(1. Population Change) Flashcards
the study of the human population. People whostudy population are called demographers.
Population Distribution
refers to the way in which people are dispersed (spread out) across the world, a country or a region. The world’s population is very unevenly distributed.
Population density
is used to help measure the distribution of people throughout the world. It is calculated by dividing the total population of an area by the size of that area. It is represented as the average number of people per square kilometre.
Birth rate
the number of live births per thousand of population per year.
Death rate
the number of deaths per thousand of population per year.
Infant mortality
– The number of infants per 1,000 babies born in a given year who die before the age of one
Natural increase
when birth rate exceeds death rate the difference between the two is called natural increase. Natural increase figures are given per thousand of population. (Natural decrease is the opposite).
Total fertility rate( TFR)
the average number of births per woman in a particular country.
Population replacement level
the total fertility rate at which a population precisely replaces itself from one generation to the next. Ireland’s population replacement level is currently calculated at a TFR of 2.1 but our TFR in 2024 stands at 1.5.
Age dependency ratio
The ratio of persons in the ages defined as dependant (under 15 and over 64) to persons in ages defined as economically productive (15-64 years) in a population
Life expectancy
The average number of years a new-born baby is expected to live to in a particular country.