1 Flashcards
- industrial revolution
- green revolution
- large scale productiona and services
- urban consumer society
- pollution, land clears
- large scale productiona and services
- mechanised agriculture -> boosted food production
- fertilizers, pesticides
- resource use and waste rocketed
- mechanised agriculture -> boosted food production
Gaia hypothesis
Living and dead organisms, as well as inorganic material form constantly moving system that makes up the biosphere. Earth is like a huge self-regulating organism.
model, advantages and disadvatages
simplified version of reality that helps to understand how systems work
+ easier to understand
+ allows to predict the outcome
+ we can observe connections and processes
- loss of accuracy
- mistakes will result in false predictions
systems approach
types of systems
systems approach - visualizing complex sets of interactions to help us study complex environmental issues
types of systems
- open - matter and energy exchanged
- closed - energy exchanged, matter not
- isolated - neither matter, nor energy exchanged
Earth as a system
geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere
All systems are interconnected, change in one will affect others
trnasfer vs transformation (states of matter)
- transfer - no change in chemical form or state of matter
- transformation - change in chemical form or in a state of matter
gas -condensation-> liquid -evaporation-> gas
liquid -solidification-> solid -melting-> liquid
solid -sublimation-> gas -deposition-> solid
EVS - what influences it, types
culture, politics, past, upbringing, society
- ecocentric - humanity is dependent on nature and ecology, less materialistic life approach -> campains, education, restorations, protection
- anthropocentric - humans must sustainably manage systems, we can always keep the economy growing -> legislations, bans,
- technocentric - technological development provides solutions to environmental issues, unlimited resources, pro growth -> inventions (skibidi)
1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics
- Total energy of a system remains constant, even if it changes forms.
- Entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time.
energy - types and flow in environment
ordered form - usefull, solar, chemical, potential
heat - useless, disperesed in space
- energy conversions are never 100% efficient
- when work is done, some energy is lost as waste heat (about 90%)
- dynamic - in open systems, continous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, but the whole system remains in constant state - negative feedback
- static - in non living systems, no change over time, after disturbance it will adapt to new equilibrium - positive feedback
feedback loops
- negative - output reverses the process in such way to reduce change - stabilizes, neutralizes deviations from equilibrium
- positive - will amplify changes until new equilibrium is adopted
ability to return to original state after disturbance
- more diverse and complex - > more resiliant
ability to withstand a disturbance
- high complexity -> more stable - better withstands stress, alternative solutions are available
edge effect
edge effect - changes in population structures that occur at boundary of habitats
sustainable development
use of resources that allows natural replacement and full recovery of ecosystem
sustainable development meets needs of the present without ocmpromising the ability of future generations to do so