1. Neuroembryology Flashcards
Three main Germ Layers from top to bottom
What is the solid cylinder of tissue that secretes factors that helps to guide the development of the brain and spinal cord
Of the three Germ Layers, which becomes the internal organs?
Of the three Germ Layers, which gives rise to the nervous system and integumentary system (skin)?
What does the Mesoderm give rise to?
Musculoskeletal and Circulatory System
What is the Neural Plate?
thickening of the ectoderm that joins to fold inward becoming the neural tube and crest
What do the somites do?
Organize the body rostrocaudally
The Neural Crest becomes the…
The Neural Tube becomes the…
The closing of the Neural Tube is called…
What becomes the cell bodies of the PNS and spinal ganglia?
Neural Crest Cells
What does the notochord eventually become apart of?
Intervertebral disc
The last thing to close during the joining of the neural folds?
Anterior and Posterior Neuropores
When does Spina Bifida occur?
When caudal/posterior neuropore fails to fully close
Most common symptom of Myelomeningocele Spina Bifida?
Paralyzation to some extent
List Three Primary Vesicles that form once the anterior neuropore closes from above midbrain to below midbrain?
- Prosencephelon
- Mesencephalon
- Phomencephalon
What does the Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) divide into (secondary vesicles)? List what they give rise to.
- Metencephalon (Pons & Cerebellum)
- Myelencephalon (Medulla Oblongata)
What are the Secondary Vesicles of the Prosencephalon? What do they give rise to?
- Telecephalon (Cerebral Hemispheres)
- Diencephalon (Thalamus & Hypothalamus)
At what week of gestation does the two major flexures form?
Week 5
The cerebral Hemispheres develop and grow posterolaterally to enclose the…
the failure of the causadas neuropore results in what defect?
Spina Bifida
What is the Neuroembryology structure that gives rise to the adult intervertebral disc?
The neural crest cells migrate to form what?