1. kafli - Vísindagreinin sálfræði / The science of psychology Flashcards
What is psyhology?
The scientific study of behaviour and mind
Behavior: Observable
Mind: Internal, not directly observable
What is a social construct?
a collection of characteristics and traits that are often presented in society that their origins are lost in time and never questioned.
Social vs. biological construct
Social construcy
- Frequent presentation of characteristics and trait that result in their origins not being questioned and getting lost.
Example: construct “childhood”
What was the Robber’s Cave experiment?
(Sherif et al 1961)
11 year old boys in summer camp
2 groups Eagles and Rattlers
H1 Competition will breed intergroup hostility (confirmed)
H2 conflict can be reduced by sharing enjoyable activities (not confirmed)
H3 Common goals reduce intergroup conflict (confirmed)
What was the Jigsaw Classroom experiment?
To improve co-operation among children at school
Children must fit their information pieces together to pass the test
What are the goals of psychology?
To describe how people and other species behave
understand the causes of their behaviours
predict how people and animals will behave under certqin conditions
influence behaviour through the control of its causes
apply psychological knowledge in ways that enhance human welfare
Example: Robber’s Cave
Hverjir voru upphafsmenn structuralisma í sálfræði?
Wilhelm Wundt (1832 - 1920) og nemandi hans Edward Titchener (1867 - 1927)
Hver er munurinn á structuralisma og functionlisma?
Structuralism var greining á huganum (mind) og grunnþáttum hans. Functionalism sagði að það skyldi kanna vitundina (consciousness) fremur en en strúktúr hugans. (úr sögubókinni: Functionalism was about understanding how consciousness enabled the organism to interact with and adapt to its environment. s. 79)
What is psychodynamic perspective?
Searches for the causes of behaviour within the inner workings of our personality (s. 11)
What is psychoanalysis?
Hver er álitinn upphafsmaður atferliskenninga / Behaviourism?
John B. Watson (1878 - 1958). Hann hélt því fram að verkefni sálfræði væri að rannsaka hegðun en ekki hugann (consciousness) sem er ekki hægt að kanna (unobservable) s. 14
Hvað er Behaviorism?
school of thought that emphasizes environmental control of behaviour through learning.
Hver eru þrjú sjónarhorn sálfræðinnar? Levels of analysis framework
- Líffræðilega sjónarhornið (biological)
- Sálfræðilega sjónarhornið (psychological)
- Umhverfissjónarmið (environmental)
Hver er upphafsmaður Behavioral Neuroscience?
Karl Lashley (1890 - 1958)
Hver er einn af forvígismönnum hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar / Cognative Behaviourism?
Albert Bandura
Basic vs Applied science
Basic: knowledge reflection for its own sake
Applied: solution of practical problems
Robber’s Cave
Jigsaw program
Mind-body and nature-nurture interactions
Perspectives on behavior
Psychology’s roots?