1550 BC
Vivian Herrick
Intestinal parasites mentioned in early writings:
- Book for treatment
- Describes Hookworm (3 stages)
- HAT – Hookworm, Ascaris, Taenia
- First three parasites discovered during this time
Ebers Papyrus
300 BC-180 AD
- Father of Medicine
- Proposed a method of disease assessment via measurement of 4 humors
4 humors
Yellow Bile
Black Bile
Hippocrates Advocacy
- Advocates examination of urine to diagnose disease (Urinalysis) (Bubbles, Blood, Pus)
- Tasting patient’s urine, listening to lungs, and observing skin color
Medieval Europe
Uroscopy (water casting)
a wheel diagram that linked the color of the urine to a particular disease
Uroscopy (water casting)
The first book for urinalysis was written (color, density, and quality)
900 AD
- M. Ruth William – wrote the Introduction to Profession of Medical Technology
- Quack doctors
- Urinalysis was a fad practice
- Hindu Doctors Diabetes
- Formulated urine had a sweetish taste due to attraction with ants
- Mondino de Liuzzi (Italian Physician at University of Bologna) - Public dissection of human cadavers
- Alessandra Giliani (Assistant MT) - The first woman to practice Anatomy and Pathology; Died of laboratory acquired infection (LAI)
- Hepatitis B – most common blood borne pathogen
14th Century (Anna Fagelson)
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
17th Century (1632-1723)
- Considered as the Father of Microbiology
- RBC, Protozoa, and Bacteria (shape)
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Marcelo Malphigi
- Greatest of early microscopists
- Founder of Pathology
Marcelo Malphigi
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
- Father of Modern Pathology
- Founded the archives of Pathology in Berlin
- Works on the Cell Theory
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
first quantitative test for the presence of sugar in urine
Fehling’s Test
inventor of Fehling’s Test
Hermann von Fehling
Aniline Dyes
19th Century
first dye that was used to stain bacteria
Aniline Dyes
- Process of collecting evidences (History Taking)
- Laboratory findings (Diagnostic Lab Test)
Dr. William Ocam (1800)
signs and symptoms
Clinical Diagnosis
history taking and diagnostic lab tests
Definite Patient Diagnosis
First “chemical laboratory” was established in the US
University of Michigan
under University of Michigan
- Dr. Silas Douglas
- Dr. William Henry Welch
- Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson (1885)
He pioneered the first chemical laboratory instruction in 1884
Dr. Silas Douglas
- Established another laboratory at Bellevue (Hospital) Medical College
- He provided the first laboratory course in Pathology offered in American schools (microscopic courses)
- First professor in Pathology at John Hopkins University
Dr. William Henry Welch
- Inclusion of Laboratory Methods in the practice of medicine
- Laboratory animals for experimentation
Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson (1885)
- The first clinical laboratory started here
- Room size: 12x12 with equipment cost at 50 dollars
John Hopkins Hospital (1896)
- Publication of Laboratory Guide Manual
- “Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods” (Dr. Todd and Dr. Arthur Sanford)
- Editors: Davidson & Henry
Dr. James C. Todd (1908)
One of the first schools to train Medical Laboratory workers
University of Minnesota
Degree in Medical Technology for Clinical and Laboratory Technicians
Univ of Minnesota 1922-1923
United States required 2-year collegiate education and a 12-month training in the laboratory
Univ of Minnesota 1940
Bachelor of Science Degree was standardized
Univ of Minnesota 1950
Founder of the first medical laboratory in the PH (26th in US)
6th United States Army
The first laboratory in the PH was established at
(208) Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
- A well-known Bacteriologist
- He took the responsibility of preserving the laboratory
- Manila Public Health
Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda
- First City Health Officer in Manila
- Together (with Dr. de Roda), they established the first Medical Laboratory under the City Health Department
Dr. Mariano C. Icasiano
- Began the training of medical technicians in February 1947
- High school and paramedic departments
- 1954 – the creation of Syllabus (Guidelines), a formal 6-month training and a certificate of completion
Dr. Prudencia Sta. Ana
- Founder of Medical Technology education in the Philippines
- Prepared the course curriculum
- Manila Sanitarium and Hospital (Manila Adventist Medical Center) established the first complete laboratory in the Philippines
- Dr. Reuben G. Manalaysay
- Dr. Manuel L. Carreon
- Rev. Meritt C. Warren
Ms. Willa Hilgert Hedrick
established the first complete laboratory in the Philippines
Manila Sanitarium and Hospital (Manila Adventist Medical Center)
Manila Adventist Medical Center
Manila Sanitarium Hospital
- Adventist University of the Philippines
- They started to offer a 4 year Medical Technology Course
Philippine Union College
First graduate of the Medical Technology Course (Phil. Union College)
Dr. Jesse Umali
Pioneer graduates of MedTech
Avelino Oliva & Adoracion Yutuc
- AUP shifted the course from BSMT → BSMLS (Medical Laboratory Science)
- Modernization and Widening of Field of Laboratory Science
1957 - UST Faculty of Pharmacy offered Medical Technology Course
January 30, 1960 - 1st year Medical Technology course was approved by Department of Education
June 12, 1961 - The Internship Program for Fourth Year was approved
Dr. Antonio Gabriel & Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes
- Centro Escolar University (Feasibility of offering a Medical Technology course)
- Became the Dean of School and their First Graduate in 1962
Mrs. Purificacion Sunico-Suaco
* The FEU started their school of Medical Technology. Approved by Department of Education in 1962
* Their first graduate is in 1963
* Followed by several colleges and universities in the country
* 91 colleges and universities offering the BSMT/BMLS course
Dr. Joracio A. Ylagan & Dr. Serafin J. Juliano
- Philippine Women’s University (PWU)
- Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU)-COE
- St. Louis University (SLU)-COD
- Angeles University Foundation (AUF)
- Cebu Doctors University
Post Graduate Studies of Medical Technology
people who worked on the cell theory
Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow
Robert Hooke
Theodore Schwann
Matthias Schleiden
first pathologist of John Hopkins Hospital
Dr. Simon Flexner
first laboratory course in pathology in an American Medical School