1-28 Flashcards
The ease of obtaining the tools needed to publish content on various media platforms
A web browser of client application that collects or aggregates syndicated Web content into a single location so that users can easily view the content
An important programming methodology used to build Web 2.0 sites
Amplification rate
The number of shares per post on a social media channel
Applause Rate
The number of likes per post on a social media channel
A simulation of the user, an actual picture of the user, or another image, such as an animal or cartoon, that represents the user
A collection of entries posted on a Web site displayed in reverse chronological order (from newest to oldest series)
Someone who creates and upload original content on a social media service
Conversation Rate
The number of comments per post on a social media channel
A web page made up of a collection of panels that present different information
How many places a particular piece of content is made available
The potential audience on social media
A virtual world free online but additional content or features can be purchased to customize the users environment
The number of times within a certain period that a particular item is published in the media
A particular type of metadata tag that is used quite often on social media sites to help organize and find content