1- Cardiovascular Anatomy Flashcards
double-walled firoserous sac which encloses the heart and roots of great vessels
which layer of pericardium is fused to central tendon of diaphragm
fibrous pericardium
which layer of pericardium is inelastic and protects against overfilling
fibrous pericardium
fused to internal surface of the fibrous pericardium
parietal layer of serous pericardium
aka epicardium
visceral layer of serous pericardium
where is apex located?
left 5th intercostal space
which heart chamber corresponds to apex?
left ventricle
which heart chamber corresponds to the sternocostal/anterior surface?
right ventricle
which heart chambers correspond to the diaphragmatic/inferior surface?
both ventricles, primarily the left
which heart chambers correspond to the left/pulmonary surface?
left ventricle, occupies the cardiac notch
right border is…
right 3rd costal cartilage to right 6th costal cartilage
inferior border is..
right 6th costal cartilage to left 5th intercostal space
left border is …
left 5th intercostal space to left second costal cartilage
superior border is…
left 2nd costal cartilage to right 3rd costal cartilage
what chamber corresponds with right border?
right atrium
what chambers correspond with inferior border?
right ventricle and apex of left ventricle
what chambers correspond with left border?
left ventricle and left auricle
what chambers correspond with superior border?
right and left auricles and conus arteriosus
provides barrier between atrial and ventricles for conductive system..
cardiac skeleton
what attaches to the cardiac skeleton
heart valves and myocardium
attaches aortic to pulmonary semilunar valves
tendon of conus arteriosus
attaches mitral valve to aortic semilunar valves
left fibrous trigone
attaches atrioventricular valves to aortic semilunar valves
right fibrous trigone
what is the arterial supply to the AV node?
right coronary a.
what is the major supply to the SA node?
60% right coronary, 40% left coronary
the marginal and posterior interventricular branch off what a.?
right coronary
what are the branches off of the left coronary a.?
circumflex and interventricular branches
location and speed of SA node
junction of SVC and right atrium
70-80 bpm
speed of AV node
40-60 bpm
location of AV node
posteroinferior region of interatrial septum near coronary sinus
normal heart sounds are the result of …
blood turbulence upon closure of the heart valves
where do you listen to the aortic semilunar valve?
right 2nd intercostal space
where do you listen to the pulmonary semilunar valve?
left 2nd intercostal space
where do you listen to the tricuspid valve?
lower left body of sternum
where do you listen to the mitral valve
left 5th intercostal space
functions to prevent heat build up
serous pericardium
nerve supply to pericardium
phrenic n. (no pain -exception visceral layer)
behind pulmonary a. and aorta (outflow)
transverse pericardial sinus (where to go for bypasses)
between IVC and pulmonary vv.
oblique pericardial sinus
base of heart
LA with minor contribution from the RA(sinus venarum)
what is the sinus venerum?
smooth portion of the RA where coronary sinus enters and the two vena cavas merge
indicates the primitive atrium
pectinate muscles
transition between rough and smooth RA
crista terminalis
outflow part of RV
conus arteriosus
what is the moderator band
muscle cells involved in heart beat (on Rside not left)
where are pectinate muscles found on the left side?
only in l. auricle
“base ring” of cardiac skeleton
aortic valve ring
where are the opening for the coronary aa found?
in aortic sinuses
which cusp in the aortic semilunar valve does not have an opening for the coronary aa?
posterior cusp
the nodal branch comes off which coronary a?
which artery tells you ‘dominance”
posterior interventricular a.
artery found on the inferior border of the heart
right marginal a.
why is the left coronary artery a high danger place?
quickly splits into the circumflex and LAD
artery in teh anterior interventricular groove
LAD aka anterior interventricular a.
which veins do not drain into the coronary sinus
the anterior cardiac veins (go directly into the RA)
how does the vagus n. get into the heart cavity
branches onto the great vessels
how does symp. innervation get to heart
from the chain (C6/7 to T4)
closure of AV valves
closure of semilunar valves