1-5. Introduction to Life Insurance and Annuities Flashcards
- The benefit under a joint and survivor death benefit option is generally smaller than under a life-only option.
- The benefit under a joint and survivor death benefit option is generally smaller than under a life-only option.
- Unusual expenditures made by family members after a client’s death often are referred to as adjustment funds.
- Unusual expenditures made by family members after a client’s death often are referred to as adjustment funds.
- Death benefit proceeds from life insurance policies are generally taxable as regular income.
- Death benefit proceeds from life insurance policies are generally taxable as regular income.
Rationale: Death benefits from life insurance policies are generally received income tax free.
- Dividends received from participating life insurance policies are usually paid when the insurer earns more than 8% on invested policy reserves.
- Dividends received from participating life insurance policies are usually paid when the insurer earns more than 8% on invested policy reserves.
Rationale: Insurers normally base dividends on a part of earnings over a very conservative interest rate, such as 3.5% per year.
- Annually renewable term (ART) insurance usually has a very low premium.
- Annually renewable term (ART) insurance usually has a very low premium.
- Although approximately one-third of all insurance policies sold are term, only about 5% of death claims are paid from term insurance policies.
- Although approximately one-third of all insurance policies sold are term, only about 5% of death claims are paid from term insurance policies.
- One distinction between universal life (UL) policies and other permanent life policies is that UL policy elements are unbundled.
- One distinction between universal life (UL) policies and other permanent life policies is that UL policy elements are unbundled.
- Interest rates credited to current premiums on UL policies are nearly always the same as rates credited to past premiums.
- Interest rates credited to current premiums on UL policies are nearly always the same as rates credited to past premiums.
Rationale: It is often the case that older premiums are credited at different rates than newer premiums. The combined rate received from older and newer rates is
referred to as the blended rate.
- Surrender charges normally increase the longer the policyholder holds an insurance contract.
- Surrender charges normally increase the longer the policyholder holds an insurance contract.
Rationale: Surrender charges decrease the longer a contract is held. Most surrender charges have durations from 5–15 years, and they gradually decrease over those time spans.
- UL policy returns react faster than whole life policy returns when interest rates change.
- UL policy returns react faster than whole life policy returns when interest rates change.
- Variable universal life (VUL) policies require the policyholder to bear the risk of the underlying investment.
True 11.
Variable universal life (VUL) policies require the policyholder to bear the risk of the underlying investment.
- The death benefit guarantee period in an adjustable life policy cannot change once the policy is issued.
- The death benefit guarantee period in an adjustable life policy cannot change once the policy is issued.
Rationale: The death benefit guarantee period, cash value, and premium are all changeable in adjustable life policies.
- Joint life policies cover more than one life.
- Joint life policies cover more than one life.
- Employer-paid premiums on group life insurance policies are taxable as income to employees.
- Employer-paid premiums on group life insurance policies are taxable as income to employees.
Rationale: Premiums paid for up to $50,000 of group life insurance are excluded from employees’ income. Employerpaid premiums for amounts over $50,000 must be included as income to employees.
- The primary loads of life insurance products are mortality costs and acquisition and administration expenses.
- The primary loads of life insurance products are mortality costs and acquisition and administration expenses.
- Low-load life insurance features include lower premiums and lower cash surrender values.
- Low-load life insurance features include lower premiums and lower cash surrender values.
Rationale: Although low-load policies do require lower premiums, they feature high immediate cash surrender values. When short premium payment periods are chosen, typical cash surrender values may be 80% to 100% of the first-year premiums.
- For a life insurance claim to be filed, all that is required is a copy of the death certificate and a claim form signed by the beneficiary.
- For a life insurance claim to be filed, all that is required is a copy of the death certificate and a claim form signed by the
- A revocable beneficiary designation ensures that the beneficiary cannot be changed without written permission.
- A revocable beneficiary designation ensures that the beneficiary cannot be changed without written permission.
Rationale: Revocable beneficiary designations can be changed by the policyholder at will. Beneficiary
designations that require written permission for changes are termed irrevocable.
- Lump-sum distributions are the most popular method of settlement option.
- Lump-sum distributions are the most popular method of settlement option.
- The most common nonforfeiture option is reduced paid-up insurance.
- The most common nonforfeiture option is reduced paid-up insurance.
Rationale: The most common nonforfeiture option is cash. Other common options are reduced paid-up insurance and extended term insurance.
- Under the “installments for a fixed period” settlement option, the beneficiary specifies an amount of desired income, and the insurer determines how long the payments will last.
- Under the “installments for a fixed period” settlement option, the beneficiary specifies an amount of desired income, and the insurer determines how long the payments will last.
Rationale: When a beneficiary specifies a certain amount of income, he or she has elected the “installment of a fixed amount” settlement option. In the “installment for a fixed period option,” the beneficiary specifies the period of time over which payments are to be received.
- The life income with refund settlement option guarantees only that payments will last throughout the beneficiary’s life.
- The life income with refund settlement option guarantees only that payments will last throughout the beneficiary’s life.
Rationale: The life income with refund settlement also guarantees a refund if the beneficiary dies without having at least received the death benefit principal.
- A person who elects the reduced premium dividend option will receive a check whenever there is a policy surplus.
- A person who elects the reduced premium dividend option will receive a check whenever there is a policy surplus.
Rationale: The reduced premium dividend option will result in the subsequent premium being reduced by the amount of the dividend credited.
- Under the provisions of a disability waiver of premium rider, the policyowner will not be required to repay any premiums waived due to a qualifying disability.
- Under the provisions of a disability waiver of premium rider, the policyowner will not be required to repay any premiums waived due to a qualifying disability.