1. Steroids in Health and Disease Flashcards
Main adrenal issues (3)
Destruction of adrenal tissue
Excess adrenal action
Therapeutic corticosteroids
Zones of adrenal gland (4) and secretions produced (4)
Zona glomerulosa - aldosterone
Zona fasicularis - cortisol
Zona reticular is - adrenal androgens
Medulla - adrenaline
Role of aldosterone (2)
Involved in salt and water regulation
Enhances Na reabsorption and K loss
Drugs that inhibit aldosterone action (2)
ACE inhibitors
Ang II inhibitors
Definition of cortisol
Glucocorticoid with physiological steroid effects
Effects of cortisol (4)
Antagonist to insulin
Lowers immune reactivity
Raises BP (normal BP maintenance)
Inhibits bone synthesis
Therapeutic steroids and their potency compared to cortisol (5)
Hydrocortisone (1x) Prednisolone (4x) Triamcinolone (5x) Dexamethasone (25x) Betamethasone (30x)
Therapeutic steroids enhance (2)
Glucocorticoid effect
Mineralocorticoid effect
Adverse effects of therapeutic steroids (11)
HTN Type 2 diabetes Osteoporosis Increased infection risk Peptic ulceration Thinning of the skin Easy bruising Cataracts and glaucoma Hyperlipidaemia (atherosclerosis) Increased cancer risk (due to decreased immune surveillance - immunosuppression) Psychiatric disturbance
Types of adrenal dysfunction (2)
Hyper function
Hypo function
Adrenal hyper function diseases and causes (2)
Cushing’s syndromes - glucocorticoids
Conn’s syndrome - aldosterone
Difference between primary and secondary (adrenal) dysfunction (2)
Primary - adrenal gland dysfunction/failure/tumour
Secondary - central/systemic failure - pituitary tumour/failure
Types of adrenal hypo function
Addison’s disease (primary)
Sheehan’s syndrome (secondary)
Causes of Cushing’s syndrome (3)
Cushing’s disease
Adrenal adenoma/hyperplasia
Ectopic ACTH production (small cell lung tumour)
Description of Cushing’s disease
Pituitary tumour –> increased ACTH production –> increased cortisol production
Excess adrenal action
Signs of Cushing’s syndrome (5)
Centripetal obesity HTN Thin skin and purpura Muscle weakness Osteoporotic changes and fractures