 종종 심장 기능에 영향을 미치며 혈액 흐름을 방해할 수 있습니다,” 내과 전문의가 강조했습니다.
(“Cardiac tumors often affect heart function and can interfere with blood flow,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 심장 (heart) + 종양 (tumor)
Memory Aid: Think of “심장종양” as in “shim-jang jong-yang.” Picture a heart (심장) with a tumor (종양) growing inside it, symbolizing the presence of abnormal tissue growth within the cardiac system.
Infective Endocarditis
감염 심내막염
Example sentence 1: “감염 심내막염은 심장 내막에 세균 또는 바이러스에 의해 발생하는 감염성 질환입니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Infective endocarditis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria or viruses affecting the endocardium of the heart,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “감염 심내막염은 일반적으로 심장판막의 손상 또는 이상한 심장동작에서 비롯될 수 있습니다,” 치료 과학자가 강조했습니다.
(“Infective endocarditis can typically arise from damage to heart valves or abnormal heart function,” emphasized the therapeutic scientist.)
Hanja break down: 감염 (infection) + 심내막 (endocardium) + 염 (inflammation)
Memory Aid: Think of “감염 심내막염” as in “gam-eom sim-nae-mak-yeom.” Picture the inner lining of a heart (심내막) under attack by infectious invaders (감염), causing inflammation, symbolizing infective endocarditis.
Aortic Stenosis
Example sentence 1: “죽상경화증은 대동맥판이 경화되어 동맥의 통과량을 제한하는 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Aortic stenosis is a heart condition where the aortic valve becomes hardened, limiting the flow of blood through the artery,” explained the cardiologist.)
Example sentence 2: “죽상경화증은 주로 심장 기능 저하와 호흡곤란을 유발할 수 있으며 치료가 필요합니다,” 내과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Aortic stenosis can primarily lead to impaired heart function and difficulty breathing, requiring treatment,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 죽상 (aortic) + 경화증 (stenosis)
Memory Aid: Think of “죽상경화증” as in “juk-sang-gyeong-hwa-jeung.” Picture a hardened gate (죽상) blocking the flow of water through a pipe, symbolizing the narrowed aortic valve and reduced blood flow in aortic stenosis.
Example sentence 1: “허혈성 심장병은 심장 혈관에 혈액 공급이 부족하여 발생하는 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Ischemic heart disease is a heart condition caused by insufficient blood supply to the cardiac vessels,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “허혈성은 심장의 혈액 공급이 감소하거나 차단되어 심장 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Ischemic conditions can affect heart function by reducing or blocking blood supply to the heart,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 허 (lack) + 혈 (blood) + 성 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “허혈성” as in “heo-hyeol-seong.” Picture a heart (심장) with a stop sign (허혈성) in front of it, symbolizing the condition where blood supply to the heart is reduced or blocked, leading to ischemic heart disease.
Example sentence 1: “개관혈관은 심장에서 혈액을 조직으로 운반하는 혈관으로 중요한 기능을 합니다,” 혈관 외과 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Arterial vessels play a crucial role in transporting blood from the heart to the tissues,” explained the vascular surgeon.)
Example sentence 2: “개관 혈액 순환은 조직에 산소와 영양분을 공급하여 정상적인 기능을 유지하는 데 중요합니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Arterial blood circulation is essential for supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues to maintain normal function,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 개 (leading) + 관 (vessel)
Memory Aid: Think of “개관” as in “gae-gwan.” Picture a highway (개관) leading from the heart to various tissues, symbolizing arterial vessels responsible for transporting blood to the body’s organs and cells.
Angina Pectoris
Example sentence 1: “협심증은 심장에 충분한 혈류가 공급되지 않아 발생하는 흉통을 나타내는 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 질환 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Angina pectoris is a heart condition characterized by chest pain due to inadequate blood supply to the heart,” explained the cardiac disease specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “협심증은 일반적으로 심장 활동이 증가할 때 발생하며 휴식 시에 증상이 완화될 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Angina pectoris typically occurs with increased heart activity and symptoms may alleviate at rest,” mentioned the internist.)
Hanja break down: 협 (constriction) + 심 (heart) + 증 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “협심증” as in “hyeop-shim-jeung.” Picture a heart (심) squeezed by a clamp (협), causing chest pain, symbolizing the constricted blood flow in angina pectoris.
Recognized Angina Pectoris
Example sentence 1: “인정협심증은 환자가 자각하는 흉통으로, 일상 생활에서 발생하는 심장 질환의 증상을 나타냅니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Recognized angina pectoris refers to chest pain perceived by the patient, indicating symptoms of heart disease occurring in everyday life,” explained the cardiac specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “인정협심증은 심장 혈관의 혈액 공급이 감소함에 따라 일어나며 심장 부족 혈류에 기인합니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Recognized angina pectoris occurs as a result of decreased blood supply to the cardiac vessels, leading to insufficient blood flow to the heart,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 인정 (recognition) + 협 (constriction) + 심 (heart) + 증 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “인정협심증” as in “in-jeong-hyeop-shim-jeung.” Picture a heart (심) with a certificate of recognition (인정), experiencing constriction (협) and chest pain, symbolizing the acknowledged symptoms of angina pectoris perceived by the patient.
Example sentence 1: “병태생리는 질병이나 손상으로 인한 정상 생리 기능의 변화를 연구하는 의학 분야입니다,” 의학 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Pathophysiology is the medical field that studies the changes in normal physiological functions due to disease or injury,” explained the medical expert.)
Example sentence 2: “병태생리는 질병 과정에서 생기는 세포, 조직, 및 기관의 이상을 이해하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다,” 병리학자가 강조했습니다.
(“Pathophysiology plays a crucial role in understanding the abnormalities in cells, tissues, and organs that occur during the course of disease,” emphasized the pathologist.)
Hanja break down: 병태 (pathology) + 생리 (physiology)
Memory Aid: Think of “병태생리” as in “byeong-tae-saeng-ri.” Picture a path (병태) leading to changes in the normal flow (생리) of physiological processes, symbolizing the study of pathophysiology and its role in understanding disease-related alterations.
Variant Angina
변이 협심증
Example sentence 1: “변이 협심증은 심장 혈관의 울혈로 인한 가슴 통증으로 특징이 있는 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Variant angina is a heart condition characterized by chest pain due to coronary artery spasm,” explained the cardiac specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “변이 협심증은 흉통이 일어나는 상황이 예측할 수 없으며 휴식으로 증상이 호전될 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Variant angina can occur unpredictably, and symptoms may improve with rest,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 변이 (variant) + 협 (constriction) + 심 (heart) + 증 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “변이 협심증” as in “byeon-i hyeop-shim-jeung.” Picture a heart (심) with changing shapes (변이) experiencing constriction (협), symbolizing the characteristic chest pain associated with variant angina due to coronary artery spasms.
Drug Therapy
Example sentence 1: “약물치료는 약물을 사용하여 질병이나 증상을 치료하는 의료적 방법입니다,” 내과 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“Drug therapy is a medical approach to treating diseases or symptoms using medication,” explained the internist.)
Example sentence 2: “약물치료는 환자의 상태와 질병 특성에 따라 다양한 의약품을 사용하여 적절한 치료를 제공합니다,” 약학자가 강조했습니다.
(“Drug therapy provides appropriate treatment by using various medications based on the patient’s condition and disease characteristics,” emphasized the pharmacist.)
Hanja break down: 약물 (drug) + 치료 (therapy)
Memory Aid: Picture a bottle of pills (약물) being used to treat a disease, symbolizing drug therapy as a method of medical treatment involving medication.
Acute Myocardial Infarction
급성 심근경색
Example sentence 1: “급성 심근경색은 심장 근육의 급격한 혈액 공급 부족으로 인한 심장 조직 손상을 나타내는 중요한 심장 질환입니다,” 심장 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Acute myocardial infarction is a significant heart condition characterized by myocardial tissue damage due to sudden lack of blood supply to the heart muscle,” explained the cardiac specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “급성 심근경색은 심장 내 혈전 형성으로 인해 발생하며 심장 기능의 급격한 감소를 초래할 수 있습니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Acute myocardial infarction can occur due to the formation of blood clots within the heart and may result in a rapid decline in heart function,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 급성 (acute) + 심근 (myocardium) + 경색 (infarction)
Memory Aid: Think of “급성 심근경색” as in “geup-seong sim-geun-gyeong-saek.” Picture a heart (심) experiencing a sudden stop (급성) in blood flow, leading to tissue damage (경색), symbolizing acute myocardial infarction characterized by abrupt myocardial ischemia and tissue necrosis.
Example sentence 1: “합병증은 기본 질병이나 상태로부터 발생하는 추가적인 의학적 문제를 나타냅니다,” 내과 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“A complication refers to additional medical issues arising from an underlying disease or condition,” explained the internist.)
Example sentence 2: “합병증은 주로 기본 질병의 진행과 치료에 영향을 미치며 적절한 관리가 필요합니다,” 외과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Complications mainly affect the progression and treatment of the underlying disease, requiring appropriate management,” emphasized the surgeon.)
Hanja break down: 합 (together) + 병 (disease) + 증 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “합병증” as in “hap-byeong-jeung.” Picture two diseases (병) merging together (합) to create additional medical issues, symbolizing complications arising from an underlying disease or condition.
Example sentence 1: “심장성 쇼크는 심장 기능의 갑작스러운 약화로 인해 발생하는 심혈관계 충격을 의미합니다,” 심장병 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Cardiogenic shock refers to cardiovascular shock caused by sudden deterioration of cardiac function,” explained the cardiac specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “심장성 폐부종은 심장 기능 저하로 인해 발생하는 폐부종을 나타내며 적절한 치료가 필요합니다,” 내과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Cardiogenic pulmonary edema indicates pulmonary edema resulting from impaired cardiac function, requiring appropriate treatment,” emphasized the internist.)
Hanja break down: 심장 (heart) + 성 (related to)
Memory Aid: Think of “심장성” as in “shim-jang-seong.” Picture the heart (심장) as the center, with everything related to it (성) revolving around its function and conditions, symbolizing cardiogenic issues stemming from cardiac dysfunction.
Pulmonary Edema
Example sentence 1: “폐부종은 폐에 비정상적인 체액이 축적되는 상태로, 호흡곤란과 기타 호흡곤란 증상을 유발할 수 있습니다,” 내과 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“Pulmonary edema is a condition characterized by abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms,” explained the internist.)
Example sentence 2: “폐부종은 주로 심장 기능 저하로 인해 발생하며 심장성 폐부종과 비심장성 폐부종으로 구분됩니다,” 흉부외과 의사가 언급했습니다.
(“Pulmonary edema mainly occurs due to impaired cardiac function and is classified into cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema,” mentioned the thoracic surgeon.)
Hanja break down: 폐 (lung) + 부종 (edema/swelling)
Memory Aid: Think of “폐부종” as in “pye-bu-jong.” Picture lungs (폐) filled with bubbles (부종), representing the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs in pulmonary edema.
Example sentence 1: “급성 심부전은 심장 기능의 급작스러운 감소로 인해 발생하는 급성 심장 기능 저하를 나타냅니다,” 심장병 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Acute heart failure refers to the sudden decrease in cardiac function leading to acute deterioration of heart function,” explained the cardiac specialist.)
Example sentence 2: “급성 뇌졸중은 뇌 혈류의 갑작스러운 차단으로 인해 발생하는 급성 뇌손상을 나타내며 신속한 치료가 필요합니다,” 신경학 전문의가 강조했습니다.
(“Acute stroke indicates acute brain damage resulting from sudden blockage of cerebral blood flow, requiring prompt treatment,” emphasized the neurologist.)
Hanja break down: 급 (sudden) + 성 (condition)
Memory Aid: Think of “급성” as in “geup-seong.” Picture a lightning bolt (급) striking suddenly, representing the abrupt onset of a condition (성), symbolizing the acute nature of the medical issue.
Treatment Resistance
Example sentence 1: “치료저항성은 특정 질병이나 상태가 치료에 반응하지 않는 상태를 나타내며 추가적인 치료 전략이 필요합니다,” 내과 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“Treatment resistance indicates a state where a specific disease or condition does not respond to treatment, requiring additional therapeutic strategies,” explained the internist.)
Example sentence 2: “치료저항성은 약물이나 치료가 효과적으로 작용하지 않을 때 발생하며 개별화된 접근 방식이 필요합니다,” 정신과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Treatment resistance occurs when medications or therapies do not effectively work, requiring individualized approaches,” emphasized the psychiatrist.)
Hanja break down: 치료 (treatment) + 저항성 (resistance)
Memory Aid: Think of “치료저항성” as in “chi-ryo-jeo-hang-seong.” Picture a barrier (저항성) preventing treatment (치료), symbolizing treatment resistance where conventional therapies are ineffective and require alternative approaches.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Example sentence 1: “급성심장사는 심장의 갑작스러운 비정상적인 심박동으로 인해 발생하는 급작스러운 심장 기능 손실을 의미합니다,” 심장전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Sudden cardiac arrest refers to the abrupt loss of cardiac function due to sudden abnormal heart rhythms,” explained the cardiologist.)
Example sentence 2: “급성심장사는 심장 신호 전달이 중단되면 발생하며 심폐소생술 및 신속한 치료가 필요합니다,” 응급의학 전문의가 강조했습니다.
(“Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when cardiac signaling is interrupted, requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and prompt treatment,” emphasized the emergency medicine specialist.)
Hanja break down: 급성 (sudden) + 심장 (heart) + 사 (death)
Memory Aid: Think of “급성심장사” as in “geup-seong-sim-jang-sa.” Picture a sudden halt (급성) in heart activity (심장), resulting in cardiac death (사), symbolizing sudden cardiac arrest characterized by the abrupt loss of heart function.
Aortic Dissection
Example sentence 1: “대동맥박리는 대동맥 벽 내 층 사이의 이상적인 갈라짐으로 인한 심각한 심혈관계 이상을 나타냅니다,” 심장외과 전문의가 설명했습니다.
(“Aortic dissection indicates a serious cardiovascular abnormality caused by an abnormal tear between the layers of the aortic wall,” explained the cardiothoracic surgeon.)
Example sentence 2: “대동맥박리는 급성 가슴 통증과 심각한 심장 이상을 유발하며 즉각적인 응급 처치가 필요합니다,” 응급의학 전문의가 강조했습니다.
(“Aortic dissection can lead to acute chest pain and severe cardiac abnormalities, necessitating immediate emergency intervention,” emphasized the emergency medicine specialist.)
Hanja break down: 대 (large) + 동맥 (aorta) + 박리 (dissection)
Memory Aid: Think of “대동맥박리” as in “dae-dong-maek-bak-li.” Picture a large artery (대동맥) with a sudden tear (박리) in its layers, symbolizing aortic dissection and its potentially life-threatening consequences.
Marfan Syndrome
마르판 증후군
Example sentence 1: “마르판 증후군은 결합조직의 이상으로 인한 유전적 질환으로, 심장 및 혈관, 눈 등 다양한 기관에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다,” 유전의학 전문가가 설명했습니다.
(“Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by abnormalities in connective tissue, which can affect various organs such as the heart, blood vessels, and eyes,” explained the geneticist.)
Example sentence 2: “마르판 증후군은 특이한 외모적 특징과 심혈관계 이상을 보이며 적절한 치료 및 주의가 필요합니다,” 소아과 의사가 강조했습니다.
(“Marfan syndrome presents with distinctive physical features and cardiovascular abnormalities, requiring appropriate treatment and attention,” emphasized the pediatrician.)
Hanja break down: 마 (mar) + 르 (French masculine article) + 판 (plate) + 증후군 (syndrome)
Memory Aid: Think of “마르판 증후군” as in “ma-reu-pan jeung-hu-gun.” Picture a French plate (마르판) with various organs represented on it, symbolizing Marfan syndrome characterized by its multi-organ involvement due to connective tissue abnormalities.
carotid sinus hypersensitivity
목동맥팽대 과민성
glossopharyngeal nerve
9번 뇌신경
stroke volume
deglutition/ swallowing
cardiac output
sick sinus syndrome
The Korean term “동기능부전증후군” (dong-gineung-bujeon-jeunghugun) can be broken down to explain its correlation to “sick sinus syndrome”:
- 동 (動): This character means “to move” or “motion.” It’s often used in medical terms to denote function or activity, such as in the context of bodily organs or systems.
- 기능 (機能): This term stands for “function” or “capability.” It’s used across various contexts in Korean to denote the functioning or operational capability of something.
- 부전 (不全): This part means “inadequate” or “insufficient.” It’s used to indicate that something is not functioning fully or properly.
- 증후군 (症候群): This is a compound word where “증 (症)” refers to “symptom” or “syndrome,” and “후군 (候群)” relates to a group or collection. Together, they refer to a “syndrome” or a collection of symptoms that characterize a particular condition.
So, when you put it all together, “동기능부전증후군” (dong-gineung-bujeon-jeunghugun) translates to a syndrome (증후군) characterized by the inadequate (부전) function (기능) of motion or activity (동), which aligns with the concept of “sick sinus syndrome” where the sinoatrial node’s function in pacing the heart’s rhythm is compromised.
The Hanja (Chinese characters used in Korean) for this term would be:
- 동 (動) - Motion
- 기능 (機能) - Function
- 부전 (不全) - Inadequate
- 증후군 (症候群) - Syndrome
This breakdown and the corresponding Hanja elucidate how the Korean term encapsulates the essence of “sick sinus syndrome.”
AV block
bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
서맥- 빈맥 증후군
supraventricular tachycardia
상심실성 빈맥
AV node reentry
ventricular tachycardia
carotid artery stenosis
vertebrobasilar insufficiency
척추기 저동맥허혈
differential diagnosis
감별 진단