1 - Intro to Women's Health Flashcards
What defines the germinal stage of human embryonic development?
- first 10 d in which implantation occurs
When does the embryonic development occur?
- First 8 weeks
When does the fetal development occur?
- 10 weeks until birth
Which germ cell layer evolves to form the female reproductive system?
a. ectoderm
b. mesoderm
c. endoderm
b. mesoderm
Which part of the mesoderm evolves to form the female reproductive system?
a. practomesoderm
b. intermediate mesoderm
c. lateral plates
b. intermediate mesoderm
The sertoli cells produce this hormone which prevents the development of the mullerian system from the paramesonephric ducts.
Female differentation begins around what week?
- week 9
This gene must be present in order for the tests to develop from primitive cords (male differentiation).
- SRY gene
How can you distinguish the labia majorum from the labia minorum?
- labia minorum has no hair follicles
What is the last resort treatment for labial hypertrophy?
- labioplasty
The clitoris is homologous to what male structure?
- male penis
What is virilization?
- enlargement of the clitoris
What are the 4 types of femoral circumcision?
- Type 1: Clitoridectomy
- Type 2: Labial excision
- Type 3: infibulation (removes external genatalia)
- Type 4: anything else
This urethral issue is commonly seen in prepubertal girls or postmenopausal women who have increased abdominal pressure.
- urethral prolapse
What are the 3 levator ani muscles?
- ileococcygeus
- pubococcygeal
- puborectalis muscle
The levator ani muscles are innervated by what nerve?
- S2-S4
The perineal body is formed predominantly by what 3 muscles?
- bulbocavernosus muscle
- superficial transverse perineal muscles
- external anal sphincter
The perineal body is innervated by what nerve?
- pudendal nerve
Why are episiotomies no longer routinely done.
- It can lead to increased incidence of 3rd and 4th degree lacerations leading to fecal incontinence
This is defined as involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscle during sexual intercourse.
- vaginismus
90% of lower genital tract neoplasias arise from what part of the cervix?
- squamocolumar junction aka “transformation zone”
Why do nabothian cysts form in the cervix?
- they form if the endocervical glands are occluded by squamous metaplasia
What changes the vaginal pH during puberty to be more acidic?
- secretion of estrogen increases glycogen production in which lactobacilli thrive
What arteries supply the endometrium?
- spiral arteries
About 2 cm lateral to the cervix, the uterine artery crosses _____ the ureter.
- over
A 14 y o girl who underwent menarche age 12 noted onset of sharp LLQ pain at 1 am which awakened her. It was associated with nausea and vomiting X 2. What could be the etiology of the pain?
- Ovarian torsion
Labia majora is analogous to what male part?