1. Neuroanatomy Flashcards
How to distinguish ICA and ECA in the neck?
ECA has multiple branches in the neck
Major Branches of ECA
SALFOPSI Superior thyroid Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Superficial temporal Internal maxillary
Where do common carotid arteries arise?
Right: brachiocephalic trunk
Left: aortic arch
Bovine arch vs true cattle arch (which is very rare)
Matters when trying to catheterize left common carotid
What is the carotid siphon?
Intracavernous and supraclinoid segment of ICA
Findings in occlusion of anterior choroidal artery?
Hemiparesis, hemianesthesia, hemiopsia
Posterior cerebral artery divides into which two arteries?
Parietooccipital and Calcarine aa
What artery supplies the choroid plexus of temporal horn?
Posterior cerebral artery gives rise to posterior choroidal arteries, anastamose with anterior choroidal arteries
Virchow-Robin spaces
Spaces between blood vessels and arachnoid/pia within brain and spinal cord, perivascular spaces
Which large anastomotic vein joins the superior sagittal sinus?
Vein of Trolard
Which large anastomotic vein joins veins of sylvian fissure with transverse sinus
Vein of Labbe
What is the largest branch of the intracavernous portion of carotid artery?
Meningohypophyseal trunk
Three main superficial cerebral veins
Vein of Trolard
Vein of Labbe
Superficial middle cerebral vein
Clinical symptom of large unruptured cavernous sinus carotid aneurysm
Ipsilateral 6th nerve palsy (most proximal spatial relationship to carotid artery)
Wallenberg syndrome (lateral medullary syndrome) - artery
Occlusion of ipsilateral vertebral artery. Infarct supplied by PICA
What artery supply the thalamus?
Posterior communicating and perimesencephalic portion of posterior cerebral artery
What artery supply the lateral geniculate nucleus?
Anterior choroidal and lateral posterior choroidal (dual supply)
Artery involved in trigeminal neuralgia
Artery involved in hemifacial spasm
Artery involved in glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Artery supply of internal capsule
Lateral lenticulostriate branches from MCA
Medial striate from ACA (Huebner)
Direct branch from ICA
Which vessel has highest risk of injury in Chiari decompression surgery?
Vessels supply superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles?
SCA, AICA and PICA respectively
Where is motor strip in relation to the skull?
~5 cm behind coronal suture
What external landmark on skull marks the lateral margin of sphenoid ridge and sylvian fissure?
Pterion, confluence of frontal, parietal, squamous temporal, and greater wing of the sphenoid bones in the skull
What part of mandible does the temporalis muscle attaches to?
Coronoid process of mandible
Which muscle of mastication does the parotid duct cross
Masseter muscle
Which cranial fossa is the largest and deepest?
Suboccipital triangle bounded by which 3 muscles?
Rectus capitis posterior major
Superior oblique
Inferior oblique
What sutures make up the asterion?
Lambdoid, parietomastoid, occipitaomastoid
It defines lower half of junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses
Adult, 4cm posterior and 12mm superior to ear canal
Which bones make up the osseous nasal septum?
Ethmoid and vomer
Compartments of jugular foramen
Pars venosa (posterolateral): sigmoid sinus, jugular bulb, CN X, XI
Pars nervosa (anteromedial): CN IX and Jacobson’s nerve (tympanic branch of IX)
What structure does abducens nerve go through to enter the cavernous sinus?
Dorello’s canal
What structures go through internal acoustic meatus
CNVII (facial), CNVIII (vestibulocochlear) and labyrinthine artery (internal auditory)
Major parts of temporal bone
Squamous and petrous parts
cribriform plate is part of what bone?
Ethmoid bone
What goes through the jugular foramen?
Nerves: CNIX (glossopharyngeal), CNX (vagus), CN XI (accessory)
Artery: posterior meningeal artery
Vein: internal jugular vein
Sinus: inferior petrosal sinus
What are the bones that form the orbit?
Frontal Sphenoid Zygomatic Ethmoid Lacrimal Maxilla Palatine
What structures pass through the annulus of zinn?
Tendinous ring of 4 rectus muscle
CNII (Optic), CNIII (Oculomotor), CNVI (Abducens), nasociliary nerve (branch of opthalmic V1 nerve)
Opthalmic artery
What pass through pterygopalatine fossa?
Maxillary artery
Maxillary nerve
Pterygopalatine ganglion
What bones make up the clivus
What pass through the inferior orbital fissure?
Infraorbital nerve (maxillary) - innervate lower eyelid/upper lip Zygomatic nerve (maxillary) - skin over zygomatic/temporal bone (sensory)
What bones are approximated at pterion?
Frontal, parietal, temporal, sphenoid
What structure separates optic canal from superior orbital fissure?
Optic strut
5 parts of lateral ventricle?
Frontal horn Temporal horn Occipital horn Body Atrium
Choroid plexus and flocculus protrude from which foramen?
Foramen of Luschka
Which cranial nerve nuclei positioned in lateral recess near foramen of luschka?
Dorsal/ventral cochlear nuclei of CNVIII
Where is BBB absent?
Pineal gland Subforniceal organ Organum vasculosum of lamina terminalis Median eminence of hypothalamus Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) Area postrema Subcommissural organ
What forms lateral walls of frontal horns of lateral ventricle? Medial wall? Roof?
Caudate nucleus, septum pellucidum, corpus callosum
Caudate injury causes abulia and psychic akinesia, neglect, frontal
Outlet of 4th ventricle
2 lateral foramina of luschka
1 medial foramen of magendie
What separates chiasmatic cistern from interpeduncular cistern?
Liliequist membrane
Where do sympathetic fibers of head originate from?
Hypothalamus, Through brainstem and cervical spinal cord to T1-L2
Where in brain are cholinergic neurons found?
Basal nucleus of Meynert
Norepinephrine-containing neurons
Locus cereuleus
Sympathetic innervation to head and neck?
Stellate ganglion
What ganglions form the stellate ganglion
Inferior cervical ganglion fuse with first thoracic ganglion to form cervical thoracic (stellate) ganglion
Type of nerve fiber of vidian nerve
Parasympathetic fibers from greater superficial petrosal nerve (lacrimal nasal palatine glands)
Sympathetic fibers from deep petrosal nerve around ICA (sympathetic innervation to lacrimal, and blood vessels)
Nerve passes in the pterygoid canal with vidian artery
Type of nerve fiber of intermediate nerve (nervus intermedius)
Sensory and parasympathetic division of facial nerve
Preganglionic parasympathetic fiber from superior salivary nucleus that synapse in pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia
Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
What provides the parasympathetics of parotid glands?
Glossopharyngeal nerve - originate from inferior salivatory nucleus and travels through CN IX -> synapse at otic ganglion -> parotid gland
What are leptomeninges?
Arachnoid and pia mater
Embryologic origin of meninges
Pia: ectoderm
Arachnoid: ectoderm
Dura: mesoderm
How much CSF is produced each day
~150mL in average body at a time.
Brodmann’s area for Broca
Area 44
Brodman’s area for Wernicke
Area 22
Brodman’s area for primary auditory cortex
Area 41
Which area of hippocampus is most vulnerable to hypoxia?
CA1 (Sommer’s ector)
CA3 is resistant