1- Coastal Landscapes + Physical Factors Flashcards
Properties of high energy waves
- stronger backwash = removes sediment
- erosion outweighs deposition
- beach becomes flatter as sediment removed
Properties of low energy waves
- weaker backwash removes less sediment
- deposition outweighs Erosion
- beach becomes steeper = more sediment deposited building up beach
What are the 4 parts to a system
- inputs
- proscess
- stores
- outputs
What is dynamic equilibrium
- a system controlled by negative feedback loops returning system to equilibrium
Wind as a physical factor
- provides energy for waves
- wind speed, direction and frequency all effect the waves eroding power
Waves as a physical factor
- carry sediment + deposit or erode material away
Tidal range as a physical factor
- height between high + low tide = where erosion can occur
What 2 components make up geology
Lithology= chemical + physical composition
structure= properties of rock eg: cracks
How does wind create waves
1- wind blows over surface of water
2- friction with water slows down surface wind
3- air above pushes down on surface of water = forms a ripple
4- wind pushes against back of ripple increasing height + strength of wave
Why do waves break
- friction with sea bed slows base of wave
- back of wave “catches up” to front of wave = wave steepens + rises
- wave topples over + water rushes up beach (swash)
How do waves shape a beach (negative feedback loop)
1- flat beach = constructive waves
2- constructive waves build up beach = steeper
3- steep beach = destructive waves
4- destructive waves flatten beach + take sediment away
Cycle repeats
What affects tides
- moons gravitational pull
- spring tide = sun + moon align = larger tidal range
Name 3 sources of sediment
- fluvial
- longshore drift
- mass movement + weathering
What is the seasonal difference in waves
Summer = lower energy due to calmer conditions = steeper beach built
Winter= higher energy waves due to more frequent storms = beach is flattened
Why does material not usauly leave sediment cells
- natural obstacles marking end of cells
Eg: large headland
What is a disconcordant coastline
- alternating bands of hard and soft rock = erosion at different speeds = headlands and bays