1 Oral Cavity and Periodontal Disease Flashcards
a chronic inflammatory disease of the tissues supporting a tooth
Tooth (p.2-6)
- Enamel
- Dentin
- Cementum
- Pulp
- The whitish crown that is visible above the gumline is covered with enamel.
- 96% consists of the calcium phosphate crystal, hydroxyapatite.
- Unlike bone, which is also mineralized with hydroxyapatite, enamel does not have any collagen.
- a mineralized collagen connective tissue underlying the enamel.
- The dentin is less mineralized and therefore more flexible than enamel
- necessary as a support for the crown of the tooth.
- a specialized bone-like substance that covers and protects the dentin where it projects into the root of the tooth.
- junctions with the enamel at the border of the gumline.
- softer than enamel or dentin.
- Periodontal ligaments attach to cementum to anchor the tooth into the alveolar socket of the mandible or maxillary bones.
- the central part of the tooth.
- a soft connective tissue with blood vessels and nerves.
Supporting structures = peridontium (p.7-8)
- Gingiva
- Peridontal ligament
- Alveolar bone
- faces the oral cavity
- overlays the jaw bones.
- a muscosa composed of a stratified squamous epithelium and lamina propria connective tissue.
- Hemidesmosomes and a basal lamina attach to the tooth at the gum line.
Peridontal ligament
- attaches cemuntum to bone.
- Cells of the periodontal ligament include fibroblasts, cementoblasts, macrophages, osteoblasts and nerves.
- anchors the tooth in the jaw
- the source of new bone cells when the tooth moves within the bone (ex: eruption, braces)
Alveolar bone
- forms the alveolar sockets around the tooth.
Periodontitis (p.9-10)
- Gingivitis and periodontitis
- Gingivitis
- Periodontitis
- Gingivitis and periodontitis
- disease of the tissues of the periodontium
- Gingivitis
- a bacterial plaque induced inflammation of the gums without any loss of epithelial attachment.
- As soon as the epithelial barrier is broken the severity of the disease changes.
- Periodontitis
- inflammation of gingiva
- loss of epithelial attachment
- irreversible damage to cementum, alveolar bone and/or the periodontal ligament
Pathogenesis of periodontitis (p.11-13)
- Pathogenesis of periodontitis (in order of increasing severity):
- Dental plaque
- Pathogenesis of periodontitis (in order of increasing severity):
- gingival redness and swelling
- plaque to tartar
- bleeding gums (spontaneous or at brushing)
- deepening of the crevice between the tooth and the gingiva, resulting in the formation of a pathological periodontal pocket (measuring >3mm)
- halitosis (sulfur-containing gases produced anaerobically)
- Dental plaque
- a biofilm of bacteria that adheres to the tooth surfaces adjacent to the gingival crevices.
- can be any of 600 various gram-positive, aerobic, cocci.
- removed by regular brushing.
- buildup eventually produces a hard mineralized calculus or tartar that attaches to the enamel as well as the cementum.
- can only be removed by professional dental cleaning.
- When the gingiva becomes inflamed the gum pockets deepen and the bacterial flora shift to gram-negative, anaerobic rods, of which Porphyromonas gingivalis is the most common.
Pathogenesis of periodontitis (p.14-19)
- Pathogenesis (starting from “long-in-the-tooth”)
- Cells of the humoral and cellular immune systems/
- Osteoclasts are activated as/
- Supporting structures of the teeth/
- Pathogenesis
- “long-in-the-tooth” -root exposure as the gingiva recedes
- increased tooth mobility (due to bone loss)
- tooth migration with impaired mastication
- bone abscesses
- tooth loss
- Cells of the humoral and cellular immune systems react locally to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 & TNFalpha) and matrix metalloproteinases that further damage the attachment of the gingival epithelium to the cementum line.
- Osteoclasts are activated as RANKL is increased and its inhibitor, osteoprotegrin, is decreased.
- Supporting structures of the teeth, periodontal ligaments and alveolar bone, are compromised.
Pathogenesis of periodontitis (p.20-21)
- Pathogenesis (starting from “systemic disease exacerbation”)
- Subsequent systemic responses/
- transient bacteremia often occurs/
- An autoimmune type of response may occur due to/
- Antibodies to/
- Antibodies to/
- Pathogenesis
- Systemic disease exacerbation
- Molecular mimicry - autoimmunity
- Eventual disruption of epithelial barrier allows entry of the bacteria and or bacterial products into the systemic circulation.
Subsequent systemic responses include the production of C-reactive protein and activation of vascular endothelium (E-selectin).
- these particular strains of oral bacteria access the blood
transient bacteremia often occurs during dental cleaning, tooth brushing, even vigorous chewing.
- Thus the need for prophylactic antibiotics during dental procedures for any patient with an artificial heart valve, organ transplant or joint replacement.
An autoimmune type of response may occur due to homology between bacterial antigens and normal human proteins.
- Antibodies to the bacterial heat shock protein, GroEL, of the hsp60 family, cross-react with the human hsp60.
- Antibodies to hsp60 have been implicated in the pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus and coronary heart disease.
Periodontal disease risk factors (p.22-23)
- poor tooth hygiene and plaque
- specific oral bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis
- environmental exposures ( esp cigarette smoke)
- decreased access to fluorinated water
- systemic illness - diabetes mellitus, cancer, HIV
- genetics (reports of gene variation in the interleukin-1 gene cluster)
- mental anxiety or depression
- obesity
medications that decrease saliva (xerostomia)-
- anticholinergics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diuretics, antihypertensives, antihistamines and narcotics
- hormonal changes - pregnancy, puberty, menopause and menstruation
- elderly (cumulative exposure to risk factors)
Treatments for periodontal disease (p.24)
- Brush & floss
- Dental cleaning
Scaling will resolve the gingival inflammation by removing plaque, mineralized calcus and bacterial biofilm from the crown of the tooth.
- This is performed at your 6 month cleaning.
- Once the gingival attachment has been compromised, root planning is a more extensive procedure to remove buildup from the cementum surrounding the root of the tooth.
- The more porous cementum is susceptible to bacterial invasion and mineralization.
Scaling will resolve the gingival inflammation by removing plaque, mineralized calcus and bacterial biofilm from the crown of the tooth.
- Systemic antibiotics
- questionable effectiveness on tooth biofilm
- Doxycycline
- given in low doses this tetracycline antibiotic acts as a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor
- the only FDA-approved host-modulating drug for the treatment of periodontitis.
- Vaccine
- against P. gingivalis
- Surgery
- for severe bone loss
Periodontitis and systemic diseases:
All of these have in common an element of chronic inflammation.
- Atherosclerosis, CVD
- Diabetes mellitus
- Pregnancy complications: preterm birth, low birth weight
- Respiratory disease -COPD, pneumonia
- Osteoporosis
- Impaired mastication & nutrition
- Hypertension
- Arthritis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Psoriasis
Periodontitis and systemic diseases: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) (p.27-32)
- presence of/
- P. gingivalis/
- Simply brushing twice a day versus once/
- presence of oral bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, in atherosclerotic plaques.
P. gingivalis upregulates the expression of toll-like receptors (TLR2 and TLR4) on macrophages and endothelial cells, which , in turn, activate the innate immune responses to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines.
- This contributes to the loss of arterial smooth muscle in the media and the thickening of the connective tissue component of the intima.
- Simply brushing twice a day versus once can decrease the amount of circulating C-reactive protein, a marker for systemic inflammation that is increased in cardiovascular disease.
Periodontitis and systemic diseases:
Diabetes (p.33-34)
- As the Pima’s diet changed to high % fat, so also did the rates of diabetes and periodontal disease.
- Simply treating the periodontal disease improved glycemic control in Pima diabetics.
Periodontitis and systemic diseases: Pregnancy complications (p.35-41)
- P. gingivalis can also be found in/
- toll-like receptor activation/
- PGE2 is the signal for/
- COX enzymes/
- pregnant women with periodontal disease had better outcomes simply by/
- P. gingivalis can also be found in the amniotic fluid in pregnant women with periodontal disease.
- toll-like receptor activation increases in IL-1 (general inflammation) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
- PGE2 is the signal for gap junctions to begin to form in the uterine myometrium.
- COX enzymes, and therefore prostaglandin production, are suppressed throughout pregnancy, until just before partuition.
- pregnant women with periodontal disease had better outcomes simply by using an antibacterial mouth rinse.
Periodontitis and systemic diseases: Insurance companies (Aetna Dental)
- Treat Periodontal disease in patients with CVD
- Treat periodontal disease in pregnancy
Surfaces (1.6, p.45)
- Dorsal
- Ventral
- Dorsal
- rough surface of tongue with papillae and taste buds
- stratified squamous epithelium with thin keratin
- Ventral
- undersurface of tongue
- stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium
Musculature (1.6, p.46)
- ?
- intrinsic
- extrinsic
- ?
- fine skeletal muscle bundles
- multidirectional
- small motor units
- intrinsic
- origin & insertion within tongue
- extrinsic
- origin outside of tongue
- insertion into tongue
Tongue: Dorsal papillae (1.6, p.47-50)
- Filiform papillae
- Fungiform papillae
- Circumvallate papillae
- Filiform papillae
- keratinized peaks,
- aid in mastication
- Fungiform papillae
- “mushroom” shaped
- do not protrude above tongue surface
- smooth keratinized surface
- scattered over surface of dorsum
- taste buds in the lateral sides
- Circumvallate papillae
- 8-12 in a V-shaped line at the rear of the tongue
- large, easily visible
- smooth keratinized surface
- deep lateral sulcus with taste buds
- dermal Von Ebner’s glands (serous glands) release watery
- enzyme enriched secretions
Tongue: Taste buds (p.51)
- Neuroepithelial cells
- Sustentacular cells
- Basal cells
- Neuroepithelial cells
- with taste hairs (receptors) projecting through pore of taste bud
- darker nuclei
- Sustentacular cells
- euchromatic nuclei
- glycosaminoglycan secretions to flush out pore
- Basal cell
- precursors
Tongue: Taste molecules (p.53)
- Molecules
- Where they function through / work with
- Molecules
- Sweet (CHO; gustducin)
- Sour (H+)
- Bitter (various, ~2 dozen bitter ligands)
- Salty (Na+)
- Umami (glutamic acid)
- Where they function through / work with
- Sweet, bitter and umami function through G-protein coupled receptors (Galphaq).
- Salty and sour work with ion channels.
Taste buds innervation
- anterior tongue
- posterior tongue & pharynx
- larynx
- palate
- anterior tongue
- chorda tympany of facial nerve
- posterior tongue & pharynx
- glossopharyngeal nerve
- larynx
- vagus – superior laryngeal branch
- palate
- trigeminal, facial & glossopharyngeal nerves
Salivary glands:
Functions (1.7, p.55)
- lubrication
- antibacterial
- lysozyme, lactoferrin, secretory IgA
- all from intercalated duct
- remineralize teeth enamel
- buffer oral cavity
- aqueous solvent for taste molecules
- salivary amylase & lipase
Salivary glands: General structure (1.7, p.57)
- Compound tubuloacinar merocrine exocrine glands
- How they secrete
- Excrete via ducts:
- Intercalated ducts
- Striated or Secretory Intralobular ducts
- Excretory ducts
Compound tubuloacinar merocrine exocrine glands, with myoepithelial cells
- Serous acini
- Mucous acini
Secrete in a stimulus-dependent fashion
- in contrast, minor salivary glands are constitutive secretors
- Excrete via ducts:
- Intercalated ducts
- smaller diameter than the secretory acinus;
- secrete antibacterials
- Striated or Secretory Intralobular ducts
- diameter approximately equal to a secretory acinus,
- basolateral striations due to mitochondria,
- basal ion pumping,
- this duct actually alters the secretions that pass through it via ion pumps
- Excretory ducts
- large, often stratified cuboidal or stratified columnar epithelium,
- in connective tissue septa
- Intercalated ducts
Salivary glands:
- Parasympathetic
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- watery, protein-rich
- Ach –> muscarinic receptors –> increase IP3/DAG –> increase Ca2+ –> secretion
- Sympathetic
- Norepinephrine = viscous, mucus-rich
Salivary glands: Specific glands (p.59-62)
- Parotid Gland
- % of oral cavity secretions
- Location
- Secretions
- Submandibular Gland
- % of oral cavity secretions
- Location
- Secretions
- Sublingual Gland
- % of oral cavity secretions
- Location
- Secretions
- Parotid Gland
- 25% of oral cavity secretions
- Location – between ear & the ramus of the mandible
- Secretions – serous
- Submandibular Gland
- 60-65% of secretions
- Location – floor of the mouth, just inside mandible
- Secretions – 80% serous, 20% mucous, with serous demilunes
- Sublingual Gland
- 10% of secretions
- Location – base of the tongue
- Secretions – 20% serous, 80% mucous, with serous demilunes
Sjogren’s syndrome (p.63)
- Autoimmune attack of exocrine glands producint tears & saliva
- 90% are rheumatoid factor positive (RF+)
- ANA+ (type SSB/La) also high
- Autoantigen = alpha-Fodrin
- A non-erythrocyte spectrin