1 Kings Flashcards
1 Kings Chapter 1
Succession Struggle
King David is nearing the end of his reign and his eldest son, Adonijah, attempts to seize the throne. He gathers allies and proclaims himself king, but David reaffirms his promise to Solomon, his designated heir. Following David’s instructions, Solomon is anointed king, foiling Adonijah’s plans.
1 Kings Chapter 2
Solomon Takes Charge
King David, nearing his death, gives final instructions to Solomon. He emphasizes the importance of following God’s law and warns of potential threats. Shortly after, David dies, and Solomon is firmly established as king.
1 Kings Chapter 3
A Wise King’s Request
Solomon prays to God for wisdom and discernment to lead his people effectively. Pleased by this request, God grants Solomon exceptional wisdom and the promise of wealth and long life, conditional on his obedience.
1 Kings Chapter 4
The Flourishing Kingdom
Solomon’s reign is marked by wisdom, prosperity, and peace. He establishes a strong administrative system, expands trade, and fosters artistic and cultural development. His fame for wisdom attracts visitors from all nations.
1 Kings Chapter 5
Preparing for the Temple
Solomon makes an alliance with King Hiram of Tyre to secure materials for building a temple dedicated to God. He prepares a workforce and gathers the necessary resources for the monumental project.
1 Kings Chapter 6
Building the Temple
The construction of the temple begins under Solomon’s supervision. The detailed description outlines the magnificent structure, its materials, and the skilled craftsmanship involved. The building process adheres to specific divine instructions.
1 Kings Chapter 7
Building Projects and Furnishings
The chapter details the construction of Solomon’s palace and other significant buildings in Jerusalem. It also describes the creation of sacred furnishings for the temple, including the altar, the bronze sea, and the ten lampstands.
1 Kings Chapter 8
Dedication of the Temple
Solomon dedicates the completed temple in a grand ceremony. He leads the people in prayer and sacrifices, expressing gratitude to God for his blessings and requesting continued guidance and protection.
1 Kings Chapter 9
The Queen of Sheba and More
The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon, impressed by his wisdom and the grandeur of the temple. Solomon demonstrates his wealth and knowledge, further solidifying his reputation. Additionally, the chapter recounts details about Solomon’s trade ventures and his acquisition of chariots and horses.
1 Kings Chapter 10
Solomon’s Excesses
The chapter shifts tone, highlighting Solomon’s growing wealth and indulgence. He builds extravagant infrastructures, acquires numerous wives, and amasses vast quantities of precious metals. This lifestyle begins to diverge from his initial commitment to God.
1 Kings Chapter 11
The Seeds of Division
Solomon’s disobedience to God’s command to avoid foreign gods manifests in his marriage to foreign women who worship other deities. These wives build shrines for their gods, leading the Israelites to stray from their faith, setting the stage for future conflict.
1 Kings Chapter 12
The Kingdom Divided
Following Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam rejects the counsel of the elders and increases taxes, sparking rebellion. The ten northern tribes break away and form the kingdom of Israel, with Jeroboam as their king. The remaining two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remain loyal to Rehoboam and form the southern kingdom of Judah.
1 Kings Chapter 13
A Prophet’s Warning
A prophet of God confronts Jeroboam, condemning his establishment of false idols and predicting his dynasty’s downfall. Jeroboam disregards the warning, demonstrating his defiance against God.
1 Kings Chapter 14
Rehoboam and Abijam
The chapter briefly recounts the reigns of Rehoboam in Judah and Jeroboam in Israel. Both kings continue the pattern of disobedience to God, leading to continued conflict between the two kingdoms.
1 Kings Chapter 15
Asa and Nadab
Asa ascends the throne of Judah and implements reforms to restore faithfulness to God. Meanwhile, Nadab, king of Israel, follows in his father Jeroboam’s footsteps, leading to his downfall.
1 Kings Chapter 16
A Chain of Evil Kings in Israel
The chapter chronicles a series of short-lived and wicked kings in Israel – Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri. Each king commits evil in the sight of the Lord, further entrenching the northern kingdom in idolatry and sin.
1 Kings Chapter 17
Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
The prophet Elijah enters the scene, announcing a drought on Israel as punishment for their sin. He seeks refuge with a widow in Zarephath and miraculously provides for her and her son during the famine.
1 Kings Chapter 18
Confrontation on Mount Carmel
Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a public contest on Mount Carmel. Through a dramatic demonstration of God’s power, Elijah proves the futility of Baal worship and brings about the downfall of the prophets of Baal.
1 Kings Chapter 19
Elijah’s Despair and Renewal
Fearing for his life after threatening Queen Jezebel, Elijah flees into the wilderness and becomes discouraged. He expresses his desire for death, feeling like the only faithful one left in Israel. God provides for him and reassures him through a gentle whisper, commissioning him for continued service.
1 Kings Chapter 20
Ahab and Ben-Hadad
King Ahab of Israel faces repeated attacks from Ben-Hadad, king of Aram (Syria). Through the intervention of an unnamed prophet, the Israelites achieve unlikely victories, demonstrating God’s continued presence despite their disobedience.
1 Kings Chapter 21
Naboth’s Vineyard
Ahab desires Naboth’s vineyard and, influenced by his wife Jezebel, has him falsely accused and murdered to acquire the land. This act of injustice provokes God’s anger, and the prophet Elijah delivers a strong message condemning Ahab and Jezebel, prophesying their future downfall.
1 Kings Chapter 22
Ahab’s Final Battle and Death
King Ahab of Israel desires to reclaim the city of Ramoth-gilead from the Arameans. He seeks the counsel of King Jehoshaphat of Judah, who suggests consulting a prophet before going to war. Ahab gathers 400 prophets, all of whom prophesy victory for him. However, Jehoshaphat remains skeptical and asks for a genuine prophet of the Lord.
Reluctantly, Ahab summons Micaiah, a true prophet who consistently delivers messages of God’s displeasure with Ahab’s reign. Micaiah delivers a stark warning, foretelling Ahab’s defeat and death. A furious Ahab throws Micaiah into prison, determined to fight regardless of the prophecy. Ahab and Jehoshaphat go to battle, but Ahab disguises himself to avoid being targeted. Despite his attempt to evade Micaiah’s words, Ahab is struck down by an arrow, fulfilling the prophecy and marking the end of his reign.