1: Physical and cognitive changes across the lifespan Flashcards
A behavior pattern characterized by an overwhelming involvement with a drug and securing its supply.
Realistic and pragmatic thinking
Some developmentalists propose that as young adults move into the world of work, their way of thinking does change. One idea is that as they face the constraints of reality, which work promotes, their idealism decreases.
Reflective and relativistic thinking
William Perry (1999) also described changes in cognition that take place in early adulthood. He said that adolescents often view the world in terms of polarities—right/wrong, we/they, or good/bad. As youth age into adulthood, they gradually move away from this type of absolutist thinking as they become aware of the diverse opinions and multiple perspectives of others.
Expanding on Perry’s view, Gisela Labouvie-Vief (2006) recently proposed that the increasing complexity of cultures in the past century has generated a greater need for more refl ective, complex thinking that takes into account the changing nature of knowledge and challenges. She also emphasizes that the key aspects of cognitive development in emerging adulthood include deciding on a particular worldview, recognizing that the worldview is subjective, and understanding that diverse worldviews should be acknowledged. In her perspective, considerable individual variation characterizes the thinking of emerging adults, with the highest level of thinking attained by only some. She argues that the level of education emerging adults achieve especially infl uences how likely they will maximize their cognitive potential.
Postformal thought
Some theorists have pieced together cognitive changes in young adults and proposed a new stage of cognitive development, postformal thought, which is qualitatively different from Piaget’s formal operational thought (Sinnott, 2003). Postformal thought involves understanding that the correct answer to a problem requires refl ective thinking and can vary from one situation to another, and that the search for truth is often an ongoing, never-ending process (Kitchener, King, & Deluca, 2006). Postformal thought also includes the belief that solutions to problems need to be realistic and that emotion and subjective factors can infl uence thinking.
Mortality rates
Previously, infectious disease was the main cause of death. Now, as rates for infectious diseases have declined, and more individuals live through middle age, chronic disorders have increased and are now the main causes of death for individuals in middle adulthood.
In middle age, many deaths are caused by a single, readily identifiable condition. In old age, death is more likely to result from the combined effects of several chronic conditions.
Men have higher mortality rates than women for all leading causes of death.
A term used to descrive the midlife transition in which fertility declines.
Menopause is the time in middle age, usually in the late forties or early fi fties, when a woman’s menstrual periods completely cease. The average age at which women have their last period is 51 (Wise, 2006). However, there is large variation in the age at which menopause occurs— from 39 to 59 years of age.
In menopause, production of estrogen by the ovaries declines dramatically, and this decline produces uncomfortable symptoms in some women—“hot fl ashes,” nausea, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat, for example.
Until recently, hormone replacement therapy was often prescribed as treatment for unpleasant side effects of menopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) augments the declining levels of reproductive hormone production by the ovaries (Nappi & Polatti, 2009; Studd, 2010). HRT can consist of various forms of estrogen, and usually a progestin. A study of HRT’s effects was halted as evidence emerged that participants who were receiving HRT faced an increased risk of stroke.
Perimenopause is the transitional period from normal menstrual periods to no menstrual periods at all, which often takes up to 10 years (De Franciscis & others, 2007; Seritan & others, 2010). Perimenopause is most common in the forties but can occur in the thirties.
Hormonal changes in middle-aged men
Do men go through anything like the menopause that women experience? That is, is there a male menopause? During middle adulthood, most men do not lose their capacity to father children, although there usually is a modest decline in their sexual hormone level and activity (Kohler & others, 2008). Men experience hormonal changes in their fi fties and sixties, but nothing like the dramatic drop in estrogen that women experience. Testosterone production begins to decline about 1 percent a year during middle adulthood, and sperm count usually shows a slow decline, although men do not lose their fertility in middle age.
Fluid & crystallized intelligence
John Horn argues that some abilities begin to decline in middle age while others increase (Horn & Donaldson, 1980). Horn maintains that crystallized intelligence, an individual’s accumulated information and verbal skills, continues to increase in middle adulthood, whereas fl uid intelligence, one’s ability to reason abstractly, begins to decline in the middle adulthood years (see Figure 15.5).
Speed of information processing
As we saw in Schaie’s (1994, 1996) Seattle Longitudinal Study, perceptual speed begins declining in early adulthood and continues to decline in middle adulthood. A common way to assess speed of information is through a reaction-time task, in which individuals simply press a button as soon as they see a light appear. Middle-aged adults are slower to push the button when the light appears than young adults are. However, keep in mind that the decline is not dramatic—under 1 second in most investigations.
In Schaie’s (1994, 1996) Seattle Longitudinal Study, verbal memory peaked in the fi fties. However, in some other studies verbal memory has shown a decline in middle age, especially when assessed in cross-sectional studies (Salthouse, 2009). For example, in several studies when asked to remember lists of words, numbers, or meaningful prose, younger adults outperformed middle-aged adults (Salthouse & Skovronek, 1992). Although there still is some controversy about whether memory declines in the middle adulthood years, most experts conclude that it does decline
Cognitive aging expert Denise Park (2001) argues that starting in late middle age, more time is needed to learn new information. The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in working memory, the mental “workbench” where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language (Baddeley, 2007). In this view, in late middle age working memory capacity—the amount of information that can be immediately retrieved and used—becomes more limited. Think of this situation as an overcrowded desk with many items in disarray. As a result of the overcrowding and disarray, long-term memory becomes less reliable, more time is needed to enter new information into long-term storage, and more time is required to retrieve the information. Thus, Park concludes that much of the blame for declining memory in late middle age is a result of information overload that builds up as we go through the adult years.
Because it takes so long to attain, expertise often shows up more in the middle adulthood than in the early adulthood years (Kim & Hasher, 2005). Recall from Chapter 9 that expertise involves having extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain. Developing expertise and becoming an “expert” in a fi eld usually is the result of many years of experience, learning, and effort. Strategies that distinguish experts from novices include these:
- Experts are more likely to rely on their accumulated experience to solve problems.
- Experts often process information automatically and analyze it more effi ciently when solving a problem in their domain than novices do.
- Experts have better strategies and shortcuts to solving problems in their domain than novices do.
- Experts are more creative and fl exible in solving problems in their domain than novices are.
Practical problem solving
Everyday problem solving is another important aspect of cognition (Margrett & Deshpande-Kamat, 2009). Nancy Denney (1986, 1990) observed circumstances such as how young and middle-aged adults handled a landlord who would not fi x their stove and what they did if a bank failed to deposit a check. She found that the ability to solve such practical problems improved through the forties and fi fties as individuals accumulated practical experience. However, since Denney’s research other studies on everyday problem-solving and decisionmaking effectiveness across the adult years have been conducted (Margrett & Deshpande-Kamat, 2009). A meta-analysis of studies indicated that everyday problem-solving and decision-making effectiveness remained stable in early and middle adulthood, then declined in late adulthood (Thornton & Dumke, 2005).
Evolutionary theory of aging
In the evolutionary theory of aging, natural selection has not eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults (Austad, 2009). Why? Because natural selection is linked to reproductive fi tness, which only is present in the earlier part of adulthood. For example, consider Alzheimer disease, an irreversible brain disorder, which does not appear until the late middle adulthood or late adulthood years. In evolutionary theory, if Alzheimer disease occurred earlier in development, it may have been eliminated many centuries ago.
Cellular clock theory (Hayflick)
Cellular clock theory is Leonard Hayfl ick’s (1977) theory that cells can divide a maximum of about 75 to 80 times, and that as we age our cells become less capable of dividing. Hayfl ick found that cells extracted from adults in their fi fties to seventies divided fewer than 75 to 80 times. Based on the ways cells divide, Hayfl ick places the upper limit of the human life-span potential at about 120 to 125 years of age.
In the last decade, scientists have tried to fi ll in a gap in cellular clock theory (Liew & Norbury, 2009; Sahin & DePinho, 2010; Zou & others, 2009). Hayfl ick did not know why cells die. The answer may lie at the tips of chromosomes, at telomeres, which are DNA sequences that cap chromosomes (Davoli, Denchi, & de Lange, 2010; Osterhage & Friedman, 2009). Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter and shorter (see Figure 17.3). After about 70 or 80 replications, the telomeres are dramatically reduced, and the cell no longer can reproduce. A recent study revealed that healthy centenarians had longer telomeres than unhealthy centenarians
Free-radical theory
A second microbiological theory of aging is free-radical theory, which states that people age because when cells metabolize energy, the by-products include unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals (Chehab & others, 2008). The free radicals ricochet around the cells, damaging DNA and other cellular structures (Afanasev, 2009). The damage can lead to a range of disorders, including cancer and arthritis (Farooqui & Farooqui, 2009).
Mitochondrial theory
There is increasing interest in the role that mitochondria — tiny bodies within cells that supply essential energy for function, growth, and repair—might play in aging (Scheckhuber, 2009) (see Figure 17.4). Mitochondrial theory states that aging is due to the decay of mitochondria. It appears that this decay is primarily from oxidative damage and loss of critical micronutrients supplied by the cell
Hormonal stress theory
hormonal stress theory argues that aging in the body’s hormonal system can lower resistance to stress and increase the likelihood of disease (Finch & Seeman, 1999). Normally, when people experience stressors, the body responds by releasing certain hormones. As people age, the hormones stimulated by stress remain at elevated levels longer than when people were younger. These prolonged, elevated levels of stress-related hormones are associated with increased risks for many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension (Epel, 2009; Wolkowitz & others, 2010).
Recently, a variation of hormonal stress theory has emphasized the contribution of a decline in immune system functioning with aging (Effros, 2009b; Swain & Nikolich-Zugich, 2009; Walston & others, 2009). Aging contributes to immune system defi cits that give rise to infectious diseases in older adults (Bauer, Jeckel, & Luz, 2009). The extended duration of stress and diminished restorative processes in older adults may accelerate the effects of aging on immunity.
The immune system
Decline in the functioning of the body’s immune system with aging is well documented (Agarwal & Busse, 2010). As we indicated earlier in our discussion of hormonal stress theory, the extended duration of stress and diminished restorative processes in older adults may accelerate the effects of aging on immunity (Zitrogel, Kepp, & Kroemer, 2010). Also, malnutrition involving low levels of protein is linked to a decrease in T cells that destroy infected cells and hence to deterioration in the immune system (Hughes & others, 2010). Exercise can improve immune system functioning.
Visual acuity
In late adulthood, the decline in vision that began for most adults in early or middle adulthood becomes more pronounced (Dillon & others, 2010; Lindenberger & Ghisletta, 2009). Night driving is especially diffi cult, to some extent because tolerance for glare diminishes (Babizhayev, Minasyan, & Richer, 2009; Wood & others, 2010). Dark adaptation is slower—that is, older individuals take longer to recover their vision when going from a well-lighted room to semidarkness. The area of the visual fi eld becomes smaller, a change suggesting that the intensity of a stimulus in the peripheral area of the visual fi eld needs to be increased if the stimulus is to be seen. Events taking place away from the center of the visual fi eld might not be detected.
This visual decline often can be traced to a reduction in the quality or intensity of light reaching the retina. At 60 years of age, the retina receives only about onethird as much light as it did at 20 years of age (Scialfa & Kline, 2007). In extreme old age, these changes might be accompanied by degenerative changes in the retina, causing severe diffi culty in seeing.