1. DSP Flashcards
is the process of analyzing and modifying a signal to optimize or improve its efficiency or performance
Digital Signal Processing
is concerned with the representation of signals by sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of the sequences
Digital Signal Processing
is an electrical or electromagnetic current that is used for carrying data from one device to network to another
can be define as a function that conveys information, generally about the state or behavior of a physical system.
signals for which both time an amplitude are continuous
Analog Signal
signals that are defines only at a discrete units of time
Discrete Signals
Two Classification of Signal Process:
Analog Signal Processing
Digital Signal Processing
Processing deals with transformation of analog signals
Analog Signal Processing
delas with the processing of discrete signals
Digital Signal Processing
Used to filter out unwanted high frequency components from raw analog input signal
Converts analog signals to digitals signals
Converts digital signals back to analog signals
Used to filter out unwanted high frequency components in the generated analog signal
Advantages of DSP System
Error detection and correction features
Data storage is easier
Low cost
Disadvantages of DSP System
Higher power consumption
Higher learning curve is required for operation