1 - Nervous System Flashcards
Loss of tissue
-thin gyri
-widened sulci
Ex. polio-encephalomalacia
Brain edema
-loss of distinction between gyri and sulci
Grey matter infarction
-red: due to being more vascularized
White matter infarction
-pale: due to being less vascularized
Brain herniation secondary to brain edema
Meningoencephalocele and Cranium Bifidum
Meningomyelocele and Spina Bifida
-no hernaition in this image
-no gyri
more common in Lhasa Apso
(porencephaly: small cavity)
MDx, cause
Cerebellar hypoplasia
-calves: BVD (pestivirus)
-kittens: panleukopenia virus
-puppies: canine parvovirus
-piglets: classical swine fever
MDx, and types
1. Communicating
2. Non-communicating: most common and most important
MDx, cause
Congenital hydrocephalus
-hereditary (brachycephalic dog breeds)
-in utero viral infections
MDx, main causes
Acquired hydrocephalus
1. Obstruction (ex. cholesterol granuloma in horses)
2. Loss of brain tissue (ex. polioencephalomalacia)
-abnormal dilation of central canal of SC that leads to formation of cavity in which CSF may accumulate
-fluid filled cyst within SC separated from central canal and NOT lined by ependymal cells
MDx, cause
Brain Abscesses
-bacteria (Strept, E. coli, Staph, Corynebacterium, Klebsiella)
MDx, causes
Meningits and Neonatal Septicemia
-neonates: blood born infection
-direct extension: bone
*cloudy and congested (may see pus)
MDx, cause
Cryptococcus Neoformans
-“soup bubble” b/c of mucinous capsule
MDx, cause
Equine Protozoal Encephalomyelitis (Sarcocystosis)
-Sarcocystis neurona
*affects SC and brain stem