1) Nature+ extent of poverty. Flashcards
Absolute poverty.
Lacking the essentials for survival eg homeless, people in 3rd world countries.
Relative deprivation (Townsend).
Lacking resources to participate in society eg not having wifi, a car, covid masks.
2 types of poor.
Deserving (disabled, trying to find work) + undeserving poor (benefit scroungers).
Poverty line (Booth).
60% below the median income
Main groups affected by poverty.
Children 1/3 and pensioners.
London, North, Midlands.
Half of people in poverty have disabled person in their household.
Half are in a working household.
Disadvantages of absolute definition of poverty.
It becomes less severe over time and country eg workhouses v no wifi.
Government can forge stats to protect image.
Ignores tax evasion and money in foreign banks.
Doesn’t include people in prison.
Impact of covid (Rowntree).
Negatively impacted low-payed working class people.
Exasperated relative deprivation: masks, hand san.
Ethnic minorities, single parents, renters.
Furlough covered up some of the impacts.
Social groups+ relative deprivation.
Young people want new tech+ clothes.
Old people want big houses, cars and antiques. (Digital divide.)
Ethnic minorities want branded clothes.
Nanny state+ dependancy culture.
New right: the government interfere with peoples’ lives too much eg benefits. People become dependent on welfare to live eg benefit scroungers.
Cultural explanations of poverty.
The culture + attitudes of the poor are the reason for their situation- New Right. Victim blaming.
Cultural explanations study.
Lewis’ study of 50s Mexico. The poor have their own culture that is contrary to the mainstream.
Eg fatalism (it is what it is), work shyness, not trying to improve their situation, present-oriented.
Lewis’ study applied to the UK.
The British under class and their dependancy on benefits. They do not seek employment because they are comfortable as is. Eg Benefit St.
New right: who should be given benefits.
The deserving poor- disabled+ long-term sick people who genuinely can not work. The middle class should not get child benefits because of the cost.
Disproving the welfare state myths.
-Genuine reasons for unemployment, like disability and lack of education.
-Cutting down on benefits.
-Parents can only get benefits for 2 children.
-20% of people in poverty have a job.
Material explanations for poverty.
Marxists, social democrats. Lack of resources leads to poverty- relative deprivation.