1-2 Flashcards
What does ADN stand for?
Acide désoxyribonucléique
What’s the shape of chromosomes?
x shape
How many different chomosomes are there?
46 total, 23 pairs
How many chromatides are there?
Chromasome pairs are classified by what other than genetic material?
Why are most chromatide pairs “the same?”
Because all chromatides (other than sexual ones) have the same genetic material (one from mother, one from father) and are even roughly the same size.
What’s the difference between genetic chromosomes and most others?
Others have the exact same genetic material (ADN), while the two genetic chromatides have different genetic material.
Where are the two chromatides connected together to form a chomosome?
The centromère
Why are chromosomes in paires?
One is from the mom and one is from the dad, and they kinda merged together to be the same but also seperate.
A list of the appearance of all the chromosomes of a species, including their sizes, numbers, and shapes.
Obviously differs from species to species.
What is the # of chromosomes in a species based off of?
Nothing at all.
Breifly describe the chemical structure of a nucléotide.
Sugar on the outside, connected to phosphate, which is connected to the base azoté.
What is a nucléotide?
Half of a ‘rung’ of the ladder of ADN
A,T,C,G are all examples of a base _____
base azoté
When are chromosomes present in a cell?
When it is preparing to duplicate.
A only connects to
C only connects to
T only connects to
G only connects to
Where are chromosomes present in procaryotes?
The cytoplasme.
Breifly describe how genes are chosen from a strand of DNA
Take half of a DNA, make groups of 3 letters (codon), make sentences from those groups.
What are genes for?
They get copyed as RNAm to get decoded in ribosomes.
What are codons and what are their purpose?
They are 3 letter words pulled from one half of the ADN and are each assigned one animo acid.
Ribosomes decode these codons one by one and link the proper animo acid in a polypetide chain.
How many acides animés are there that codons are assigned to?
How many codons in total?
How is ARNm made?
Enzymes TRANSCRIBE or COPY a gene into a strand of RNAm.
What is Thymine repalced with in RNA?
What helps the ribosome make a chaine polypeptidique?
Transfer RNA. (RNAt)
How does transfer RNA work?
They have base azoté in their stucture that link up with the base azoté in the RNA in the ribosome. This checks if it is a specific codon. The RNAt then expells an animo acid which links up into the chaine polypeptidique.
What is a stop codon?
It stops the ribosome (or tRNAs) decoding the RNA and lets the polypeptidique chain go.
A list of the appearance of all the chromosomes of a species, including their sizes, numbers, and shapes.