1 - Folder 1 - Medieval Monophony: Sacred Music Flashcards
How and when was the Division of the early Christian church?
AD 395 — the church divided into Western (Roman) & Eastern (Byzantine)
Name the aspects of:
a. Religious singing
b. Much of it is liturgical — comes directly from the religious service
c. Emphasis on the text, which determines many of the musical features
d. Monophonic texture — unaccompanied, single-line melody
e. Unmetered
What were the different rites (religious practices) within the Western church (each with its own liturgy and music)?
i. Roman rite
ii. Gallican rite (France)
iii. Ambrosian rite (Milan; Northern Italy)
iv. Mozarabic rite (Spain)
v. Sarum rite (Salisbury; England)
Define and describe Gregorian chant.
a. Large body of plainchant from the Roman rite
b. Resulted from the collaboration of Roman leaders and French kings to codify and standardize the liturgy, and to suppress the other Western rites
c. Created gradually in the 7th, 8th,and 9th centuries
Who were important figures in the creation of Gregorian chant?
i. Gregory I (Gregory the Great)
ii. Charlemagne
Who was Charlemagne, and how did he influence Gregorian chant?
- French king and Holy Roman Emperor AD 768–814
- Merged the Kingdom of the Franks with the Roman church to become Holy Roman Emperor
- Greatly expanded the kingdom through much of Western Europe
- Used the standardization of liturgy (including music and the emerging body of Gregorian chant) as a means of religious and political unification
Who was Gregory I (Gregory the Great), and how did he influence Gregorian chant?
- Pope AD 590–604
- Gregorian chant as a whole was often accredited tohim, though this is not really how the repertory originated
- Legends developed that the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, dictated the Gregorian chant melodies to him
What are the three main parts of Roman Liturgy?
- Divine Office
- Mass
- Chant Books
Describe the Mass.
i. Most important ritual in the Roman church
ii. Symbolic reenactment of the Last Supper
iii. Performed daily in monasteries, convents, and major churches
iv. Performed on Sundays and holidays in smaller churches
What are the two parts of the Mass?
- The Proper
2. The Ordinary
Describe the “Proper” of the Mass.
Contains the parts of the Mass whose texts change according to the liturgical calendar (they are “proper” for the given week or holiday)
- Introit
- Gradual
- Alleluia
- Offertory
- Communion
Describe the “Ordinary” of the Mass.
a. Parts of the Mass whose texts do not change throughout the year
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Credo
- Sanctus
- Agnus Dei
b. Beginning in the Renaissance, most newly composed musical settings of the Mass set only the texts of the Ordinary
Name and describe the Chant Books.
i. Antiphoner — contains chants of the Office
(named because the Office features much antiphonal singing — alternation between two choirs)
ii. Gradual— contains chants of the Mass
iii. Liber usualis — contains the most important and frequently used chants from the Office and the Mass
Describe the Development of Music Notation.
Written notation began to appear in the 8th and 9th centuries (same era as the codification of Gregorian chant)
Development would eventually include:
- Neumes
- Staff lines
- Modern chant notation
- Solmization (solfege)
Describe Staff Lines.
i. in use by the 11th and 12th centuries
ii. began with one line (middle C), then expanded to two (C & F), and more
iii. Four line staff became standard in the late Middle Ages
Describe Modern Chant Notation.
i. Developed by the monks of Solesmes monastery in France in the 19th century
ii. Four lines
iii. C or F clef (both moveable)
iv. Uses notes or note groups called Neumes:
- Each neume can only have one syllable of text
- Neumes with more than one pitch are read left to right, and bottom to top if two notes are vertically aligned
Describe Neumes.
Symbols placed above the text to help remember the general contour of a melody
Describe Solmization (solfege).
i. System established by Guido of Arezzo (c. 1000)–an Italian monk who developed several aids to learning and remembering chants
ii. Syllables derived from the text of a particular chant whose phrases began on ascending degrees of the scale
What are the parts of Plainchant (Modal) Theory?
- Eight modes
- Authentic modes
- Plagal modes
- Accidentals
In Plainchant (Modal) Theory, what define the eight modes?
i. Ambitus (range) — generally an octave or less, though some chants extend beyond one octave
ii. Finalis (final) — cadential note at the end of the chant, and at most cadence points in the middle
iii. Tenor (“held note”); also called the Dominant or the Reciting tone— usually the most prominent note in the middle of melodic phrases
In Plainchant (Modal) Theory, describe Authentic modes.
i. Odd numbered
ii. Finalis lies at the top and bottom of the ambitus
iii. Tenor is a 5th above the finalis (except in Mode 3):
- The tenor can never be a B, because its tritone relationship with F makes it inherently “unstable”
- In Mode 3 the tenor is C (next note above B)
In Plainchant (Modal) Theory, describe Plagal modes.
i. Even numbered (with the “Hypo” prefix)
ii. Finalis lies in the middle of its ambitus
iii. Tenor is a 3rd below the tenor the corresponding authentic mode (except in mode 8):
1. Because the tenor can never B, in Mode 8 the tenor isC (next note above B)
Mode Ambitus Finalis Tenor
- Dorian D–D D A
- Hypodorian A–A D F
- Phrygian E–E E C
- Hypophrygian B–B E A
- Lydian F–F F C
- Hypolydian C–C F A
- Mixolydian G–G G D
- Hypomixolydian D–D G C
In Plainchant (Modal) Theory, describe Accidentals.
i. B-flat, F-sharp, E-flat, and C-sharp are used occasionally
ii. to avoid emphasizing tritones in the melody
iii. to transpose modes to other pitch levels
What were some later chant developments?
a. New chants continued to appear after the establishment of the Gregorian repertory
b. Existing chants were also modified and expanded indifferent ways
c. Trope— new addition to an existing chant
d. Sequence
e. Liturgical drama
In later chant developments, a Trope.
Trope — new addition to an existing chant
i. New music
- Extending existing melismas or adding new ones
- Melisma — chant passage with many notes sung to one syllable of text
ii. New text
1. Adding words to existing melismas
iii. New music and text
In later chant developments, describe a Sequence.
i. Chant genre (category of composition) of late Middle Ages
ii. Began as a trope at the end of the Alleluia (a section of the Mass Proper)
iii. Split off to form a separate chant, after the Alleluia (sequence = to follow)
In later chant developments, describe Liturgical drama.
i. Chant genre (category of composition) of late Middle Ages
ii. Began as a trope of the Introit (from the Mass Proper)
iii. Introits were often little dramatic scenes, especially on holidays like Easter
Who was Hildegard von Bingen?
Hildegard von Bingen (c. 1098–1179)
a. Important composer of sequences and other laterplainchant genres
b. Also an abbess, poet, scientist, theologian, andmystic (who experienced many religious visions)
c. Wrote Ordo Virtutum (The Play of the Virtues)
Describe Ordo Virtutum (The Play of the Virtues) by Hildegard von Bingen.
i. A morality play sung in plainchant
ii. Hildegard wrote the music and the text
iii. Allegorical representation of moral codes
iv. Intended for the edification of Hildegard’s nuns