1 Introduction Flashcards
CPR - overriding objective
CPR 1.1 – overriding objective = enable court to deal with cases justly and at proportionate cost
Claim form - CPR?
CPR 7 & CPR 16
Particulars of claim - CPR?
CPR 16
Responding to claim - options + CPRs?
- Acknowledgement of service - CPR 10
- Admission - CPR 14
- Defence - CPR 15 & CPR 16
Defence - what must it contain?
Comprehensive response to POC:
- Allegations it denies
- allegations it admits
- Which it requires evidence for - put to proof
What happens if D doesn’t file AOS within time limit? CPR?
D may obtain judgment in default - CPR 12
Counterclaim - CPR
CPR 20 - particulars of counterclaim to be filed w. defence (or w.o defence if approval granted by court)
What can C do if wishing to allege facts in answer to a defence which weren’t included in POC?
File a reply - CPR 15
If party requires clarification of a SOC?
Written request to other party - CPR 18
Interim applications - CPR?
CPR 23 -25
Allocation - options? CPR?
CPR 26
o Small claims track £25,000
Directions - CPR?
Multi-track cases?
CPR 26-29
Multi track cases:
- model directions
- case management conference
Disclosure & inspection - CPR?
CPR 31
Witness statements - CPR?
CPR 32
Expert evidence - CPR
CPR 35
What can parties if they wish to settle their dispute?
Make evaluation of what they consider realistic value of judgment –> then offer to settle
Party 36
Divisions of High Court?
- Chancery Division
- Queen’s Bench Division
- Family Division