1 C Spine Biomechanics Flashcards
What is normal lordosis extension of the C spine?
- 30-35 degrees
- Approximates facets joints and narrows down central canal of spine
- potential loading and challenges with degeneration
What is the Crainiocervical motion for flexion?
- Combined 40-50
- OA 5
- AA 5
- Lower Cervical 35-40
What is the Crainiocervical motion for Extension?
- Combined 70-80
- OA 10
- AA 10
- Lower Cervical 55-60
What is the Crainiocervical motion for Rotation?
- Combined 65-75
- OA —
- AA 35-45
- Lower Cervical 30-35
What is the Craniocervical motion for sidebending?
- Combined 35-40
- OA 5
- AA –
- Lower Cervical 30-35
Where is the greatest segmental motion and most common site for DJD?
- C4-5
- C5-6
- C6-7
Type 1 mechanics C Spine
Rotation and sidebend occur in opposite directions
Upper C spine
Type 2 Mechanics C Spine
Roation and sidebend occure on the side sides
Lower C spine
Type 3 Mechanics
Motion in 1 plane reduces motion in all remaining planes
Ex) head flexion causes less rotation of the head (isolates C1-2)
Describe the Arthrokinematics of the OA joint with Flexion
Occiptal condyles roll ANTERIOR and glide POSTERIOR
Describe the Arthrokinematics of the OA joint with Extension
Occipital condyles roll POSTERIOR and glide ANTERIOR
Limits to movement of the OA joint?
Articular capules, OA membranes, Ligaments
Describe the movements of the AA joint
Full rotation can cause stretch to artieries
Twist and turn around the dens
What are the limits to the AA joint
- Alar ligaments
- apophyseal joint tension
- Muscles
What ist he function of the Alar Ligament?
- Stabilizes occiput with rotation
- Lateral dens to medial aspect of occiptal condyle
What is the function of the Transverse ligament?
- Prevents anterior migration C1 on C2
- Lhermitte’s sign - Reuslts in potential cord sign/electrical shock down arms/backs/letgs
- Holds C1 against the dens
What is the funciton of the Tectoral membrane?
Stability in Upper cervical region
Describe the Vertebral and Carotid Arteries with movement of the neck
- Enter the foramen at C6 and up to C2
- Not conclusive if Ipsilateral or Contralateral BF is affected
- LEss affected by movement
- Impaired by CV disease, infection, trauma
What is the role of the Facet and ZPJ during flexion and exension?
- Facilitate sluding motion + combined moviton of rotation and sidebending
45 degree angle
Describe Extension of the Lower Cervical Spine
- INFERIOR articular facet slide POSTERIOR and INFERIOR on superior articular facet
- Maximized contact with facet and ZPJ
Describe flexion of the lower cervical spine
- Superior/Anterior sliding of facet (opening)
- Maximizes space of spinal cord in flexion
Describe the movement of Protraction/Retraction
Protraction: Flexes LOWER C spine and extends UPPER C spine
Retraction: Flexion in UPPER C spine and extension LOWER C Spine
Desribe Laterl Flexion and Rotation of the Lower C spine
- 30-35 degrees of lateral flexion
- do not occur in isolation (work together)
Rotation (R): to one side slides R facet POSTERIOR and INFERIOR
CLOSING motion
Sidebeind (R): Posterior inferior glide of R facet . Anterior superior glide of L facet
Closing on R, opening on L
What is upper Crossed Syndrome/postural dysfunction?
- Related to protration (forward head position)
- causes:
- Increased upper trap strain + cervical extensors
- tight
- weakness in cervical deep flexors
- Muscle imbalance