1- Introduction Flashcards
Types of Sensors
laser, infrared, acoustic, ultrasonic, or eddy current
……. and ,,,,,,,, transducer arrays have greatly increased the single pass surface area scanned, while decreasing scanning times
Eddy current
,,,,,,, ultrasonic transducers have greatly increased the sensitivity and range of ultrasonic transducers while reducing noise
,,,,,,,technology has been defined as the manipulation or self-assembly of individual atoms, molecules, or molecular clusters into structures
Nanotechnology is consist of individual atoms, molecules, or molecular clusters having dimensions in the ,,,,,, nanometer range to create new materials
10 to 100
NDT methods commonly employed by process control industries include:
- ,,,,,,,, gauges for non contacting process flow, level,
or density
- ,,,,,,,,, for measuring moisture in anhydrous gases and some
- ,,,,,,,,, to detect pipe and vessel thinning caused by
corrosion non aqueous liquids
- ,,,,,,,, ,for material and part identification
- ,,,,,,,,, for overhead gas pipe leaks
- ,,,,,,,,, in combination with other methods to determine
- Neutron or gamma radiation
- IR analyzers
- Ultrasonic transmission
- Alloy analyzers
- Hand-held sonic detectors
- Visual inspection
,,,,, is a modular-based instrumentation platform
designed for measurement and automation applications
PXI - (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation)