1. Exam Q Flashcards
(ii) With reference to the structure and properties of water molecules, explain why water is often referred to as the universal solvent. [4]
(ii) water molecules are polar/uneven distribution of charge (1)
Hδ+ attracted to particles with +ve charge/Oδ- attracted to particles with -ve charge (1)
bonds in substance break (1)
substance dissolves (1)
The concentration of phosphate ions was found to be very low in this pond water. Name three compounds that contain phosphate. [2]
All 3 correct = 2 marks, 2 or 1 correct = 1 mark (2)
amino acids/protein
nucleic acids
v) add
Reasons why A is an efficient storage molecule
- (a) (i) A amylose (1)
B amylopectin (1)(ii) C glycogen (1) storage of glucose (1) (iii) glucose + α/alpha (1) (iv) name + form glucose + β/beta (1) location in plant cell cell wall (1) bond Z β / beta glycosidic (1) bond W hydrogen bond (1) (v) (A coils up) due to the formation of hydrogen bonds (1) (storage) any 2 (x1) from compact (1) easy to add or remove glucose molecules (1) insoluble (1) no osmotic effect (1)
(b) (i) contains nitrogen (1)
carbohydrates only contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (1)
(ii) many monomers/small molecules joined together to make a large molecule/chain (1)
(iii) Any 3 (x1) from:
alternate monosaccharides inverted by 180o (1)
hydrogen bonds can cross link molecules (1)
to form microfibrils (1)
with high tensile strength (1)
- (a) (i) colour perception is subjective/
not everyone sees a colour in the same way
(ii) can only give an approximation of the concentration/
does not give actual values(b) (i) 0.4 mol dm-3(ii) with an absorbance of 0.1 concentration could be 0 or 0.05 (iii) could be more than one reducing sugar in a food all would produce a positive result with Benedict’s reagent