1: Atomic Structure Flashcards
atomic number (Z)
of protons
atomic mass / mass #
of protons + neutrons (in amu)
atomic weight
weighted average of isotopes
Plank’s quantum theory
energy emitted as EM radiation from matter exists in discrete bundles called quanta (E=hf)
Bohr’s model of a hydrogen atom
possible values for the angular momentum of an electron orbiting a hydrogen nucleus depends on n (principle quantum number)
- angular momentum of an electron changes only in discrete amouns with respect to n
Energy of the electron
E is directly proportional to n
- energy of electron changes in discrete amounts with respect to the quantum number
- energy increases the farther out from the nucleus is
applications of Bohr model
as electrons go from lower energy to hgiher energy level, they get AHED:
- Abosrb light
- Higher potential
- Exctied
- Distant
Atomic emission spectra
electrons in an atom can be excited to different energy levels… but when electrons return to their ground states, they emit a photon with a wavelength characteristic of the specific energy transition it undergoes
Lyman series
group of hydrogen emission lines corresponding to transitions betwen upper levels n>1 to n=1
- larger energy transitions so shorter photon wavelenghts in the UV region of the EM spectrum
Balmer series
group of hydrogen emission lines corresponding to transitions from energy levels n>2 to n=2
Paschen series
transitions from n>3 to n=3
- smaller energy transition so longer photon wavelenghts in the visible region
Atomic Absorption Spectra
when an electron is excited to a higher energy level, it absorbs exactly the right amount of energy to make that transition
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
it is impossible to simultaneously determine, with perfect accuracy, the momentum and position of an electron
principle quantum number (n)
- the larger the integer of n, the higher the energy level and radius of the electron’s shell
- max # of electrons within a shell 2n^2
angular momentum quantum number (l)
refers to the shape and number of subshells within a given pricnipal energy level
- l=0 to n-1
- s: l=0
- p: l=1
- d: l=2
- f: l=3
- max # electrons within a subshell=4l+2
magnetic quantum number (ml)
specifies particular orbital within a subshell where an electron is most likely to be found at a given moment in time
- ml is an integer between -l and l
spin quantum (ms)
spin orientation
- +1/2 or -1/2
n+l rule
the lower the values for the first 2 quantum numbers (n+l), the lower the energy of the subshell
anions & cations
anions fill the same way, but for cations start with neutral atom and remove elctrons from the subshells with the highest value for n first
Hund’s rule
within orbitals, parallel spins filled first… half-filled and fully-filled orbitals have lower energy energies (higher stability)… 2 exceptions:
- Chromium: [Ar]4s13d5 rather than [Ar]4s23d4 because of stability
- Copper: [Ar]4s13d10 rather than [Ar]4s23d9 because of stability
unapired electrons… magnetic attraction
only paired electrons so slightly repelled by a magnetic field