1 Flashcards
The business of ornamental fishes, which includes specimens that may be added to zoologic collections, can be broadly divided into
freshwater and marine species.
Most pet fishes are
freshwater, and many are farm raised in the USA, Asia, or elsewhere.
characteristics of BLENNIES
- Small elongate fish that lives on the sea bottom.
- Lacks a swim bladder
- Mucus covered scaleless skin
- Continuous dorsal fin divided into anterior and posterior
- Jugular pelvic fin branched into two
- Swims poorly with undulating movements across the benthos
- Comb-like teeth for crunching barnacles and crabs
- Male guards the eggs
- Small elongate fish that usually lives on the sea bottom. Lacks a swim bladder.
- Small scales.
- Two dorsal fins.
- Pelvic fins fused into a sucker-like cup
- Swims poorly with darting movements across the benthos.
- Small teeth suited for swallowing small crustaceans and worms.
- Male guards the eggs
an important consideration when designing quarantine protocols and anticipating the types and severity of disease that may be seen in recently acquired animals.
*source of these fishes
Some fish species, whether marine or freshwater, are particularly prone to parasitic and bacterial infection during the quarantine period (first 30 days), including the first few weeks after arrival in a pet store or home aquarium.
* for ornamental ponds are popular pets and
•typically respond well to veterinary care.
as koi and fancy goldfish
These fish are susceptible to several diseases like
spring viremia ?
Dx are particularly well suited for use in aquatic species,
Radiology and ultrasound
*evaluation of the gas bladder, investigation of internal masses, and more.
useful to decrease the need to euthanize, or surgically biopsy, an animal to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
- blood culture techniques to accurately identify bacterial agents
- perform susceptibility tests before starting antibiotic therapy
water quality parameter - addition to equipment on hanh
The equipment needed to treat fish in a veterinary practice is
These can be 10- or 20-gal. tanks with simple foam filters and aeration pumps.
fish tanks
should be on hand if the practice uses water that contains chlorine or chloramine.
dechlorinator such as sodium thiosulfate
should be available for sedation or anesthesia.
tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) and baking soda
useful equipment use for measurement of water volume, a balance to weigh out anesthetic, and a battery-powered aeration pump if an anesthetized fish is to be moved around the clinic for radiology, surgery, or other procedures
a 1-L plastic graduated cylinder
how many tank works well as a receptacle for surgery
a 10- to 20-gal
plexiglass or plastic cover with small holes drilled in it
An egg crate lighting panel -can be placed over the tank to allow water to flow over the fish and back to the tank.
The fish can be positioned in can be used to circulate anesthetic-treated, aerated water out of the tank and over the gills.
v-shaped foam “bed,”
Fishes can be first split into two major groups?
the cartilaginous fishes ( sharks and stingrays), and
the bony fishes
commonly kept as pets or display animals
*bony fishes
bony fishes two subcohorts
Ostariophysi or Neoteleostei.
Fishes that belong to this subcohort are considered to be basal fishes
They have a unique chemical alarm system associated with their skin?
- released by specialized club cells in the epidermis
* It induces a flight response when detected by nearby related fishes
These fish also have cellular bone, which lends itself well to fracture stabilization techniques.
what do you mean by physostomous
have a pneumatic duct that connects the anterior lobe of the gas bladder to the dorsum of the esophagus.
Another unique feature of ostariophysians
presence of a Weberian apparatus
- which amplifies sound.
- consists primarily of a small series of auditory bones connected to the gas bladder.
Ostariophysi includes popular aquarium fishes that belong to the
families Cyprinidae
Families Loricaridae
the order Characiformes
Representative cyprinids
*popular as pet fishes.
*distribution Asia and North America.
goldfish, koi, barbs, danios, most of the freshwater sharks: , redtail, rainbow, and bala), and rasboras.
Cyprinidae have lack of a stomach and a dual-lobed gas bladder.
distinguishing anatomic features
have a diffuse hepatopancreas, and the posterior kidney is usually positioned between the two lobes of the gas bladder.
absence of a stomach means
means attention must be given to feeding practices, and the bioavailability of some oral drugs may be lower.
, buoyancy control is a common problem
This can be avoided by feeding sinking feeds.
fancy goldfish such as orandas, ryukins,
frequent problem in zebrafish (danio) research colonies but can also be seen in other cyprinids.
Mycobacterial disease
Columnaris disease, caused by
Flavobacterium columnare,
- is frequently a source of high mortality in koi and zebrafish.
(enteric septicemia)
Edwardsiella ictaluri
*problem in zebrafish
is a fungal parasite of concern in zebrafish.
Microsporidia (Pseudoloma)
- Originating from South America
- scales are modified into plate-like scutes
- Most are omnivorous, with some being herbivorous
Loricariidae contain
popular armored catfishes, the plecos (short for plecostomus) and the smallOtocinclus
these fishes have a long intestine.
*able to obtain oxygen through their stomach after swallowing air at the water surface
- have a stomach and pyloric caeca.
- have a single-chambered gas bladder
- have a small adipose fin.
Characiformes representatives ?
are the tetras:
such as neon, cardinal
are common bacterial diseases of characins.
Mycobacteriosis and columnaris
is a fungal parasite of concern in tetras.
Microsporidia (Pleistophora)
Another group of popular armored catfishes, including the genusCorydoras, belongs to this family.
*They scurry to the water surface to ingest air; oxygen is then absorbed via the intestine
the source of the venom that causes punctures by their pectoral fins to be painful in Callichthyidae
Axillary glands located beneath the skin of the shoulder
Callichthyidae spp appear to be very susceptible to infection withF. columnare.
This subcohort of fishes have acellular bone and lack the Weberian apparatus
- advance fishes
- do not have alarm system
*single-chambered gas bladder
single chamber gas bladder
-the gas bladder does not have a connection to the esophagus except at hatching.
popular aquarium fishes belong to families in Neoteleostei
Poeciliidae, and
This large family of Neoteleostei
- originate from Central or South America or Africa.
- often very colorful, particularly those originating from the African Rift Lakes.
- have a single-chambered gas bladder, severely reduced in riverine species from Africa
- hardly well adapted to aquariums
*freshwater angelfish, discus, oscar,
Many cichlid species are aggressive and territorial, requiring substantial cover to minimize injury caused by interspecific aggression
generally prefer soft water and slightly acidic environments
Wild-caught Amazonian cichlids (eg, freshwater angelfish and discus)
thrive under hard water and slightly basic conditions.
African Rift Lake species
African cichlids may be infected with_____which causes a granulomatous gastritis, and some affected fish become extremely emaciated.
Cryptobia iubilans
common findings on the gills of tank-raised discus.
another popular family of aquarium fishes, which includes guppies, swordtails, platies, and mollies.
*These fishes are adapted to feed primarily at the water surface.
Some are euryhaline
(able to tolerate a wide range of salinity),
guppy and the Molly
stenohaline tolerate wide range of freshwater.
swordtail and platy
susceptible to the bacterial diseasesF. columnareand epitheliocystis.
This family, which includes
gourami, paradise fish, and bettas, is well-adapted to life in shallow, slow-moving to stagnant water
*has a unique air-breathing apparatus often called a labyrinth organ that consists of plates covered in respiratory epithelium
It is located above the gills in the branchial cavity and is deliberately filled with air when these fishes rise to the air-water interface.
called a labyrinth organ
endocommensalProtoopalinais often seen in the intestine
These fishes are susceptible toF. colum
In freshwater, the internal tissues of fish are___to the environment, whereas in saltwater they are ___
___________make osmoregulation more difficult and may be of serious consequence because of the loss of fluid balance and circulatory collapse.
Surface injuries to the skin
Divalent ions are excreted principally via ___
monovalent ions and nitrogenous excretions via the ____
Accordingly, lesions of the kidney and gills may seriously interfere with
respiration, excretion, and fluid balance.
also known as the swim or air bladder) in bony fish
*originates as an appendage of the foregut,
gas bladder
regulates body buoyancy
and may also be used for sound production.
, the gas bladder consists of:
dual chambers in cyprinids and
three chambers in cod and suckers belonging to the genusMoxostoma.
receives stimuli from the aquatic environment and mediates adaptive responses through the CNS.
sensory lateral line system
Antibodies are found in the
mucus of the fish skin and GI tract.
A few vaccines available or in development for pet fish, particularly koi.
Aeromonas salmonicida
Questions of particular interest for fish cases include
the number of animals affected, whether one species or multiple,
the chronicity of the problem, and
a thorough description of animal housing and care, including the volume and design of the system , number and size of animals stocked, species, new additions, use of quarantine, and previous medications
A minimum of _____should be requested for analysis.
1 quart of tank water
Fish decompose quickly, and many saprophytic microorganisms reproduce rapidly in the decaying tissues, which complicates isolation of pathogens unless samples are collected immediately after death.
A general fish necropsy may include
blood collection (premortem);
biopsy of gill, skin, and fin tissues;
bacterial or viral culture of internal organs; and
Distilled water should not be used for tissue samples
Tissue should be examined for :
morphology and for the presence of parasites, bacteria, or fungal elements.
______is crucial for diagnosis of most parasites.
Wet-mount examination of fish tissues
Blood can be collected from a number of sites
>25–100 g
the caudal vessels of the caudal peduncle,
the duct of Cuvier (common cardinal vein), and
the dorsal and ventral aortas
For smaller specimens that are to be euthanized, blood can be collected in a hematocrit tube immediately after euthanasia by severing the ____and___
caudal peduncle and exposing the caudal vessels.
the anticoagulant of choice for most fish species, although EDTA is preferred for ictalurid catfishes, and plasma may be used for biochemistry tests.
Preferable enriched media
tryptic soya agar enriched with 5% sheep blood
used for isolation of myxobacteria (slime bacteria, includingFlavobacterium columnare).
Ordal’s or similar cytophaga media
used for isolation of fungal agents.
Sabouraud agar
used for isolation ofMycobacteriumspp.
Lowenstein-Jensen or Middlebrook media
is the media of choice for susceptibility testing of most common bacteria isolated from fish.
should be available for bench-top staining of granulomatous material which, when positive, is strongly suggestive ofMycobacterium
An acid-fast stain
If fish are seen spinning or showing other behavioral indications of neurologic disease before death,___ are indicated
brain cultures
If viral disease is suspected
appropriate tissues may be collected.
tissues placed in reagent ethanol and frozen tissues.
Therapy for pet and ornamental fish is often based ______
on environmental management followed by the use of targeted therapy to control specific pathogens
Use of prophylactic medication in the absence of diagnostic testing is strongly discouraged and may contribute to resistant bacterial infection and other complications.
several routes of administration of Drug therapy
exposure by bath (adding medication to water),- most useful for external infections
*medicated feed,
injection- appropriate for internal infections.
*topical -most useful for external infections
is an effective binder for use with pelleted or flake foods for ornamental fish.
Cooking oil spray
how to To administer IC injections
head downward in dorsal recumbency to move internal organs away from the injection site, which should be anterior to the anus, just off the ventral midline.
IM injections are given in the
epaxial muscles, lateral to the dorsal fin.
Injection of some drugs can cause muscle necrosis, so it is important to alternate injection sites and to limit injections to every 3 days unless required more often.
Sunburn can occur in surface-swimming fish or can be induced (even in bottom-dwelling species) by feeding photodynamic drugs such as ____
phenothiazine, although ultraviolet light penetrates water poorly.
mechanism being developed by the FDA to allow for legal use of nonapproved drugs in ornamental fish.
Common antibiotics used in pet or ornamental fish include;
potentiated sulfa drugs, and
enrofloxacin (in koi and exhibit fish)
is not FDA approved for use in fish but is an excellent antibiotic for fish infected with gram-positive bacteria, particularlyStreptococcus.
Erythromycin dose
100 mg/kg/day, for 14 days
*management of bacterial kidney disease of salmonids and streptococcal infections in food and nonfood species.
has some efficacy when delivered in a bath.
*chelated by hard water and is therefore ineffective in marine systems. *Nephrotoxicity is a concern in fish treated with aminoglycosides.
Oxytetracycline (100–400 mg/L for 1 hr, daily for 10 days)
used as a bath at 2.5–5 mg/L for 5 hr, daily for 7 days.
Water changes are recommended after the 5-hr contact time, and the drug may be chelated by hard water.
used as a bath treatment at dosages of 50–100 mg/L for 5 hr, repeated every 3 days for three treatments
with water changes recommended after the 5-hr contact time
erythromycin dose
10mg/kg im 3days
gram +