1. Flashcards
What is the strongest part of a flexor tendon
the middle portion due to greater cross linkages
AND the dorsal surface at champers chiasm
What is endotendon?
this binds the tendon fascicles together
What is epitenon?
this is the synovial membrane that surrounds the tendon and produces synovial fluid
What is the effect of immobilisation on a tendon?
reduced strength and elasticity
What is the effect of exercise on a tendon?
increased collagen production, increase strength
What are the limits to tendon excursion (intrinsic and extrinsic)?
intrinsic: how much the muscle can be shortened
reduced with contractures, adhesions
increased with exercises, stretching
What is the average tendon excursion of FDP?
What is the average tendon excursion of FDS?
What is the effect of pulleys on movement?
they sacrifice force for efficiency
pulleys reduce bowstringing for efficiency but they also reduce force across the joint
What are the flexor muscles in each layer?
Deep - PQ, FDP, FPL (ready to punch)
Middle - FDS
Superficial - PT, FCR, PL, FCU (pass, fail, pas, fail)
What is campers chiasm?
provides blood supply to the FDP via vincula
What is the effect of gapping of a tendon repair?
gapping of only 2-3mm can increase the resistance to tendon gliding, the tendon can be more likely to catch on the pulley edges. this increases risk of rupture