1. Carcinoma of the female breast.(Incidence, Etiology and pathology) Flashcards
INCIDENCE of Carcinoma of female breast
- It is the commonest malignancy in female.
* In USA, 1 in every 9 women is expected to develop cancer breast in lifetime
Etiological factors of Carcinoma of female breast
- Genetic element
- High (Major) Risk Factors
- Intermediate Risk Factors
Genetic element of etiological factors of Carcinoma of female breast
Genetic element: mutation of the following tumour suppressor genes:
- BRCA 1 located on chromosome No.17
- BRCA 2 located on chromosome No.13
- TP53 (p53) located on chromosome No.17
Le Fromaini syndrome
(Mutation of p53 tumour suppressor gene) :
- colorectal cancer
- endometrial cancer
- cancer breast
High (Major) Risk Factors of breast cancer
- Female with cancer of one breast.
- Female with near relatives having history of cancer breast.
- Nulliparous female
- Fibroadenosis with papillomatosis.
- Atypical ductal hyperplasia.
- Duct papilloma
- Lobular carcinoma in situ
lntermediate Risk Factors of breast cancer
- It has a peak incidence at 45 - 55 y, 65 - 75 y.
- Females with early menarche .12 y or late menopause > 50 y.
- Infertility & delayed pregnancy.
- Prolonged use of contraceptive pills > 10 years.
- Obesity & White races.
- High socio-economic class.
- Artifrcial breast prosthesis.
- Smoking, coffee, red meat & high fat diet.
- Irradiations.
Pathology of breast cancer
Site in Pathology of breast cancer
Mostly affecting the upper outer quadrant (60%).
Types in Pathology of breast cancer
According to the cell of origin :
I- Ductal carcinoma. (80-85%)
Il- Lobular carcinoma. (10-15%)
III- Paget’s disease of the nipple. (1%)
IV- Rare types of carcinoma.(Mastitis carcinomatosa)
Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (Ductal Carcinoma in situ)
2. lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma
Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Low and intermediate grade DCIS:
2. High grade DCIS:
Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Papillary & micropapillary DCIS
- Solid DCIS
- Cribriform DCIS
Pathogenesis of High grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Comedo DCIS
Papillary & micropapillary DCIS in Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Microscopic picture:
2. Clinical picture
Microscopic picture of Papillary & micropapillary DCIS in Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
The cancer cells are arranged in a finger-like pattern within the duct
If the cells are very small, they are called micropapillary.
Clinical picture of Papillary & micropapillary DCIS in Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Leads to bleeding per nipple.
Microscopic picture of Solid DCIS in Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
The tumor cells completely fill the involved ducts.
Microscopic picture of Cribriform DCIS in Pathogenesis of Low and intermediate grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- There are gaps between cancer cells in the affected breast ducts
- like the pattern of holes in Swiss cheese.
Comedo DCIS in Pathogenesis of High grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Microscopic picture
2. Pathogenesis of Comedo necrosis
Microscopic picture of Comedo DCIS in Pathogenesis of High grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
The center of the breast duct is plugged with dead cancer cells scattered among the living ones.
Pathogenesis of Comedo necrosis in Comedo DCIS in Pathogenesis of High grade DCIS in Pathogenesis of Non-lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma (DCIS) in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Necrosis in malignancy usually means that the cancer is growing fast & some cells don’t get enough nourishment, these starved cells die off, leaving areas of necrosis.
Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
1- lnvasive duct carcinoma not otherwise specified “NOS” > 75 %
2- Medullary carcinoma: 5%
3- Mucinous carcinoma 1%
Pathogenesis of NOS in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Alternative names for NOS
- Gross picture
- Cut section
- Microscopic picture
Alternative names for NOS in Pathogenesis of NOS in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
NSP no special type
scirrhous carcinoma
meaning of scirrhous carcinoma
Means alot of fibrous tissue
Gross picture in Pathogenesis of NOS in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Small, hard, irregular mass
- with flat under-surface
- fixed within the breast.
Cut section in Pathogenesis of NOS in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
1- Gritty.
2- Retract (concave) due to the fibrous tissue inside.
3- Non-capsulated.
4- Pale grayish with yellowish white streaks
5- areas of hemorrhage & necrosis.
Meaning of Gritty
Full of fibrous tissue Akennak bte2ta3 fe kommetra
why some cut sections are concave others are convex ?
Concave : much fibrous tissue
Convex : little fibrous tissue
Microscopic picture in Pathogenesis of NOS in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
1- Masses of small malignant spheroidal cells
2- arranged in irregular groups
3- separated by dense fibrous tissue
4- with areas of hemorrhage & necrosis.
5- The fibrous tissue element is more than the cellular element.
Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Alternative name for Medullary carcinoma
- Gross picture
- Cut section
- Microscopic picture
- Aggressiveness and prognosis
Alternative name for Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
encephaloid carcinoma
Gross picture in Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Large, irregular mass & soft in consistency.
Cut section in Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Bulge (convex)
- Non-capsulated
- brain like appearance.
- areas of hemorrhage and central necrosis.
Microscopic picture in Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
1- Large masses of malignant spheroidal cells
2- arranged in pseudoacinus form.
2- The stroma is scanty and the vascularity is high.
3- cellular element > fibrous tissue element
4- Lymphocytic infiltration may be present.
Tumours with Lymphocytic infiltration:
1) seminoma
2) Medullary breast carcinoma
3) monomorphic adenoma of parotid
Aggressiveness and prognosis in Pathogenesis of Medullary carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
It’s less aggressive and metastasize later and hence has better prognosis than NOS
Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Alternative name for Mucinous carcinoma
- Gross picture
- Cut section
- Microscopic picture
- Prognosis
Alternative name for Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
colloid carcinoma
Gross picture in Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Large cystic tumour
Cut section in Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Honey comb appearance due to colloid
Microscopic picture in Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Malignant cells producing abundant mucin giving the signet ring appearance.
meaning of signet ring appearance.
Nucleus is pushed to side by mucin
Prognosis in Pathogenesis of Mucinous carcinoma in Pathogenesis of lnvasive Ductal Carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Ductal carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Unlike colloid carcinoma of GIT, it has usually a good prognosis
Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Cell of origin
- Behavior
- Pathogenesis
Cell of origin of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Terminal lobular ducts or the acini.
Behavior of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
It’s bilateral and mulitcentric
what is bad about lobular carcinoma
It’s bilateral and mulitcentric so conservative breast surgery is contraindicated
Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Non-invasive lobular carcinoma (LCIS)
2. Invasive lobular carcinoma
Pathogenesis of Non-invasive lobular carcinoma (LCIS) in Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Gross picture
- Microscopic picture
- Prognosis
Gross picture in Pathogenesis of Non-invasive lobular carcinoma (LCIS) in Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Common to be an incidental finding associated with a breast biopsy performed for another indication.
Microscopic picture in Pathogenesis of Non-invasive lobular carcinoma (LCIS) in Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- A monomorphic population of small, rounded, Loosely cohesive cells
- Fill and expand the acini of a lobule.
Prognosis in Pathogenesis of Non-invasive lobular carcinoma (LCIS) in Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Approximately, 10-20% of women with LCIS develop invasive breast cancer within 15 years from their LCIS diagnosis.
- Thus, LCIS is considered a biomarker of increased breast cancer risk
The reason why LCIS is considered a biomarker of increased breast cancer risk
Approximately, 10-20% of women with LCIS develop invasive breast cancer within 15 years from their LCIS diagnosis.
Invasive lobular carcinoma in Pathogenesis of Lobular carcinoma in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Consists of cells morphologically identical to LCIS but with invasion of the basement membrane.
Occasionally they surround normal-appearing acini or ducts
Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Definition
- Spread
- Microscopic picture
- Clinical picture
- Differential Diagnosis
Definition of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
lt is a slowly growing intraductal carcinoma that begins in the epithelium of a main collecting lactiferous duct
Spread of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Outward
2. Inward
Outward Spread of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- affecting the skin of the nipple & areola
* leading to superficial erosions, ulcerations & crustations.
Inward Spread of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Later on it spreads inwards & a mass appears 2 years from the onset of the disease
Microscopic picture of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Epidermal hyperplasia & hyperkeratosis.
- Malignant Paget’s cells in all layers of the epidermis
- The dermis contains a dense infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells, and occasionally eosinophils.
Morphology of Malignant Paget’s cells in Microscopic picture of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Large, oval or rounded cells with intracytoplasmic vacuoles & large hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli “high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic”
Clinical picture of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Usually occurs at menopause [6th decade]
Pricking sensation of the nipple with erosions & ulcerations
Differential Diagnosis of Paget’s disease (CIS) in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
differentiate between Paget’s disease and Eczema by
- side
- age
- itchiness
- Presence of vesicles-oozing
- Edge
- Biopsy
- Response to treatment
side of Paget’s disease
side of Eczema
Commonly Bilateral
age in Paget’s disease
Usually occurs at menopause [6th decade]
age in Eczema
Commonly occurs at lactation
itchiness of Paget’s disease
May be itchy
itchiness of Eczema
always itchy
Presence of vesicles-oozing in Paget’s disease
No vesicles no oozing (dry)
Presence of vesicles-oozing in Eczema
vesicles are present - oozing
Edge of Paget’s disease
Well defined.
Edge of Eczema
Ill defined
Biopsy in Paget’s disease
Biopsy is diagnostic
Biopsy in Eczema
Biopsy is diagnostic
Response to treatment in Paget’s disease
no response to eczema treatment
Response to treatment in Eczema
responds to eczema treatment
Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Alternative name for Mastitis carcinomatosa
- Clinical picture
- Behavior
- Prognosis
- Differential Diagnosis
Alternative name for Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Acute inflammatory (Lactating) carcinoma
Clinical picture of Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Occurs mostly during pregnancy and lactation (due to high hormonal level)
- but may occur at any age unassociated with these events.
- The overlying skin is red, warm & edematous.
Behavior of Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
- Aggressive rapidly metastasizing tumour
- Considered stage lV cancer breast.
- The tumour infiltrates the breast diffusely & the overlying skin is red, warm & edematous.
Prognosis of Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
A Very bad prognosis. The patient dies within few months.
Differential Diagnosis of Mastitis carcinomatosa in Types in Pathology of breast cancer
Acute bacterial mastitis.
Differentiate between Mastitis carcinomatosa and acute bacterial mastitis by
- onset
- Fever
- Degree of breast involvement
- Axillary nodes
- Response to antibiotics
onset of Mastitis carcinomatosa
Gradual onset
onset of acute bacterial mastitis
Acute onset
Fever in Mastitis carcinomatosa
no or low grade fever
Fever in acute bacterial mastitis
high fever
Degree of breast involvement in Mastitis carcinomatosa
involves more than one third of the breast
Degree of breast involvement in acute bacterial mastitis
one breast sector is affected
Axillary nodes in Mastitis carcinomatosa
non tender axillary nodes (hard fixed)
Axillary nodes in acute bacterial mastitis
tender axillary nodes
CBC in Mastitis carcinomatosa
CBC in acute bacterial mastitis
Response to antibiotics in Mastitis carcinomatosa
no response to antibiotics in one week is an indication for biopsy
Response to antibiotics in acute bacterial mastitis
The lesion is either cured by antibiotics or forms an abscess
Histological grading of breast cancer
- Mechanism
2. Grades
Mechanism of Histological grading of breast cancer
This grading is done according to a numerical grading system based on scoring of 3 individual factors:
- Mitotic rate
- Nuclear pleomorphism
- Tubular formation
Grades of Histological grading of breast cancer
All pathological types are classified according to the degree of differentiation to:
Grade l : Well differentiated
Grade ll : Moderately differentiated.
Grade lll : Poorly differentiated.
Recent pathological classification of breast cancer
A) Non-invasive carcinoma
B) Invasive carcinoma
Non-invasive carcinoma according to Recent pathological classification of breast cancer
- Ductal carcinoma in situ.
- Lobular carcinoma in situ.
- Paget’s disease of the nipple (with no mass).
- Non invasive papillary carcinoma.
Invasive carcinoma according to Recent pathological classification of breast cancer
- Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified “NOS”.
- Invasive lobular carcinoma.
- Medullary carcinoma.
- Mucinous (colloid carcinoma).
- Inflammatory carcinoma.
- Paget’s disease with a mass.
- Tubular carcinoma.
- Papillary carcinoma.
- Adenoid cystic (cribriform) carcinoma.
- Metaplastic breast cancer (MBC).
- Carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation.
DCISLeads to bleeding per nipple.
Papillary & micropapillary DCIS