1 Flashcards
it is something from which everything begins with. it is also called the primordial stuff
the arche is air, something observable and can be felt
the arche must be FIRE
the arche is WATER
the arche must be something that is precise thus everything must be constituted by numbers
the arche is not just fire, but the WAFE
everything must be constituted by tiny particles called atoms
everything is created because of the municipality of elements
is also defined as the science that by natural light of reason studies the first causes or highest principles of all things
- it is an organized body of knowledge
- it is systematic
- it follows certain steps or employs certain procedure
it uses a philosopher’s natural capacity to think or human reason or the so-called unaided reason
Natural Light of Reason
- it makes philosophy distinct from other sciences because it is no one dimension or partial
- a philosopher does not limit himself to a particular object of inquiry
Study of All Things
whatever is; whatever is not is not. Everything is its own being, and not being is not being
Principle of Identity
it is impossible for a thing to be and not to be at the same thing
Principle of Non-Contradiction
a thing is either is or is not; between being and not being there is no middle ground possible
Principle of Excluded Middle