1. Psychological Disorders Part 2 Flashcards
What is bipolar disorder?
person experiences cyclic mood episodes oscillating between extremes/poles of depression and mania
What is a manic episode?
abnormal euphoric, unrestrained, or irritable mood with a marked increase in either goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
What is bipolar I disorder?
diagnosed only if there has been a spontaneous manic episode not triggered by treatment for depression of caused by another medical condition or medication
What is a mixed episode?
person has met symptoms for both major depression and manic episodes nearly everyday for at least a week
What is bipolar II disorder?
person has experienced cyclic moods, including at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode but has not met the criteria for a manic or mixed episode
What is a hypomanic episode?
abnormally euphoric or irritable mood for at least four days
What is a major depressive episode?
person has felt worse than usual for most of the day, nearly everyday, for at least two weeks
What is cyclothymic disorder?
similar to bipolar disorder but moods are less extreme with symptoms not meeting the criteria for either a manic or major depressive episode
What is a depressive disorder?
persistent pattern of abnormal and often painful mood symptoms severe enough to cause significant personal distress and/or impairment to social, occupational, or personal functioning
What is a mood?
person’s sustained internal emotion that colors his or her view of life
What is major depressive disorder?
person has suffered one or more major depressive episodes
What is persistent depressive disorder?
less intense but more chronic form of depression
What is premenstrual depressive disorder?
only in women; many of the same symptoms of a major depressive episode but they occur in the final week before the onset of menses
What is avolition?
lack of motivation or purpose
What is alogia?
decreased or absent speech
What is a delusion?
false belief that is not due to culture and is not relinquished despite evidence that it is false
What is a delusion disorder?
person has had one or more delusions that have been present for at least a month and counter evidence is generally denied or distorted to keep the delusion intact
What is a hallucination?
false sensory perception that occurs while a person is conscious
What is schizophrenia?
diagnosed when someone has been experiencing positive and sometimes negative symptoms for longer than six months