1-5 Anatomy of the Abdominal Wall & Inguinal Region part II Flashcards
Inguinal ligament – inferior rolled-under border of the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis extending from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle.
How does it attach to the fascia lata? What does it participate with to form the floor of the inguinal canal?
It forms a “shelving border” which attaches to the fascia lata of the thigh and, with the iliopubic tract of transversalis fascia, participates in forming the floor of the inguinal canal.
What do the inguinal ligament and iliopubic tract form together? What does it span and contain?
Together the inguinal ligament and iliopubic tract form a “flexor retinaculum” which spans the subinguinal space containing the iliopsoas, pectineus, and the femoral sheath and its contents.
Superficial inguinal ring – medial opening of the inguinal canal through the inguinal ligament.
What passes through this?
Triangular in shape, its apex is directed laterally toward the ASIS, while its base is located at the pubic crest. Superior and inferior margins are referred to as?
Males - spermatic cord passes through
females - round ligament of the uterus
… crura.
What forms the lateral (inferior) crus? What does it attach to?
formed by the thick portion of the inguinal ligament which attaches to the pubic tubercle.
What forms the medial (superior) crus?
formed by the portion of the inguinal ligament which attaches to the pubic symphysis. It is thinner than its lateral counterpart
How are the intercrural fibers oriented? What do they do?
reinforcing fibers located perpendicular to the crura lateral to the superficial inguinal ring.
medial rolled-under portion of the inguinal ligament which, after being crossed by the spermatic cord, attaches to the pectineal line lateral to the pubic tubercle.
Lacunar Ligament
What does the continuation of the lacunar ligament laterally along the pectineal line of the superior ramus of the pubic bone form?
Why is this important?
the pectineal ligament
(Important as an anchoring point for sutures during inguinal hernia repair)
Reflected inguinal ligament – fibers continued from the pubic tubercle medially and superiorly toward the linea alba which intersect with the…
contralateral external oblique aponeurosis
outermost fascial layer of the spermatic cord derived from the external abdominal oblique aponeurotic layer
External spermatic fascia
the most medial and inferior common fused aponeuroses of the internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. The fibers of these two muscles arch from the inguinal ligament where they originate to the pubis where they terminate immediately deep to the superficial inguinal ring.
Conjoined tendon
The fusion of the internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis muscle layers helps do what?
strengthen a potentially week area of the anterior abdominal wall.
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Anterior wall
Posterior wall
a. Floor: inguinal ligament and iliopubic tract of transversalis fascia
b. Anterior wall: external oblique aponeurosis with lowest fibers of internal oblique
c. Roof: arching fibers of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis which originate from the inguinal ligament and attach medially to the superior pubic ramus
d. Posterior wall: transveralis fascia laterally; conjoined tendon medially
The lowest fibers of the internal oblique muscle arise from the inguinal ligament lateral and anterior of the deep inguinal ring. They arch over the canal and insert with the fibers of the transversus abdominis as the _________________ posterior to the superficial ring. The internal oblique therefore participates in forming a portion of the…
conjoined tendon
anterior wall, roof, and a portion of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal.
What is the entrance to the inguinal canal? What is this an evagination of?
ENTRANCE to the inguinal canal is via the deep inguinal ring which is an evagination of transversalis fascia through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal at the approximate mid-point of the inguinal ligament.
What forms the exit of the inguinal canal?
EXIT of the inguinal canal is via the superficial inguinal ring
In men and women, what are the contents of the inguinal canal?
Male: spermatic cord, ilioinguinal n., genital branch of the genitofemoral n.
b. Female: round ligament of the uterus, artery and vein of the round ligament, ilioinguinal n.