1. Cells of the NS & Major Divisions of the Brain Flashcards
What are the two cells found in the brain?
Neurons and Neuroglia
What different structures do neurons have to other types of body cells?
- Axon
- Dendrite
- Synapse
What is the axon in a neuron?
Output side of the cell.
That can travel distances ranging from distances ranging from microns to metres.
The axonal membrane ‘excitable.’
What is the dendrite in a neuron?
Input side of the cell.
It is highly branched with a number of processes extended from it.
They receive most of the excitatory input.
They contain filaments and are dynamic.
What is the synapse on a neuron?
Point of specialised contact between two neurons.
What similarities do neurons have to regular cells?
- Nucleus
- Rough ER
- Smooth ER
- Golgi complex
- Mitochondria
- Lysosomes
- Cytoskeleton
What is a nucleus?
Site at which a cells DNA is stored.
What is a rough ER?
Synthesises proteins
What is smooth ER?
Synthesises fat
What is mitochondria?
Powerhouse of the cell
What are lysosomes?
Waste disposal system
What is cytoskeleton?
Maintains cells shape and provides ‘rails’ for transport
What are the 3 ways that neurons can be classified?
- According to the number of processes
- According to the length of the axon
- According to the shape of a cell
How are neurons classified in terms of the numbers of processes they have?
Bipolar: 1 dendrite
Multipolar: 1+ dendrite
How are neurons classified in terms of their length?
Golgi type 1: long axon and is large
Golgi type 2: short axon