1 Functional Program Flashcards
FP 15 - How would an architect evaluate the program against the client’s objectives? (5 qs)
1 - does it identify client’s philosophy/vision/goals
2 - does it identify RELATIONSHIPS?
3 - do FUNDING ESTIMATES match space rqrmnts?
4 - is there clear CRITERIA for occupants / spaces / services / activities?
5 - can the proposed facility be accom. on SITE?
FP 02 - What are 3 alternate names for a functional program? *P3?
1 - Design Brief
2 - Space Program
3 - Architectural Program
*P3 = ‘Owner’s Statement Requirements’
PD 4 - What sort of studies or analyses might you provide to an owner who will operate a new building for the foreseeable future? (2)
- Market & Demographic Studies
* Life Cycle Cost Projections
FP 05 - The purpose of a Functional Program is to provide the client & design team with a clear understanding of what? (2)
1 - ACTIVITIES accommodated
2 - FUNCTIONAL criteria achieved
(criteria = measure to evaluate design solutions - often for funding)
FP 07 - In the preparation of a F/P you must establish client needs + impacts, what 4 major NEEDS are typically used to define the F/P criteria?
1 - EQUIPMENT/ STORAGE 2 - STAFF 3 - FURNITURE 4 - SPACE *can be done room by room or dept by dept
PD 3 - What should Feasibility Studies + business cases explain? (one of these 3)
FP 08 - Define NET floor area.
Inside face of walls or enclosure of useable, or assignable (functions), space.
FP 10 - The F/P report will typically begin by DESCRIBING some information about the client. What 3 characteristics of the client should be described?
Describe the client’s
PD 6 - What sort of REGULATORY RESEARCH might occur at this stage? (7)
2 - ZONING + Land Use
3 - Designated Activity DISTRICTS (Business, Cultural, sports + Heritage)
4 - Review by Civic Design PANELS (ex: UDRP)
6 - Community CONCERNS
PD 1 (Pre-Design) - Are consultants required during pre-design?
NO, a broad overview can be done by architect.
FP 14 - 1.25 / 1.15 / 1.6
Match the appropriate grossing factor for a gymnasium, pharmacy, and intensive care space respectively? (according to the Ministry of Alberta Health & Wellness)
- 15 (gym)
- 25 (pharmacy)
- 6 (intensive care)
FP 04 - What 5 components (aspects of a facility) are defined with a functional program?
1 - character 2 - services 3 - scope 4 - functions 5 - space requirements
FP 03 - What does the Functional Program seek to answer? (4)
1 - what is the NATURE + SCOPE of the problem ?
2 - what INFORMATION is required ?
3 - AREA + TYPE of space needed ?
4 - what space will be needed in the FUTURE ?
FP 12 - The architect sometimes prepares these 4 components for the F/P?
1 - schedule
2 - preliminary budget
3 - project delivery method
4 - site evaluation or determination
FP 17 - List 5 ways space requirements can be explicitly described in an FP report.
- define functional RELATIONSHIPS of spaces
- bubble + flow DIAGRAMS
- SIZE of each space
- special TECHNICAL requirements (build. systems & equip.)
FP 16 - Describe the different process phases for the development of an architectural program.
1.DESCRIBE: •client's philosophy / vision / goals •services provided by new facility • how services will be provided 2.IDENTIFY •activities for each space •all occupants •major occupants •relationships btween spaces or groups **note Bubble Diagram tool 3.PREPARE •detailed space requirements •overall schedule(sometimes) •prelim budget(sometimes) •outline proj delivery method(sometimes) •site eval or determination(sometimes) - might inc. regulatory research ex: zoning
PD 2 - What consultants are commonly engaged during pre-design?
- Urban Planners • Geo
- Cost Estimators • IT
- Historical Research
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Market Research
FP 13 - Define GROSS floor AREA.
ALL areas, inc. exterior walls. Net Area +corridors +walls +columns \+ext wall thickness +mech/elec/data rooms \+vestibules +elevators \+shafts +service spaces
FP 01 - Functional programming is a ____ _____ process that defines the _____ & ______ of work.
- decision making
2. problem & scope
FP 06 - In the preparation of a F/P you must establish client needs + impacts, what 3 major types of IMPACTS are focused on?
1 - BUILT environment (occupants & processes)
2 - SOCIAL impacts on community
3 - Infrastructure
PD 5 - What sort of schedules, studies, or analyses might you provide to an owner who is looking to renovate one of several existing buildings to accommodate a new use? (4)
- Schedules for Decanting
- Study of Compatibility
- Study of Code & Bylaw
- Valuation of Land & Sites
FP 11 - The F/P report will typically DESCRIBE what general information about the new facility? (2)
1 - services provided
2 - how those services will be provided
FP 09 - In addition to the client’s philosophy/vision/goals and what/how services will be accommodated by the facility, what are the most likely needs to be IDENTIFIED in an F/P? (4)
*How is this information typically organized?
1 - OCCUPANTS 2 - MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3 - RELATIONSHIPS btwn. spaces 4 - SPACE requirements *can be done room by room or dept by dept