1-5 Flashcards
Why use photography
- legal documentation—court or for treatment progress/outcomes
- communication—patient education/ dental labs
1-Implied Consent
2-Express Consent
3-Informed Consent
1-sufficient when getting information to provide healthcare w/in circle of care—describing oral lesion
2-be obtained when you share personal info for purposes other than health care–presentations
3-to take and use photos
- verbally- w/ note in chart—is fine if its for documentation for patients treatment only
- signature—when for purposes besides personal health
HIPAA & Photography
- eyes are blocked out
- Pixellating, but if patient is identifiable then must block out or try something else
- Patients can revoke consent
When Documenting make sure…
- clean mirrors
- no fog
- saliva free area
- position patient, retractors, and mirrors properly
- dont alter the photo
Front Surface Mirrors
- avoids double image
- reflective surface is at surface
- non front= reflective surface is beneath glass

left- full arch
middle- wide buccal
right- narrow buccal
1-Retractor Cleaning
2- Mirror Cleaning
2-wiped w/ soap, dry w/ towel, wrap in towel, autoclave…no sterilization solutions
1-Relxed Facial Image
1-inter pupillary line/incisal plane
2-center of frame is approximately 1 cm anterior to tragus
-Front Maximum Intercuspation
- unilateral retractors
- photograph behind patient
- photos = inverted
Front Maximum Intercuspation
- Bilateral retractors
- photographer is in front of patient
1- Maxillary Arch
2- Mandibular Arch
1-photographer behind patient w/ bilateral retractors
2-tongue is position in back of the mirror, photographer is in front w/ bilateral retractors
L & R Lateral in occlusion
-photographer on contra lateral side of quadrant, focus in mirror…use a bilateral but uni retractor is preferred
Patient Record
- recall what has happened
- work out dispute
- look for potential pitfalls
- everyone on same page
Adv of electronic health records
- legible
- customized views
- quality/convenient
- patient participation
- accuracy of diagnoses
- care coordination
- cost saving
- quick retrieval
-organized + less paper
Disadv of Health Record
- significant start up costs
- less patient time
- little compatibility of different systems
Disadv to checkbox history
- patients might not understand questions
- patient goes through it too quick
- dentist may look for positive response and thats it
- no in depthness
Patient Assessment
- History
- Clinical Exam
- Radiology
- Assessment/DX
- Treatment Plan
- Treatment
- Prescription
Vital Signs
- measures statistics to assess body functions
- temperature, pulse, BP, and resp rate
- gives a baseline
Treating Minors
-minor = anyone under 18 exceptions= minor is pregnant, is married, emancipated, is an emergency
study of health and disease states in population
- heredity
- behavior
- physical
- social
3- Index
4-Caries / Wars
1- # of individuals w/ disease in population at specific point of time
2- #of individuals in pop who experience new disease during specific period of time
3-standard of rating a disease on scale w/ upper and lower limits
4- = rejection from service: 1914 + 1939
DMF Index
D= decayed M= missed
F= filled DMFT= denotes decay, mising, filled teeth DMFS= denotes decay, missing, filled surface
Contributing Factors to Caries
- tooth
- bacteria in biofilm
- time
Bacterial Infection
- unerupted teeth dont develop from caries
- Strep Mutan and Lactobacilli