1 - England's relations with foreign powers Flashcards
Why was the Ottoman empire a threat during the 1530s?
1- In 1529, the Turks reached the gates of Vienna and besieged the city
2. In the mid 1530’s, they threatened to control more of the eastern mediterranean nd southern spain
When did the pope excommunicate Henry?
Who did Henry try to ally with, against the Catholic Countries of Spain and France, in the 1530’s?
The Schmalkaldic League in 1531 - Part of the Holy Roman Empire in North Germany that followed Lutheranism
- alliance didnt work out
Who did Henry try to ally with , against the Habsburgs in the late 1530’s?
- alliance didnt work out
What was the significance of the Truce of Nice (1538)?
- Reinforced threat from catholic countries as it presented a truce between Charles V and Francis I
- may have influenced Henry’s insistence on publication of 6 articles (to present England as a country that still followed key Catholic elements
How did Cromwell attempt to strengthen Englands relationship with protestant countries?
He arranged a marriage between King,and Anne, sister of Duke of Cleves in Germany
Why did Cromwell’s marriage arrangement fail?
Cromwell was deeply misinformed on Annes appearance so when Henry met her, he took a violent dislike to her and divorced her the same year
Why was the protestant alliance no longer necessary soon afterwards?
War restarted between Charles V and Francis I
How did James V renew the threat from Scotland during the late 1530’s?
He started to pursue a pro-French policy e.g. in 1538, He married Mary of Guise, a relative of the French King
How did James V humiliate Henry?
He refused to turn up to pre-arranged talks that would guarantee England’s security
What were the successes of Henry’s dealings with Scotland?
- Solway Moss attack: 1000 Scots taken prisoner
- By Henry’s death, he prevented Scotland and France joining forces against him
What were the failures of Henry’s dealings with Scotland?
- Treaty of Greenwhich failed to guarantee marriage between Henry’s son and Mary Queen of Scots
- 1544, and 1545, raidsin the scottish border that involved the burning of builds and the killing of people indiscriminately, only alienates the scots further away
- Involved repeated requests to parliament for subsidies, reductions in the silver value of coins and the sale of monastic lands. These contributed to financial difficulties of mid-Tudor and Elizabethan periods
Who did Henry ally with in the 1540’s French-Habsburg war?
The Habsburgs
Describe the events during the 1540’s French-Habsburg war
- In 1544, Henry sailed with army of 48,000 to Calais with aim to march on Paris with Charles V
- Plan didnt work out since both decided to follow own priorities, so instead, Henry captured Boulogne
- Charles and France sign treaty at Crepy
- Soon after, France threatens to invade England and gathers large troops
How successful was France’s attempt to invade England in 1545?
Not successful due to French incompetence, adverse winds and the fact that the French did not have a base to use (unlike England who has Calais)
- Resulted in Treaty of Ardres in 1546: Henry kept Boulogne and England was promised pension money from France
What was the Treaty of Ardres?
An agreement in 1546 after Frances attempt to invade England, which stated that England could keep Boulogne and was promised the renewal of pension money payments from France
- If France paid all payments, they could receive Boulogne back but this was unlikely given precedent situation
How much did the war against France, in 1545, cost?
2 million pounds
- a huge sum paid for by large-scale borrowing, saleof monastic land and debasement of the coinage (NOT GOOD)
What were the successes of Englands involvement in the French-Habsburg war, during the 1540’s?
- The Capture of Boulogne
- The treaty of Ardes
What problem did Henry have with Ireland after the break with Rome?
In 1536, Earl of Kildare, Thomas Fitzgerald, led a rebellion against Crown, due to removal of Pope as head of Church in England
How did Henry VIII deal with Fitzgeralds rebellion in Ireland?
He put down the rebellion and removed the Fitzgeralds from their post in power and removed and established a more solid base of government to deter future rebellions and prevent it from being a launching base for future enemies
How did Henry VIII deal with Ireland in general?
- H ngnne gyhjestablished a more solid base of government to deter future rebellions and prevent it from being a launching base for future enemies
- He tff m ook hold of all lands in Ireland, with the promise of its return and a post in parliament following a pledge of loyalty
- Parts of Ireland was placed under control of English governor, Anthony St Leger (but this was only a small region)
- Set base for Policy of Plantations
What was the policy of plantations?
A long process that involved breaking down fuedal territories in Ireland and implementing English Common Law across the country