1. Chest p40-46 (Anatomy, Localisation) Flashcards
Position for lateral CXR
Left lateral (i.e. left side against the film)
Right vs Left ribs on lateral CXR
Right ribs are magnified and more posterior
Right vs Left diaphragm on lateral CXR
Left diaphragm is above stomach bubble
Normal hilum on lateral CXR (4)
Central dark hole is left upper lobe bronchus,
Right PA infront of black hole,
Left PA over top of black hole,
Posterior wall of bronchus intermedius (normally <3mm) runs down through black hole
Raider’s triangle (4)
a.k.a. Retrotracheal triangle,
On lateral CXR,
Lucent triangle bordered by:
- Aortic arch inferiorly
- Upper thoracic vertberal bodies posteriorly
- Trachea anteriorly
Obliteration of Raider’s triangle (definition, cause) (2)
Opacity within (usually lucent)
Usually caused by aberrant right subclavian arterty.
Right hilar angle made up of (frontal CXR)
Superior pulmonary vein (above) and right interlobar artery (below)
Normal width between right interlobar artery and right bronchus intermedius
Most superior heart valve
Pulmonary valve
Most anterior heart valve
Tricuspid valve
Most posterior valve
Pulmonary valve
Mitral valve vs aortic valve
Mitral valve is larger
Pacemaker wire going through valve? (which valve)
Tricuspid valve (lead terminates in RV)
Right vs left oblique fissures
Right is anterior and superior to left
Golden S sign imaging/cause (2)
Right upper lobe collapse (caused by central mass).
Inverted S sign at right upper zone.
Flat waist sign imaging/cause (2)
Left lower lobe collapse.
Straight, diagonal left heart border.