1. Client Care Flashcards
What is client care?
The principle of client care is looking after the clients’ best interests and providing an appropriate level
of service that satisfies the client’s needs and achieves VfM.
How do you provide client care?
Client care can be provided through:
o Professionalism.
o Competence.
o Trust.
o Presentation.
o Regular communication.
o Review of services provided and standard.
o KPIs to monitor client satisfaction.
o Client Performance Feedback.
Why is Client Care important for surveying firms?
The majority of work is developed through repeat business from existing clients.
Therefore, it is important not only for the client to achieve their requirements but also for the company to encourage repeat businesses where possible.
Providing that the Client’s satisfaction is maintained, positive testimonials can be achieved and word of mouth recommendations will be generated
However dissatisfied Clients can be very damaging as negative feedback and experiences can spread quickly.
Providing excellent client care can also reduce the potential for negligence claims to arise.
What is CPF (Client Performance Feedback)
Client performance feedback is the process of gathering and acting on feedback from the client. This comprises:
o Gathering feedback during and after project completion.
o This is usually carried out by an independent person.
o The feedback sets the standards for the company and identifies areas for improvement.
o It encourages open discussions with the client to ensure satisfactory service is delivered and
that goals are achieved.
o It also provides an opportunity to gain future work for the company.
o CPF is usually carried out at regular intervals (3-6 months) to ensure any problems can be
identified and rectified as early as possible.
How would you identify the needs of a client?
I would look to achieve this by holding Client Account Planning Sessions.
Each client & project is different & their needs would be assessed on their own merit, this could be
achieved by:-
o Holding discussions regarding project key deliverables & the scope of services required.
o Reviewing past CPF scores & identifying key areas for improvement.
o Reviewing any complaints to identify mistakes and best practice methods of working.
What is a Client Brief?
*It is a formal statement of the objectives and functional and operational requirements of the finished project.
* The purpose of the client brief is to provide a firm foundation for the initiation of the project.
* It should be in sufficient detail to enable the integrated project team to execute the specification and
detailed design of the work and is therefore an essential reference for the team.
Please provide an example of your client care & empathy skills?
If there is a Conflict of Interest.
If the appointment is would not be in the clients’ best interests.
My firm may not be able to resource the job adequately.
If the project is outside of my skillset.
If the work was unlawful.
What is your company’s procedure for client’s feed-back?
We undertake formal project reviews with the client every three months.
In my day-to-day involvement with the client I look to obtain regular informal feed-back through verbal and email communication.
We undertake a satisfaction survey questionnaire at the end of each project.
How do you identify your client’s needs and expectations?
I am always sure to ask questions and listen to the client on key challenges and issues they are facing.
I also use client’s briefing checklists where applicable.
There have been times when I have not received an adequate briefing from the client and in these instances I am sure to ask for further clarification on their specific requirements.
How do you establish trust?
I am transparent and honest about my actions at all times.
I learn about my client and their long term objectives in addition to key challenges they are facing.
I only act inside the parameters of my level of expertise and competence.
I always act in a professional manner.
I always provide a high level of service.
How do you encourage repeat business?
The advantages are quicker and clearer lines of communication.
A better understanding of the client’s culture, needs and expectations can be determined.
The disadvantages are the loss of technical support from colleagues and a possible isolation from my own organisation’s culture.
What is meant by the term KPIs?
Key performance indicator is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives
How did you identify client requirements on the Mercury House project?
So joining my client I organised a Client Account Planning session with my manager
I understood from the session what is required of me which were things such as submitting cost reports, producing authority papers and managing various contractor packages on small value projects.
Tell me how you provided good client care on Mercury House project
- I understood my client’s requirements by holding a client account planning session and understood what is required of me
- I displayed various different good client care behaviours such as professionalism and establishing trust and always delivered within deadlines
How did you act on feedback provided by the client?
Tell me about the error you made on Mercury House
You mentioned an error in a cost forecast during your first week on the Mercury House project. How did you handle the communication with your client to maintain trust and transparency?
Prior to working on the Mercury House Project, you set a meeting to understand your client’s requirements. How did this initial interaction help you tailor your client care approach throughout the project?