1 - Basics Of Cybernetics Flashcards
The object of cybernetics
Cybernetics = the study of control and connections in nature, science and society Basic concepts: - organization - information - control
Cybernetic Systems
Organization - definition
System theory = the study of systems in general, with the goal of elucidating principles that can be applied to: - all types of systems - at all nesting levels - in all fields of research Organization = formation of systems
Cybernetic systems
Cybernetic system - definition
Cybernetic system = interacting structures and processes combined for the execution of a common function. Which function is diff from functions of the separate components
General properties of cybernetic systems:
- interact with environment and with other systems - connections
- have hierarchical structure - consists of subsystems
- preserve their general structure in changing environmental conditions
Cybernetic systems
Types of systems by complexity
3 types:
- component states
- structure and connections
- transmitted signals
Cybernetic systems
Types of systems by the degree of determinism of their response
- Deterministic = components act in a predetermined way and response is predictable e.g. machine
- Probabilistic = response can not be exactly predicted e.g. weather
Cybernetic systems
Type of systems by the type of interaction with the environment
- Closed = the components interact with each other only and no interactions with the environment
- Open = the components interact with the environment as well
Cybernetic systems
Elements of the interaction
- perception of signals from other systems using sensors (receptors) e.g. eyes, ears etc
- transmission of signals to other systems using effectors e.g. organs of speech, gestures etc
Cybernetic systems
Biological cybernetic systems - properties
Characteristics: - varying complexity - probabilistic - multi-level hierarchical organization Basic properties: - self-organization - self-regulation
Cybernetic systems
Biological systems - complexity
Very complex:
- large number of components
- complex and interrelated connections between components
Cybernetic systems
Biological systems - determinism
- large number of components
- large number of connections between the components
- strong external influences
Cybernetic systems
Biological systems - organization
Complex 2-way hierarchy
- low level components = perform independently of the higher level components as long as they are able to process all the important input info
- high level components = control the lower level components
Information theory
Information - definition
- any set of related data
- any meaningful event, which results in an action
- the state of a system of interest
Info reduces ambiguity and lack of knowledge
Information theory
Transmission of information - messages, signals and channels
Message = the transmitted info
Signal = the physical carrier of the message
Communication channel = the medium in which the signal propagates
E.g. sound wave (signal) - air (channel)
Information theory
Alphabet (code), encoding, recording, decoding
Alphabet = a set of simple signals which can be used to send any message
Encoding (by transmitter) = generation (using an alphabet) of a signal which carries the message
Recording = altering the alphabet
Decoding (by receiver) = extraction of the message from the signal
Information theory
Isomorphism and noise, signal-to-nose ratio
Isomorphic signals = physically diff signals which carry the same message
Noise = communication system disturbances which modify the signal