Within which official documents are the recognized standard procedures of ATC service laid down?
a. The Queen’s Regulations.
b. DINs and GAIs.
c. MAA Regulatory Publications.
d. RAF Flight Information Publications.
e. HQ AIR BM Safety Management Plan.
f. Local flying orders.
g. CAP 413.
h. CAP 774.
What aspects of AS operations should be taken into account by air traffic controllers during the performance of their duties?
a. Complexity of missions/sorties.
b. High psychological and physical strain on crews.
c. Airborne equipment related to the military mission.
d. High probability of emergencies with high-performance AS.
e. Limited fuel reserve.
What restrictions are there on Controllers donating blood?
Controllers should not control until 12 hours have elapsed after donating blood.
What are the limitations regarding controlling following inoculations and vaccinations?
and Vaccinations. Controllers should ascertain from a
MAME the duration of any controlling restrictions following inoculations or vaccination. Most inoculations and vaccinations will restrict controlling, normally
for at least 12 hours.
Who may act as the ATCO IC Watch at an airfield?
At airfields where a supervisor is not established, or outside established supervisor hours, the SATCO is normally to roster an officer, WO or substantive FS (holding at least one relevant endorsement) as ATCO IC the Watch. Exceptionally, the SATCO may roster a Sgt holding all endorsements applicable to the period of the Watch as ATCO IC provided that no controllers on duty are commissioned officers, WOs or substantive FS.
What are the administrative duties of the Supervisor/ATCO IC?
a. On taking over the Watch, be conversant with all orders and regulations pertaining to the task, and ensure that any new orders are brought to the attention of the other members of the Watch.
b. Check any Secret and Confidential materials against the checklist provided by the SATCO/Unit Exec and assume sole responsibility for all classified material and valuable and attractive items for the period of the Watch.
c. Ensure that watch logs and the WIP book are maintained.
d. Ensure that there is a high standard of discipline and cleanliness.
e. Ensure that portable night flying equipment is serviceable and available where established.
f. Remain in the control tower during the period of the watch unless relieved by an authorized person.
What is the procedure for handing over a watch?
Prior to handing over a watch, air traffic controllers are to:
a. Ensure that they provide relieving controllers with the fullest possible information on the current traffic situation, including any items of special interest, which may have a bearing on the ensuing watch.
b. Complete such action and subsequent reports as may be necessary on any emergency or distress incident or accident, which has occurred during their tour of duty.
c. When satisfied that the air traffic controller taking over is conversant with the current situation, controllers are to record handing over their specific duties as required by local orders.
What is the procedure for taking over watch?
Prior to taking over watch, air traffic controllers are to:
a. Ensure that they are fully conversant with the latest promulgated orders, instructions, notices and signals with particular reference to the aerodrome and its facilities.
b. Be fully briefed regarding the weather situation and tendencies for the period of their watch.
c. Ensure that they have a full understanding of the air traffic situation prevailing prior to taking over watch.
d. Having completed the procedures above, the Supervisor/ATCO IC is to sign the ATC Watch Log as having taken over the watch. Other controllers are to record taking over their specific duties as required by local orders.
For what period of time is a Local Operating Endorsement (LOE) valid?
From the date of issue until the holder is posted, unless lapsed, subject to a period of retraining or cancelled.
a. Who may cancel an LOE?
b. What are the implications of the cancellation of an endorsement
b. Once an LOE has been cancelled, the controller affected shall not undertake training in the cancelled LOE for the remainder of their tour and maybe subject to disposal action.
When may an endorsement be allowed to lapse?
Controller endorsements shall be lapsed in the following circumstances:
a. Declared non-effective for controlling duties for a period exceeding 4 months, including paternity leave.
b. Commencing maternity leave of any duration.
c. Personnel detached OOA to a non-controlling post.
d. Exceptionally when it is impractical to remain current and the controller has held the endorsement for a minimum of 6 months.
e. When it is decided that an LEO is no longer required to conduct LEO duties at the Unit.
What are the Forms 5993 and 5994 used for?
a. F5993:
(1) BM STANEVAL (ATM) to record 2nd Party Assurance Checks (2PAC), LEO checks, Working Endorsements and PK scores.
(2) An LEO for recording endorsement action, WK and PK scores, BMD checks and controller stds checks.
(3) The SAOC DTS Practitioner for recording PK examinations.
(4) A UStanO for recording BMD checks and stds checks on the LEO and Stds Team members and, where delegated, initial controller BMD checks. Recording of controller Stds checks.
(5) Unit Stds Team members for recording stds checks.
(6) A UTO for recording stds checks on unit instructors/screens and for the submission of FTPAs.
(7) Any controller submitting an ‘other item’.
b. F5994:
The F5994, Certificate of Competency (CofC), is an official document issued to graduating students from SAOC. It is a legal document that records all trg cses, trg ratings, awarded LOEs and validated ratings. Although it is considered to be the personal property of the individual, the LEO is to hold the F5994s of all unit control staff for safekeeping. Only holders of a F5994, or equivalent document, bearing the appropriate endorsements are authorised to provide an air traffic control service solo at a specified unit.