1: Last Lesson Punyemas Flashcards
It came from the latin word currere which means to run
It refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn which include the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet
It refers to the means and materials with which students interact for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes
It refers to the plant interaction of students with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives
It is a detailed plan for instruction set by policy makers
When was the commission on higher education (ched) was established
May 18. 1994
How was the ched established
Through the passage of republic act no. 7722, the higher education act of 1992
It is task to organize and appoint members of the technical panel for each discipline or program area
Composed of leading academicians and practitioners responsible for assisting the commission in setting standards among institutions offering bachelor of science in medical technology and in monitoring and evaluating such institutions
Technical committee for medical technology education (TCMTE)
It is a four year program consisting of general education and professional courses that students are expected to complete within the first ____ years
A guide for institutions offering the program it contains the goals, program outcomes, performance indicators, and the minimum course offerings of the BSMT/BSMLS program
CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) no. 13, series of 2017
Core, elective, mandated, PE, NSTP
Gen Education
Organic Chem, Anatomy, Bio Chem
Core courses
What is the prescribef no. of units per course
1 unit of lec = 1hr of class
3 unit lec = 3 hrs/week = 54 hrs/ sem (18 weeks per sem)
1 unit of lab = 3hrs of class
5 unit subject: 2 unit lab and 3 unit lec
✔️3hrs of lec and 6hrs of lab/week
✔️54 lec hrs and 108 lab hrs whole sem
Course that is foundational knowledge
Gen ed courses
Courses that are necessary to practice and demands of the profession
Professional courses
What is PRC?
Professional.Regukation Comission