(1)Common TCP Ports Flashcards
What port does File Transfer Protocol (FTP) use?
FTP uses TCP Ports 20 and 21
What port does Secure Shell (SSH) use?
SSH uses TCP port 22
What port does Telnet use?
Telnet uses TCP port 23
What port does Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) use?
SMTP uses TCP port 25
What port does Domain Name Service (DNS) use?
DNS uses TCP port 53
What port does Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) use?
HTTP uses TCP port 80
What port does Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) use?
POP3 uses TCP port 110
What port does Network Time Protocol (NTP) use?
NTP uses TCP port 123
What port does Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) use?
IMAP uses TCP port 143
What port does Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) use?
LDAP uses TCP port 389
What port does Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) use?
HTTPS uses TCP port 443
What port does Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Secure (LDAPS) use?
LDAPS uses TCP port 636
What port does SQL Server typically use?
SQL server typically uses TCP port 1433
What port does Oracle Typically use?
Oracle typically uses TCP port 1521
What port does Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) use?
PTTP typically uses TCP port 1723